Concert market chaos investigation: scalpers are raging, the market is warming up, and the audience is cold

  On the morning of the 26th, it was revealed that the audience shouted refund for the #WubaiHefei concert. According to Nine Pai News Video, on November 24th in Hefei, Anhui Province, before the performance of the Wubai concert, many audience shouted "refund" because of unreasonable seating arrangements, which attracted widespread attention. On the 25th, an audience member said that he bought a VIP area of 1,280 yuan and was assigned to the V6 area. "The stage is recessed, and two large screens are added on each side. We can only see half of the stage on both sides of V5 and V6. The band behind us is basically invisible, and people can’t see it. The big screen looked up. Many fans said that they went to massage after watching it." It claims that the organizers did not inform them in advance of the risk of being blocked from view in zones V5 and V6.

  Wubai concert scene. Video screenshot

  This is not the first concert this year that has caused complaints because of the obstruction of the viewing location. Before this, the "pillar ticket" of Liang Jingru’s concert in Shanghai also attracted public attention. According to the upstream news, with the explosive recovery of the concert market this year, the old problems such as high-priced tickets, scalper tickets, and "pillar" tickets continue to appear, and with the "sinking market" of concerts, some chaos in concerts held in third- and fourth-tier cities has begun to appear.

  The performance market will explode in 2023

  According to statistics, the total box office of national commercial performances in the first half of 2023 increased by nearly seven times year-on-year, according to Beijing Youth Daily. According to data released by the China Performance Industry Association, the total number of national commercial performances in the first half of 2023 was 193,300, with a total box office of 16.793 billion yuan, an increase of 673.5% year-on-year. Recovery and growth have become the core keywords of the offline performance market. According to Crowley’s report data on the economic development of offline music performances in 2023, from February to March this year, the number of daily active users of increased by 74% compared with the same period in 2019, 4 times more than the same period in 2022, setting a five-year high. During the same period, Barley sold 47,000 performances, which was 3 times that of 2019. The platform box office scale and ticket purchases increased by 127% and 87% respectively compared with the same period in 2019. The box office of offline music performances increased significantly.

  According to media reports, the opening ceremony of the 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival Performance Fair and the 28th Yangtze River Delta Performance Fair, Liu Kezhi, president of the China Performance Industry Association, shared relevant data in his opening speech: In the first three quarters of 2023, the number of commercial performances (excluding entertainment venues) reached 342,400, an increase of 278.76% year-on-year; the box office revenue reached 31.54 billion yuan, an increase of 453.74% year-on-year; unique viewers 100 million 11.05 million, an increase of 532.6% year-on-year, showing the huge market vitality of the national performance industry. However, with the recovery of the performance market, the important segments of the concert market, such as high-priced tickets, scalper tickets, and "pillar" tickets, continued to emerge. With the "sinking market" of concerts, some of the concerts held in third- and fourth-tier cities began to show some chaos.

  Big concertIt’s hard to get a ticket "the goods are not on the right board"

  According to Jiupai News, after more than a month of warm-up, on the evening of July 21, the TFBOYS "Ten-Year Covenant" concert was officially announced. In the afternoon of the same day, the entry "TFBOYS Official Expo Online" was already on Weibo’s trending topic list. Shortly after the official announcement of the concert, the first row of tickets was marked to 200,000 by "scalpers", and the second and third rows were also 150,000 yuan each.

  According to a number of "scalpers", compared with the sky-high price invitation letter, the auction is the most cost-effective way to buy TFBOYS concert tickets. According to the auction fee table of a "scalper", a ticket with the highest price of 2013 yuan for a TFBOYS concert costs more than 7,000 yuan, while a ticket with a face value of 806 yuan costs more than 3,000 yuan. On the eve of the ticket grab, many scalpers made it clear that the order has been saturated and stopped taking orders. "After tonight, I can’t accept the 10,000 generation grab fee, and the pit space is limited." According to reports, a "scalper" group composed of several hundred college students received more than 50 orders, and it cost 3,000 yuan to find a programmer to write a ticket grab program to prepare a machine and manual dual channel to grab tickets. Some scalpers even recruited temporary part-time shooters due to insufficient demand. If the 2013 yuan ticket price is successfully grabbed, there will be a commission of 3,500 yuan, with an average of 4-5 people grabbing a ticket.

  Concert ticket purchase page. Network screenshot

  And similar to the situation of the Wu Bai concert, according to the previous news Knews news, some audience reported that they spent thousands of yuan to buy tickets for Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert, but after arriving, they found that their vision was blocked by the pillars around the stage, and watching the singer became a pillar.

  According to reports, footage taken by Ms. Zhang, a Shanghai resident, at her concert on May 20 showed that she bought a ticket worth 1,299 yuan on the second-floor grandstand, and the pillar directly in front of the seat happened to block the singer. Coincidentally, Mr. Liu, who bought a ticket of 999 yuan, also encountered a similar situation. On the Internet, the topic of the two Liang Jingru concerts in Shanghai blocking the line of sight caused heated discussions, and hundreds of consumers who had the same experience launched rights protection. According to reports, Damai has communicated the matter with the project organizers; the concert organizer, Shanghai Rubik’s Cube Pan Culture Performing Arts Co., Ltd., said that during the ticketing stage, they did not know that there would be four pillars in the stage design; Xuhui District Consumer Protection Commission has intervened and interviewed the company, and will urge the formulation of a solution in the future.

  According to Red Star News, on November 15, the lawsuit related to the "pillar ticket" of Liang Jingru’s concert in Shanghai was heard in the Meilong Court of the People’s Court of Minhang District, Shanghai. A total of 9 spectators filed a lawsuit against the concert organizer, Shanghai Rubik’s Cube Pan-Culture Performing Arts Co., Ltd. The court combined the nine lawsuits and has not yet pronounced a verdict. According to reports, on the issue of concert disputes, the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission has counted that since 2023, concerts have become a new hotspot of consumption, resulting in an increase in concert-related complaints. The Municipal Consumer Protection Commission has accepted more than 7,000 concert-related consumer complaints, including group complaints caused by obstruction of consumers’ seat views. Due to the difficulty in reaching a consensus between operators and consumers on the consequences of damage and liability for compensation, complaints about the occlusion of the concert line of sight are frequent and highly concentrated.

