The stolen car was stolen and sold repeatedly, which led to the "Zhengdian Gang" of the evil forces.

  Cctv news (Reporter Li Wenliang) Selling a car and then having it stolen, even a car was sold for three times. Recently, the police in Jinan, Shandong Province lasted for half a year, starting with a car theft case, and destroyed a 30-member criminal group headed by Wang.

  Wu Yanbing, deputy head of the Criminal Police Brigade of Lixia Branch of Jinan Public Security Bureau, said that during his 10 years in Jinan, the suspect Wang gradually evolved from an ordinary taxi driver into the chief criminal of a criminal group involved in black and evil. They formed a stable organizational system "Zhengdian Gang" by wooing fellow villagers, fighting, picking fights, extortion, theft and robbery, which greatly damaged the legitimate interests of the masses and had extremely bad social impact.

  Selling cars and stealing cars, another case, the fugitive suspect is now in the air.

  On January 22, 2018, Lixia police received a report from the victim Li Moumou that a black Magotan sedan mortgaged by a bank was previously purchased from Wang and others at a low price of 105,000 yuan, but the car could not be used normally due to incomplete procedures. Later, Li Moumou entrusted Wang and others to help sell the car, and the car was stolen during the sale.

  After receiving the case, the First Squadron of Lixia Interpol quickly launched an investigation. On July 2, 2018, the car appeared in Tianjin, and the police immediately rushed to Tianjin and found that the actual user of the vehicle was Mu Mouhui, who was a cousin of Wang, both of whom were from Zhengdian, Laoling, Shandong Province. The police comprehensively analyzed and judged that the suspicion that Wang and others sold cars first and then stole them rose rapidly.

  Subsequently, the police conducted an investigation around Wang and the people around him, and determined that the theft of the black Magotan car was the work of Zhang Mouzhi. Following this clue, it was found that Zhang Mouzhi was one of the fugitives who sought trouble with Wang and others in the police station area of Keyuan Road. On July 25, 2018, the police arrested Zhang Mouzhi.

The picture shows the police arresting the scene. (Photo courtesy of Lixia Public Security Bureau of Jinan City)

The picture shows the police arresting the scene. (Photo courtesy of Lixia Public Security Bureau of Jinan City)

  Uncover the curtain of criminal groups

  After in-depth investigation, the police found that this was not a simple car theft case, but a criminal gang involving more than 30 people headed by Wang, with Zhang Mowen, Zhang Mozhi, Zhang Mobin, Sun Moudong and Xia Mouyun as the backbone.

  Wu Yanbing introduced that Wang, the leader of the gang, drove a taxi from Zhengdian, Laoling, to Jinan in 2008. He operated well and earned a lot of money. Later, Zhengdian’s fellow villagers all came to him. Wang anchored more than 20 cars in a taxi company. The fellow villagers who defected first took driving taxis as their main business, and formed an influential "Zhengdian Gang" in the taxi industry in Jinan, with a stable organizational system.

  Through long-term covert development, the criminal gang gradually completed primitive accumulation of capital by operating hotels, business hotels and taxi companies as economic sources, and formed an enterprise management and business model. In the meantime, in the name of recruiting hotel waiters and taxi drivers, more than 30 members were developed.

  In the daily management, the members of the gang use WeChat group, QQ group and taxi