  Liang Jingru concert scene. Video screenshot

  As if it was a response to Liang Jingru’s concert "pillar ticket", according to the Yangzi Evening News Network, after the official announcement of Jay Chou’s 2023 Carnival World Tour Concert Hohhot Station, a "Special Ticket Announcement" appeared in the official ticketing channel Cat’s Eye Ticketing. On August 14, the organizer of this concert, Shanxi Xingtai Guangying Culture and Entertainment Co., Ltd. issued an announcement, saying that it would meet the needs of the majority of fans, so that more fans could experience the joyous atmosphere of the "Jay Chou Carnival Concert" Hohhot station on the spot, and reduce congestion outside the concert venue. After coordination and striving with all parties, the organizer will sell seats with special discounts due to poor visibility in the area blocked by the sound console. The organizers also stated in the announcement that the seats in this area are blocked to varying degrees, and it is impossible to fully see the whole stage. A large screen is set up behind the sound console for the audience to watch, and the special tickets will not be refunded or exchanged after purchase. What caused the audience’s heated discussion was that although it is a blocked ticket, it is also divided into three gears, which are divided into 600 yuan, 500 yuan and 300 yuan. "I never expected that this will be divided into gears?" Some fans complained.

  How to protect the rights of "pillar ticket" and "wall ticket"

  Zhang Ming, a lawyer and partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said in an interview with China News Agency that Article 8 and Article 9 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law stipulate that consumers have the right to know and the right to choose goods or services independently. Viewers have the right to know the true situation of the services available for the selected seat when purchasing tickets. If the ticket seller and the organizer do not distinguish the seats whose line of sight is blocked in advance by marking and reducing the price, consumers can exercise reasonable rights protection based on the Consumer Rights Protection Law.

  However, Zhang Ming also admits that the current cost of protecting fans’ rights is too high. Although the price of concert tickets may be as high as thousands of yuan, from the perspective of litigation, the amount is still very small. Litigation itself usually requires the appointment of lawyers, and it also requires a long cycle and high cost. Therefore, few people choose to go to the court to safeguard rights litigation. Generally, they can only choose to negotiate, seek help from consumer rights protection organizations, or complain to administrative supervision departments.

  Fu Jian, director of Henan Zejin Law Firm, believes that enjoying a complete audio-visual experience is the main right of concert ticket buyers and the main obligation of the organizers. Due to the failure of live performance equipment, the audience cannot hear the sound, or the performance cannot be seen due to occlusion, etc., the services provided by the organizers are defective, and consumers can ask the organizers to refund the tickets or refund part of the fees.

  According to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, if the goods or services provided by the operator do not meet the quality requirements, consumers can return the goods in accordance with national regulations and the parties’ agreement, or require the operator to perform obligations such as replacement and repair, Fu Jian said. Consumers can communicate with the organizer to request compensation or refund. If the two parties cannot reach an agreement, they can report the complaint to the market supervision department or consumer association, or sue the court to claim their legitimate rights and interests.

  In response to the provision that concert tickets are generally sold without refund, Fu Jian believes that the concert ticket purchase agreement belongs to the format clause, and the non-return and exchange once sold excludes the main rights of consumers. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the format clause that excludes the main rights of the other party is invalid, and the concert tickets in the Interim Measures for the Return of Goods Purchased Online in Seven Days without Reason are not non-refundable goods. The platform unilaterally restricts the rights and interests of consumers to return and exchange tickets, which is a situation that aggravates the responsibility of the other party, and it is likely to be found to be invalid. However, considering that concerts have a certain timeliness, and the refund of tickets for upcoming performances is likely to affect secondary sales, it is reasonable to make restrictive provisions on refund.

  The China Consumers Association also suggested that relevant performance ticketing platforms and organizers should consider how to better protect consumers’ rights and interests and improve consumer experience from the perspective of promoting the release of consumption potential, and reasonably formulate ticket return and exchange rules based on the principle of fairness and publicize them to consumers to ensure that consumers are fully informed and actively confirmed before purchasing tickets. If "no return, no exchange" tickets are launched, refundable tickets should be launched at the same time, and reasonable prices should be set for consumers to choose and arm’s length transaction.

  On September 13, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Activities and Promoting the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market". It requires that performance organizers should establish a ticket refund mechanism for large-scale performance activities, set a reasonable level of ticket refund fees, and ensure the legitimate refund rights of ticket buyers.

  A little more news:

  The "sinking" concert market is full of slots

  According to the China Performance Industry Association’s "National Performance Market Brief for the First Half of 2023", music performances in third- and fourth-tier cities will increase in 2023, and performance cities will extend from first- and second-tier cities to third- and fourth-tier cities. In this regard, People magazine interviewed five young people who watched concerts in their hometowns, and upstream news sorted out some of the characteristics displayed.

  Handan: The stars converge like a rural stage

  The interviewee, Ms. Wang, said that in June, Handan held another concert. The title seller of the concert was a well-known wine company in Handan. "This concert also gave away a lot of tickets. The school teachers will send it out, the surrounding residents will send it out, the wine will be sent out, and the developers will also send it out. I feel like I can’t wait for half of Handan City to go."

  Music festival scene. People magazine

  According to his introduction, maybe because of the gathering of stars, four hosts were arranged to join the show, "But I think this host is also strange. There are one and the other to make everyone shout slogans and advertising words, and the interaction is very embarrassing, a bit like that kind of rural stage."

  Maoming: Pour Coke in a Coke bottle and sell it for 15 yuan

  The interviewee, Mr. Li, said that he was more speechless about spending during the music festival. "Food and water are not allowed at this music festival, even umbrellas are not allowed. I brought an umbrella and it was taken away… The umbrellas sold in the booth are 50 yuan a piece." Mr. Li also said that when he was hungry, he and his colleagues went to buy beef instant noodles, even if the instant noodles were added with a few pieces of beef, it cost about 40 yuan. "I went to buy Coke, and the staff poured Coke directly from a large Coke bottle, added a few pieces of ice, and sold it to me for 15 yuan." In addition, at the end of the performance, Mr. Li and his friends drove away. When they arrived at the exit of the parking lot, they found a large area blocked. They scanned the code to pay the parking fee. As a result, the signal was very weak, and they could not pay the fee. There were no staff there to serve.

  Guigang: The sound quality is too poor, and the stars sing with difficulty.

  The interviewee, Ms. Luo, said that the only concert she saw this year was a star concert. She said that on the first day of the ticket release, she grabbed 388 yuan of tickets from the grandstand area. "It stands to reason that the tickets bought on the first day must be closer to the stage, but when we arrived at the venue, we were at the’top of the mountain ‘in the last row." Ms. Luo asked the people in front of the seat that they bought tickets only a week before the show started, which cost only 200 yuan, or locally. The infield is even more exaggerated, and the tickets of 1200 yuan can be bought for more than 500 yuan before the opening. "Although the venue is quite large, the stage is really too small, which I can tolerate. But the sound quality is really bad. The celebrities also sing very hard, and they feel a little unable to speak. "

  Nanping: Order and Chaos star performance is sloppy

  According to the interviewee, Ms. Zhang, the organizers of the concert did little publicity and did not have a guide sign. As the opening approached, people began to sit in the stadium one after another, but many people took free and discounted tickets. "The person next to me came after dinner, and he said that he drank some wine in the evening, and he still smelled of alcohol." Ms. Zhang said that the order was also a bit chaotic after the performance began. Some people left their seats and squeezed into the front row, and the security did not care. "My husband and I both felt that a certain star acted sloppily when singing, like completing a task. After singing, they left the stage without interacting."

  A city in Hebei: Sponsor "bottle" ads are played throughout the screen

  The interviewee, Ms. Zhang, introduced that after the opening of the "All Stars Concert", everyone began to shout "refund". When the first singer came out, everyone did not give face at all, and they were also shouting, "There were some artists singing in the middle of the journey. Obviously, they were frightened by this scene, and they did not interact much.

  Wine ads scrolled on the big screen. People magazine

  Ms. Zhang said that from the perspective of the scene, the lighting design is not very reasonable. People are sitting in the infield, and the lights are directly shining on people’s faces, which is very dazzling. "There are a few small screens on the stage, and four of them play animations of wine bottles throughout. When the artist sings, the’big wine bottle ‘is still rolling next to it, which is very eye-catching."

  Upstream news is comprehensive from "People" magazine, China-Singapore Jingwei, Jiupai News, Beijing Youth Daily, Kan News, etc

At 65 years old, Jackie Chan still doesn’t want to stop

  On the evening of July 21, the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week opened in Datong, Shanxi. Jackie Chan, the founder of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week and Xu Ke, the chairperson of the jury, led the jury to appear.

  Tsui Hark served as the chairperson of the jury

  After last year, Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has once again settled in Datong City, Shanxi Province, a famous historical and cultural city. The honorary selection section of the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week "Iron Man" attracted 152 films from 36 countries and regions around the world. After a rigorous and professional selection, ten outstanding films from four continents and seven countries, such as "Big" People "," Unparalleled "and" Tifa is in trouble ", stood out and were successfully shortlisted for the final" Iron Man "honorary selection unit." Big "People" appeared at the opening ceremony as the opening ceremony of the exhibition film. On behalf of the crew, the director 500 expressed their excitement for the film being shortlisted for the "Iron Man" honor.

  Each "Iron Man" honor will be selected from the 10 shortlisted films by the fifth Jackie Chan International Action Film Week jury. Tsui Hark will serve as the chairperson of the jury, and the Russian director Sergei Podlov, the New Zealand director Martin Campbell, the Canadian director Paul Haggis, the Japanese actor Katsuaki Kurata, the Thai director Prakia Pinkayo and the Chinese actor Xu Fan will be the judges.

  During the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, all the "Iron Man" honorary shortlisted films will be screened to the audience. In addition, this film week will also bring 4 action film screening units of "Dragon Tiger Martial Artist", "Action Master", "Asian New School Jianghu" and "Women Hero".

  Remember to "respect" the profession

  At the opening ceremony, Jackie Chan International Action Film Week’s promotional film "Original Heart" was released. Directed by director Ding Sheng, "Original Heart" is a moving 70-second video that condenses Jackie Chan’s 65-year legendary life into a subtle insight. Jackie Chan sighs in the film: "I am 65 years old, I don’t want to stop, I just want to look back occasionally."

  Jackie Chan admitted that although Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has gone through the difficult stage of its infancy, it is still a "child" at the age of 5, and the progress has been made thanks to the efforts of the staff and the support of peers, friends and fans. He said that the improvement of the scale and internationalization of the film week has made the review results more professional and credible, which can give due recognition to the colleagues who have worked hard in the field of action movies in the past year.

  At the scene, Jackie Chan also sent Zhu Yilong his autobiography "Old Before I Grow Up" and the new album "I’m Still Jackie Chan", and he also hoped to share his life experience with everyone.

  Implemented the "Ancient Great Wall Protection Plan" this year

  Jackie Chan is not only committed to promoting the development of Chinese action movies, but also actively participates in public welfare undertakings. During the 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week held in Datong last year, Chinese filmmakers launched a large-scale public welfare poverty alleviation project "Poverty Reduction Tough Battle – Starlight Action" under Jackie Chan’s advocacy, actively implemented the national poverty alleviation policy, and allowed Da Ai to enter poverty-stricken areas, bringing real help to the people in poverty-stricken areas.

  At the scene, Jackie Chan thanked all the "Starlight team members" for their achievements in the past year. Talking about the "poverty reduction battle – Starlight Operation", which has come to the second year, Jackie Chan said that this year’s "Starlight Operation" will be "Ancient Great Wall Protection Plan" as the theme.

  The 100-person volunteer team of the "Ancient Great Wall Protection Project" also appeared on the stage, and together with the guests on the stage, under the leadership of the flag bearer, Ms. Yuan Jianqin, the ten most beautiful Great Wall guardians in Shanxi Province and the executive vice president of the Datong Great Wall Society, carried out a solemn flag-raising ceremony. Jackie Chan also led all the volunteers to solemnly swear to the cause of ancient Great Wall protection, and the oath of "The Great Wall will never fall" resounded on the scene. In the countdown sound of the audience, the 2020 "poverty reduction battle – Starlight Operation" was officially launched.

  It is reported that the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week launched a series of activities from July 21 to 27. Text/Our reporter Xiao Yang

Inventory of taxi pricing methods in major cities around the world

On May 7, Beijing announced a taxi fare adjustment plan, including an increase in the starting price and the charging fee per kilometer of rental. After the new plan was announced, controversy ensued. So, how is the pricing in foreign metropolises and Hong Kong? Is the pricing method affected by other factors?

Looking at some big cities, although they will be priced by mileage, the total pricing method is different, and the whole set of pricing methods in each city is unique. Don’t believe it? Then you can read it down:

Big cities in the United States: Washington, DCThe head price must be added!

There are two types of price management in the United States, one is to set the highest rate and the lowest rate, and most places implement a fixed rate.

If you want to take a taxi in Washington, D.C., then for the first 0.2 kilometers, you need to pay a starting price of about 18.4 yuan(The local currency is converted into RMB, the same below)After that, for every additional 0.2 kilometers, an additional 1.67 yuan will be charged, and in case of traffic jams, an additional 153.6 yuan will be charged per hour.

There are additional conditions for taking a taxi in Washington. If it is a taxi, an additional 6.14 yuan can be charged for the second, third and fourth passengers, up to a maximum of 18.4 yuan. Baggage is charged an additional 3.1 yuan for each passenger space. If there is a snow day that makes the road slippery, an additional 92.2 yuan will be charged.

New York’s yellow taxis start at 15 yuan, including 0.2 miles, and charge an additional 2.4 yuan for every 0.2 miles thereafter; during peak hours (Monday to Friday from 4 to 8 pm), the surcharge is 6 yuan, and the parking and waiting hour is 144 yuan.

According to the American Taxi website, in the 26 largest cities in the United States, the most expensive for the first 5 miles (about 8 kilometers) is Boston, which costs about 100 yuan, and the cheapest are St. Louis and Chicago, which cost about 50 yuan and 53 yuan respectively.

New York Taxi

New York Taxi

Tokyo: What? You actually want to take a taxi? It’s expensive!

Taxi fares are notoriously expensive in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese people don’t usually take taxis until they have to. Basically, taxis start at 44 yuan, then 15.5 yuan per kilometer, and if calculated by the hour, you will be charged an additional 167.4 yuan for every hour of waiting. However, this is only the basic fare method. According to the data, passengers will pay different fares depending on the company where the taxi is located.

Tokyo Narita Airport to Tokyo City taxi fare is sometimes equivalent to a one-way ticket from Shanghai to Tokyo, and compatriots who come to Japan should not move their casual taxi habits in China. In addition to walking, here is basically a well-developed public transportation.

Tokyo Taxi

Tokyo Taxi

Hong Kong: Is it too expensive to take a taxi? Look at the color of the car!

There are three types of taxis in Hong Kong, namely "red", "green" and "blue". Of these, only the "red" can operate throughout the territory, and the other two can only operate in specific areas.

The starting fare for taxis in Hong Kong’s urban area is 15.8 yuan, and then an additional 0.8 yuan to 1.2 yuan per 200 meters will be charged depending on the length of the journey and the type of taxi color.

Hong Kong red taxi

Hong Kong red taxi

Hong Kong green taxi

Hong Kong green taxi

Hong Kong Blue Taxi

Hong Kong Blue Taxi

London: Long journey? It’s okay, I’ll just drive faster!

The London taxi fare is divided into three parts: time period, distance and time taken. The starting price is 22.8 yuan. On weekdays from 6am to 8pm, if it takes 6 to 13 minutes to cover the 1.6km distance, the minimum price must be 53.25 yuan, and the maximum price must be 83.7 yuan. But if it takes 10 to 20 minutes to cover the 3.2km distance, the price will not be stacked on a per-mile (per 1.6km) basis, but will be less than the per-mile stacking. The evening taxi fare will be higher.

London taxi pricing can be accurate to the extent planned in black and white, that is, regardless of how much time passengers actually spend on the road and how many miles they travel, according to the black and white tables in the regulations, they can check how much they should pay.

London Taxi

London Taxi

Paris: There is a minimum spend, and pets will be charged extra.

Taxi fares in Paris start at Rmb16 and are billed in two periods: during the day (7am-7pm) and at night (7pm-7am). During each period, passengers are charged in three ways: A, B and C, depending on the region in which they take the taxi.

The A price is the cheapest, suitable for driving in Paris during the day, and the fare is 4.8 yuan per kilometer; the B price is suitable for night time in Paris and during the day time in the suburbs of Paris, and the fare is 8 yuan per kilometer; the C price is the most expensive, suitable for night time in the suburbs and areas outside Greater Paris, and the fare is 12.8 yuan per kilometer. Each taxi has three small lights A, B and B on the top, which allows passengers to know the fare here and now.

In addition, there is a charging method based on time and speed: if the taxi speed is higher than the standard, the meter will be charged at 195 yuan per hour.

This is far from enough. In addition to the starting price and the mileage, taxi drivers can also charge extra for certain items, such as: at train stations, airports or places with special signs, you need to pay an additional 5.6 yuan; if there are more than 3 passengers, the 4th passenger needs to pay an additional 20 yuan; if there are pets, you need to pay an additional 4.8 yuan; if the passenger’s luggage exceeds 5kg, you need to pay an additional 7.20 yuan; if there are large items (such as sledges, bicycles, etc.), you need to pay an additional 7.20 yuan…

In addition, the most unaccustomed fee for foreign passengers is the "minimum consumption" of taxis. Although the starting price of taxis is 16 yuan, each taxi has a minimum consumption of 48 yuan.

Taxi pricing and living standards

There are many factors that determine the pricing standard of taxis in various cities, including government regulation, market demand and consumption index. If the consumption index of goods, restaurants, transportation, etc. in cities is used to measure the living standards of residents in various countries, then the cost of living in some Asian countries is even higher than that in European and American countries.

For example, among the countries and regions mentioned above, Japan has the highest consumer price index (CPI), reaching 115, the United Kingdom is 102, and the United States is 81. 77 in Hong Kong, China, and only 61 in mainland China.

(Integrated, China Transportation News Network, etc.)

Hu Ge responded to the rumors of clearing customs with Yang Mi that year: the story covered up the truth

??1905 movie network news On October 25, some netizens found that Yang Mi had re-focused on Hu Ge on Weibo, and Yang Mi publicly responded to the matter, saying that Hu Ge made him pay attention. On the evening of the 25th, Hu Ge also issued a response to the matter, saying that it is normal for friends to have contact.

??Hu Ge and Yang Mi were rumored to have fallen in love in the past due to their collaboration on "Xianjian 3", but neither of the parties admitted it. When Yang Mi got married, Hu Ge wrote a meaningful text, and then Yang Mi cancelled his attention to Hu Ge, and the two never met again. On October 25, some netizens said on Weibo that Yang Mi had re-focused on Hu Ge. That evening, Yang Mi responded to the matter when he attended the press conference: "He asked me to pay attention." He also said that the two had been in touch all the time. "All kinds of demonization of our relationship on the Internet. I invited him to our premiere in Beijing, and he said he couldn’t take leave. I said, can you send us a Weibo? He said you follow me first."

??On the evening of October 25, Hu Ge posted on Weibo: "Actually, it’s normal for friends to have contact. We’ve known each other for so long, and we’ve long been used to making jokes about each other. I didn’t expect this joke to stir up thousands of waves. Things are far less complicated than everyone thought. It’s just a simple person, pure friendship. It’s just that there are too many versions of the story, which completely covers up the truth!"

Changde cigarette factory: the publicity of law popularization has achieved remarkable results, and the awareness of the rule of law is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the wave of building a society ruled by law, Changde Cigarette Factory has always integrated the concept of rule by law into the blood of enterprise development and actively fulfilled its social responsibilities. On the one hand, centralized law popularization education is combined with daily law popularization. Make use of important time nodes, anniversaries and other events to carry out centralized publicity activities, pay attention to the subtle infiltration of daily publicity and education, and enable employees to learn and understand the law in a strong legal and cultural atmosphere. On the other hand, combine the publicity and education of the rule of law with the practice of the rule of law. Invite legal professionals to popularize the law, organize relevant professional legal knowledge training and education in a targeted manner, improve the rule of law literacy and management ability according to law, and make the rule of law publicity and education more widely rooted in daily work practice.

The picture shows the factory carrying out the "315" theme publicity activities.

On the 315th day of Consumer Rights Day, Changde Cigarette Factory set up a publicity point in Dahe Street, Changde, and set up an eye-catching consultation desk with eye-catching publicity banners, and the staff distributed exquisite brochures to the past citizens.

"Do you know how to distinguish between genuine and fake cigarettes?" A staff member smiled and asked Mr. Zhang a question.

"Well, I really don’t know." Mr. Zhang scratched his head and looked a little confused.

"Never mind, I’ll teach you." The staff picked up a box of cigarettes from the publicity platform and began to explain patiently. She introduced the dangers of fake and shoddy cigarettes and the skills of distinguishing and preventing fakes to Mr. Zhang in plain language through the on-site physical display and the sharing of real cases. Mr. Zhang listened with relish and nodded his approval from time to time.

On the National Safety Education Day, national safety education propaganda slogans and short films were circulated on the electronic screen of the factory, which attracted many employees to stop and watch. These short films convey the importance of national security to employees with vivid pictures and simple language, and make them deeply realize that maintaining national security is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen.

The key to the promotion of popularization of law lies in "people". In order to realize the transformation of popularization of law from "flood irrigation" to "precise drip irrigation", legal consultants were invited to participate in popularization of law. Professional lawyers respectively explained the background, significance, legal interpretation and legal application of new provisions of the Civil Code according to the business characteristics and compliance requirements of the factory. Focusing on the common contract-related legal risk points and countermeasures of state-owned enterprises, this paper expounds the methods and ways of risk control when enterprises carry out business, and explains in detail the legal risk points that should be paid attention to before, during and during the contract signing. It is highly targeted to improve the company’s ability and level of using the civil code to safeguard the rights and interests of state-owned assets, the interests of employees and resolve contradictions and disputes.

In the future, Changde Cigarette Factory will continue to strengthen the publicity of law popularization, constantly innovate the form and content of law popularization, and let the concept of rule of law take root in people’s hearts. (Text/Figure Changde Cigarette Factory Liu Kechi)

[Editor: Cai Donghai]

Fan Bingbing "kicked away" Yang Mi fell in love with Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan made a deep V appearance

Group photo of the main creator of "Second Exposure"

"Fan Ye" is getting more and more stylish

Huo Siyan deep V debut

  Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Zhang Wei) On October 9, Fan Bingbing and director Li Yu’s third collaboration on the new film "Second Exposure" held a press conference in Beijing. In addition to these two golden partners, Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan, and Kong Wei were also present to help out. Fan Bingbing praised Feng Shaofeng for being very attractive and a public enemy of men, but Feng Shaofeng was a little nervous when he first met Fan Ye, claiming that he "couldn’t let go" when filming emotional dramas.

"Public Enemy of Men" Feng Shaofeng

Feng Shaofeng, Fan Bingbing

Look, there are our real-world friends over there

Feng Shaofeng exposed Fan Ye’s power on the set, and he was nervous about filming emotional scenes

  Feng Shaofeng, who quickly became popular because of a travel drama "Palace", has already taken on a lot of movies, and his partner’s actress is not just Yang Mi. In the role of Overlord Xiang Yu, he plays with Liu Yifei, and when Feng Shaofeng sees Fan Bingbing, who has a strong aura, he is still taken aback. "I didn’t understand before, why should such a flowery girl be called Fan Ye? Later, when filming a scene, there was a crack in the middle of the reflector. If you don’t split it, you will wear it. Bingbing went up and’wow ‘and split it in half with her hands." Fan Bingbing explained that she was catching up at the time, and other methods were too troublesome, so she did it herself.

  Talking about the impression just met, Feng Shaofeng said that he was very nervous, "At the beginning, I was not familiar with Bingbing, and the audition was an emotional play, so I couldn’t let it go. Fortunately, Bingbing kept chatting with me and brought me into the play, and now we have a tacit understanding." And Fan Bingbing praised Feng Shaofeng as "the enemy of men", "he is a very considerate boy, and he will think of everyone in the crew."

Huo Siyan

Sexy Kong Wei

Feng Shaofeng tells the interesting story of "Fan Ye" on the set

The creators had a great conversation

Huo Siyan was drunk at the scene and "competed" with Feng Shaofeng in Fan Bingbing’s play

  Fan Bingbing and Li Yu collaborated on the previous film, which made Fan Ye take the title of after-the-film actress at the Tokyo International Film Festival. This time, Fan Bingbing said that she is no longer looking forward to the award, and she hopes that Feng Shaofeng can become the best actor with this film. Regarding "Double Exposure", Fan Bingbing said that the script is simply tailor-made for himself. "This is a role I have never played, and a Chinese film has never appeared. It is a very good thing to be able to play such a role as a Chinese actress. After reading the script at three in the morning, my back was sweaty, and I felt that everything this character said and did was describing myself."

  The title of "Double Exposure" is only tentative. The film has been publicly solicited before, and there are several candidate names. Fan Bingbing chose "Danfeng Eye", but unfortunately it was not selected, and he was still a little unwilling. The film tells the story of a childhood sweetheart but distant lovers by declassifying two suspicious murders. On that day, the creators refused to reveal too much about the plot. Huo Siyan said that she and Fan Bingbing played girlfriends, but they were also enemies and friends. Both had complex emotional entanglements with Feng Shaofeng. The film’s producer, Fang Li, also made a cameo appearance, having an affair with Kong Wei in the play. In addition, Chen Chong and Yao Anlian also joined the film.

Fan Bingbing: I seem to have seen "Bajie"

I will answer this question

Director Li Yu

  Fan Bingbing also revealed that Huo Siyan was drunk because of filming, "She drank too much that day, and she didn’t get up for three hours. If she wanted to start filming, she said she would give me a minute, and then she didn’t get up for an hour. In fact, we drank her, and I kept telling her to drink another sip, and she was really drunk." Huo Siyan was wearing a dark V dress and hat that day, which was very eye-catching.

Next page More wonderful pictures

How much is the Huawei P7? Huawei P7 price

How much is the Huawei P7?

  The current pre-sale price of Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan.

  Huawei P7 is available in three colors: black, white and pink. The global version is priced at 449 euros. The first batch will be sold in more than 30 countries and regions including the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France and Spain in May. So how much is the Huawei P7? The price of Huawei P7 is 2,888 yuan.

  In the Chinese market, Huawei P7 will launch mobile, China Unicom and telecom versions, and plans to start pre-sale simultaneously at 10:00 am on May 8, 2014 in Huawei Mall,, Tmall Huawei Flagship Store,, Gome Online, No. 1 Store, and Amazon. The current pre-sale price is 2888 yuan.

How much is the Huawei P7?

  In terms of configuration, Huawei P7 uses its own HiSilicon Kirin 910T 1.8GHz quad-core processor, 1.8GHz main frequency, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, and supports a maximum of 64GB memory expansion. 5.0-inch 1080P resolution IPS screen, using in-cell technology, the front and back bodies cover the third-generation Corning Gorilla Glass.

Huawei P7 price

  The price of the Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan.

  As Huawei’s key model this year, P7’s performance is remarkable: the continuation of the P6’s lightness and appearance style, the system is more smooth and user-friendly, and the performance has also been improved. 13 million + 8 million pixel camera is suitable for selfies and is also suitable for shooting others. In general, Huawei P7 has made no small improvement compared to the previous generation, and the performance in all aspects is also very balanced.

Huawei P7 price

  Huawei P7 has 13 million pixel rear + 8 million pixel front-facing camera, the main camera adopts F2.0 aperture, Sony 4th generation stack sensor. Based on Android 4.4.2 customized Emotion 2.3 operating system and 2500mAh capacity battery. Support 5-mode 10-band, support TD-LTE, TD-SCDMA, GSM, FDD-LTE, WCDMA (the latter two only support international roaming).

  Summary of the question of how much the Huawei P7 costs. The current pre-sale price of the Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan. Overall, while inheriting the exterior design outline of the Huawei P6, the Huawei P7 boldly overturned the all-metal design and switched to double-sided gorilla glass, while adding composite textures to the back. The overall feel makes people know that it is the P series at a glance, but it also gives people a refreshing surprise.

BYD sold more than 200,000 vehicles in March! Do you think it can sell 3 million cars this year?

With a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, BYD sold 207,080 units in March, which is still so strong. Among them, there are 103,419 DM hybrid vehicles and 102,670 EV pure electric vehicles.

BYD Qin sold more than 40,000 units, and 998 was really cruel. BYD sold more than 40,000 sets in Song and January, and dolphins sold more than 30,000 sets for the first time. According to this growth trend, BYD’s sales in March will probably exceed the sum of the sales of North and South Volkswagen.

In fact, this node was very subtle in March. In March last year, BYD announced in a high-profile manner that it would stop producing fuel vehicles. A year later, it took the overlord of the fuel vehicle era, North and South Volkswagen, out of the horse. It was really something.

It is worth mentioning that Tengshi Automobile sold more than 10,000 vehicles with one model, reaching 10,398 vehicles, an increase of 42% from the previous month. To be conservative, this sales volume is actually likely to beat GL8 to win the domestic MPV sales crown in March. Moreover, the average transaction price of Tengshi D9 is 415,000 yuan, which exceeds many domestic competing products, which also shows the product strength of this car.

In order to avoid it, some people say, how come I haven’t seen Tengshi D9 on the road? Something like that. We calculated the sales volume of Tengshi D9 from last October to now, which is about 34,000 vehicles. The frequency of cars on the road is related to the number of cars, but has little to do with monthly sales. Moreover, their new racing SUV Tengshi N7 has also been officially unveiled recently, and the product sequence continues to be enriched.

This year, BYD’s sales target is to guarantee 3 million vehicles and sprint 3.6 million. If you want the sales volume to continue to grow, the models should cover a wider consumer group. Recently, BYD’s F-series hard-core off-road vehicles also have new news. The "2316" posted on the body was officially revealed: 2 stands for front and rear dual motors, 3 stands for three differential locks, front and rear locks+electric locks, and 1 stands for a brand-new off-road platform, which should refer to the Yunqi system released some time ago. 6 means that the new car will be released in June.

According to this rhythm, it is not impossible to drive BYD to cross-country at the end of the year. Don DM-p burst into tears and finally had a big brother.

The other is about Seagull. Just last month, BYD released the official map of Seagull, which means that Seagull will soon open up a small pure tram market for BYD and become a new sales growth point. At the same time, BYD will continue to transport vehicles overseas this year.

Next, there are Qin PLUS EV Champion Edition, Song PLUS Champion Edition, the new Song Pro DM-i and other new cars to meet with you. Whether BYD can rush to 3 million vehicles this year, let’s wait and see.

A week’s news: CPI turned negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisiti

(Original title: Weekly news: CPI turns negative again; China’s gold reserves "increased for 12 consecutive years"; IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next; China Ping An denied the acquisition of Country Garden)

A picture reviews the important news that affects the market trend.

China’s CPI in October decreased by 0.2% year-on-year, and PPI decreased by 2.6%.

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in October, the national consumer price dropped by 0.2% year-on-year. In October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers nationwide decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, which was the same as that of the previous month. The purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.7% year-on-year and increased by 0.2% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the ex-factory price of industrial producers decreased by 3.1% compared with the same period of last year, and the purchase price of industrial producers decreased by 3.6%.

At the end of October, China’s gold reserves reported 71.2 million ounces, increasing its gold reserves for the twelfth consecutive month.

According to data from the central bank, China’s foreign exchange reserves at the end of October stood at $3,101.22 billion, a decrease of $13.85 billion from the previous month. At the end of October, the gold reserve reported 71.2 million ounces (about 2214.57 tons), an increase of 740,000 ounces (about 23.02 tons) from the previous month, and the gold reserve increased for the twelfth consecutive month.

General Administration of Customs: In October, the monthly growth rate of China’s import and export of 3.54 trillion yuan changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months to an increase of 0.9%.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade in October was 3.54 trillion yuan, and the monthly growth rate changed from a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months in June to an increase of 0.9%. In the first ten months of this year, the total import and export value of China’s goods trade was 34.32 trillion yuan, a slight increase of 0.03% year-on-year.

IMF raises China’s economic growth forecast this year and next.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on the 7th that China’s economy is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2023, 0.4 percentage points higher than the forecast in October this year.

Central Bank: Real estate policy will be adjusted and optimized in due course.

On the 9th, the central bank issued the Report on Regional Financial Operation in China (2023), which mentioned that the real estate policy should be adjusted and optimized in time to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Central Bank: Steadily and prudently promote the internationalization of RMB, steadily and orderly promote the comprehensive institutional opening of financial markets.

On the 9th, the Macro-Prudence Administration of the Central Bank issued "Steadily and Steadily Promoting the Internationalization of RMB", proposing to further improve the openness and access of China’s financial market, improve the liquidity of RMB financial assets, enrich risk hedging tools and improve the convenience of foreign exchange transactions.

Pan Gongsheng, Governor of the Central Bank: When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Pan Gongsheng, governor of the central bank, said on the 8th that the financial sector has taken a number of measures with relevant departments to actively support local governments to steadily resolve debt risks. When necessary, the central bank will also provide emergency liquidity support to areas with relatively heavy debt burdens.

Four ministries and commissions held a symposium on housing financing to understand the financial situation of the real estate industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Vanke, Poly and Longhu attended the meeting.

The People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly convened a discussion with several housing enterprises on the afternoon of the 7th to learn about the financial situation of the industry and the financing needs of enterprises. Participating enterprises include Vanke, Poly, China Resources, China Shipping, Longhu and Jindi.

Minister of Commerce: We will continue to promote the whole chain of new energy vehicles going to the countryside to promote automobile consumption.

Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, said that new energy vehicles will continue to be promoted to the countryside, and the whole chain will promote automobile consumption. In terms of home, we will focus on three directions: green, smart and suitable for the elderly, and accelerate the release of home consumption potential. The Ministry of Commerce will also promote the consumption of green smart home appliances, promote the high-quality development of the catering industry, and better meet people’s needs for a better life.

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises to guide the rational distribution of photovoltaic industry capacity

The Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology plans to hold a symposium on photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises, focusing on the development status, existing problems and challenges of the photovoltaic industry, guiding the rational layout of the photovoltaic industry’s production capacity, and promoting the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry. It is reported that the enterprises convened this time include the head enterprises in all links of the industrial chain.

Association: The auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The Federation said that there were 22 working days in November, which was consistent with the number of working days in the same period last year. In general, November is the third year’s sales volume, second only to December at the end of the year and January at the beginning of the year, while November 2022 is the eighth year’s sales volume, which leads to great potential for low base and high growth in November this year. What is particularly beneficial to the auto market is the rational decline of the high level of the property market in the past two years. The downward adjustment of the stock interest rate has eased the pressure on the original purchase consumption to squeeze the disposable income of families, and the income of residents’ investment in buying houses fluctuated greatly. As an optional consumer product, the car purchase consumption began to recover rationally, so the retail trend of the auto market in recent months has always exceeded expectations. With the gradual strengthening of the auto market, the confidence of auto companies in their efforts to achieve their annual goals has increased, and the auto market will surge by more than 20% in November.

The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "National peak carbon dioxide emissions Pilot Construction Plan"

It is proposed that by 2025, the pilot cities and parks in peak carbon dioxide emissions will make positive progress in carbon neutrality, and the policy mechanism conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically established within the pilot scope.

Eleven departments, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, recently issued the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control.

It is proposed that during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, the policies, technologies and standard systems for methane emission control have been gradually established, the basic capabilities of methane emission statistics and accounting, monitoring and supervision have been effectively improved, and the work of methane resource utilization and emission control has made positive progress.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: The Fed will not hesitate to raise interest rates if appropriate.

The Fed made hawkish remarks. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said that if the time is right, monetary policy will be further tightened decisively. Federal Reserve Governor Bowman reiterated that further interest rate hikes may be needed.

Yi Huiman: Maintaining the stable operation of the capital market and taking the road of developing the modern capital market with China characteristics.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a keynote speech at the annual meeting of the 2023 Financial Street Forum on the 8th that the tracking and judgment of quantitative high-frequency transactions should be strengthened and the regulatory measures should be improved. Accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strength of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges: guide listed companies to rationally implement refinancing, strictly review the use of raised funds, and strictly control the financing scale.

On the 8th, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges officially introduced specific measures to optimize refinancing and appropriately tighten the refinancing of listed companies. There are five main aspects: strictly limit the refinancing of listed companies with broken or broken net; Strictly require the financing interval of listed companies with continuous losses; Limit the financing scale of listed companies with high financial investment; Require that the previous raised funds have been fully used; Strictly control the refinancing to raise funds to invest in the main business.

The funds released from the adjustment of control indicators will be mainly used for investment banking, market making and other business stocks. The new scale of OTC derivatives needs to be effectively controlled.

A "brokerage DMA business is controlled" quickly fermented on social platforms. It is reported that some brokers did receive a regulatory notice, requiring that starting from November 9, the daily end-of-day quantitative DMA business according to the manager dimension should not exceed the end-of-day scale of November 8. Some insiders explained that the fundamental reason for this move lies in the regulatory requirements for the stable development of capital-intensive specialization of securities firms.

Both NVIDIA and Intel plan to launch improved AI chip NVIDIA products in China market or mass production at the end of the year.

It is reported that NVIDIA has developed the latest improved series of chips for China. The latest three chips are improved from H100. NVIDIA will announce them as soon as possible after 16th of this month, and domestic manufacturers will get the products in these days at the earliest. At the same time, Intel is also planning to launch an improved version of Gaudi 2.

Shi Lanwei: The second phase of the Big Fund plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company’s fixed shares.

Shi Lanwei announced that the company’s related person, National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Big Fund Phase II") sent the company a quotation for issuing shares to a specific target, and it plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan to subscribe for the company to issue shares to a specific target in 2022. The final allocation will be subject to the announcement documents such as the subsequent issuance report.

Ping An, China: The report that the company was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts is inconsistent with the facts. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

China Ping An issued a clarification announcement that the report that it was asked to acquire Country Garden and inherit its debts was not true. At present, the company does not hold Country Garden shares.

Re-financing has caused controversy. HHLR, a subsidiary of Gaoying, was investigated for reducing Longji Green Energy.

Longji Green Energy announced that HHLR Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the company, received a notice issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to investigate HHLR Management Co., Ltd. for allegedly transferring Longji Green Energy shares in violation of restrictive regulations.

Yu Chengdong, Huawei: The number of M7 customers is 87,000, and the number of M9 customers is over 30,000.

At the release of Huawei’s smart travel solution and the pre-sale meeting of Smart World S7, Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei’s smart car solution BU, said that up to now, the cumulative delivery of the M5 has exceeded 120,000 units, the M7 has definitely broken 87,000 units, and the booking volume of the M9 has exceeded 30,000 units. "We are making every effort to increase production capacity, so I hope you will wait patiently, because the order volume is indeed much higher than expected."

Tesla China raised the price of Model Y long battery life version by 2,500 yuan to 302,400 yuan.

Tesla’s German factory will produce a new car with a price of 25,000 euros, which will greatly lower the price of Tesla’s cheapest model in Europe.

OpenAI held the first developer conference and launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT.

OpenAI launched a user-defined version of ChatGPT. At the first developer conference held on Monday, OpenAI also said that it will launch a preview version of the latest GPT-4 Turbo, which is a more powerful and faster version of the big language model that supports the company’s technology.

ASML, a giant in mask aligner, the Netherlands: He is very optimistic about the business in China next year.

During his stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), ASML, the global senior vice president of Dutch mask aligner giant, said that the business in China, ASML has grown rapidly this year. It is expected that China will account for more than 20% of ASML’s global revenue in the whole year, and he is also very optimistic about his business in China next year.

TSMC: Net income in October increased by 34.8% from the previous month and 15.7% from the same period last year.

TSMC announced today that its net income in October 2023 was NT$ 243.2 billion, up 34.8% from September 2023 and 15.7% from October 2022.

This article comes from: financial circles

Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologized: fire employees and never hire them!

On December 20th, the Red Star Capital Bureau reported that ZAKER official blog issued the "Apology Statement on Xiaomi Automobile Information Disclosure", saying that Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, had been dismissed and would never be hired. A few days ago, Xiaomi Automobile’s real car shooting scene map was exposed, and it was suspected that the media leaked out when shooting the scene map.

In the apology statement, it was mentioned that on December 17th, 2023, ZAKER was invited to participate in the static product tasting shooting activity of Xiaomi Automobile. Before the activity, Bao Moumou, an employee of our automobile division, signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter.

During the tasting shooting, Bao Moumou mistakenly thought that the photos of Xiaomi Automobile publicized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology were the materials shot by other media in the same place, and mistakenly thought that your company (Xiaomi Automobile) was allowed to publicly release the photographed photos, so he sent three work tidbits with Xiaomi Automobile to his personal WeChat circle of friends for personal purposes without the permission of your company (Xiaomi Automobile) on-site staff and without informing our company, and was reminded by the on-site staff. Bao Moumou immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately deleted the content of the circle of friends. The release time lasted about 5 minutes, but the photos have spread and caused heated discussion on the Internet.

Our company attached great importance to the incident after learning of it, and immediately set up an incident investigation team on the same day to verify the relevant situation and relevant personnel. Bao Moumou, the employee involved, was fully aware of his own mistakes, and our company severely criticized and educated Bao Moumou. His personal behavior of unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the rules and regulations of ZAKER Employee Manual and the confidentiality obligations of employees. According to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company dismissed Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, and never hired him.

The incident was triggered by our employees’ violation of the Confidentiality Commitment Letter, which brought some pressure and influence to your company. We sincerely apologize for this. Our company is willing to maintain active communication with your company, and cooperate with your company to take all necessary measures to properly handle the adverse effects caused by leaks and emotional incidents and fulfill its due responsibilities.

At the same time, our company will earnestly learn lessons, reflect deeply, take a warning, comprehensively strengthen the legal awareness, confidentiality awareness and professional ethics education of relevant teams and employees, and resolutely put an end to the recurrence of such incidents.

"Xiaobai buys a car" apologizes:

On the afternoon of December 20th, Xiaobai bought a car and issued a "Statement on the Number of Information Leaks of Xiaomi Automobile" to apologize.

The statement said: On December 17, 2023, our company participated in the tasting and shooting activities of Xiaomi’s static products. Before that, our photographer Guan Moumou had signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter. After the filming ended that night, Guan Moumou mistakenly thought that the confidentiality was limited to the company platform. Without the permission of the on-site staff and without informing the company, he sent a partial photo of the car penalty taken on the spot to two WeChat friends for personal reasons, and was later forwarded to the riders by his friends. When he realized the seriousness of the problem, the photo had been expanded on the network and could not be withdrawn.

We are deeply sorry for this, because we violated the "Confidentiality Commitment" and caused pressure and loss to Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.. After careful reflection and internal investigation, this incident was caused by the weak legal awareness of employees in our enterprise, the lack of contract concept, personal misconduct, and the inadequate internal management supervision of our enterprise. Here, we sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to ensure that this kind of incident will not happen again, our company has seriously criticized Guan Moumou, and his unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the company’s rules and regulations and affected the company’s reputation. Therefore, according to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company will dismiss Guan Moumou and never hire him. And here we solemnly promise that we will strictly abide by laws and regulations, fulfill confidentiality obligations and re-train and educate all employees of the company in the future.

Once again, I sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. Our company will maintain a positive communication attitude, do its due duty, cooperate with all relevant investigations of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and properly handle the impact caused by this leak.

Xiaomi is angry! Lei jun forwarding

On December 19th, Xiaomi Group issued a statement in the official Weibo, saying that recently, malicious leaks and false rumors about Xiaomi automobile appeared in batches on the Internet, and the company made a formal response.

The statement mentioned that on December 17th, Bao Moumou, an employee of the media "ZAKER", and Guan Moumou, an employee of "Xiaobai Buying a Car", intentionally leaked the confidential shooting content without permission, knowing the confidentiality obligation and corresponding penalties. As verified by Xiaomi Group’s confidential management team, the above two people have admitted their violation of confidentiality obligations.

After communicating with its media, Xiaomi will investigate the responsibility of the two people and their media for leaking secrets according to the corresponding provisions of the Confidentiality Commitment signed by both parties, including but not limited to public apologies and fines.

At the same time, Xiaomi Group verified that in November and December, 2023, three former employees of Xiaomi Automobile Department participated in the so-called "Xiaomi Automobile Seminar" organized by external brokers and investment institutions without permission for the purpose of collecting "consulting fees". Xiaomi said that it "spread a lot of wrong and false information, seriously misleading the market and disrupting the normal business development of Xiaomi Automobile".

Xiaomi said that the above three employees seriously violated the Code of Conduct for Employees of Xiaomi Group and the confidentiality obligations stipulated by the company. Xiaomi Group has dismissed them and never hired them, and investigated their legal responsibilities according to law. At the same time, Xiaomi Group reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for brokers and investment institutions that organize related activities.

On the evening of December 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, forwarded the Statement on his personal Weibo, and sent three expressions of bowing.

According to public information, the car involved in this leak is Xiaomi SU7, and the content involved is the static experience spy photos of Xiaomi SU7.

According to the interface news report, with the gradual exposure of various configuration data of Xiaomi Automobile, the last remaining key information is the price. Earlier, it was reported that Xiaomi SU7 will be available in four versions, with the price ranging from 190,000 to 300,000 yuan. The official has not released the information yet, and the sales staff also said that it is still unclear.

Some analysts predict that the lowest price of Xiaomi car starting at 190,000 yuan is hard to be surprised, and I am afraid it will not be able to replicate the sensation caused by the original price of Xiaomi mobile phone at 1999 yuan. In addition, for Xiaomi, which is famous for its cost performance, Xiaomi still needs to establish its own advantages in terms of performance and design.

Xiaomi Automobile has invested 3400 engineers.

R&D expenditure exceeds 10 billion yuan.

According to the news of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in official website on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi Automobile is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Recently, Xiaomi Automobile has caused a heated discussion. A few days ago, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, a figure in the heat center, also appeared in front of the public to express his views on Xiaomi Automobile. In an interview with CCTV news "Face to Face", Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s investment in building cars is ten times that of other automakers. For example, he said that the average car brand invested 300 to 400 people in building a car, and the cost was 1 billion to 2 billion yuan, while the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the research and development cost exceeded 10 billion yuan.

However, Lei Jun also expressed his concern about the sales situation. He was worried that no one would buy Xiaomi after it went on the market, and that everyone would buy it, but it would take a year or two.

Source: Comprehensive Red Star journalist Wu Danruo, Red Star News previously reported, national business daily

Original title: "Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologize: fire employees and never hire! 》

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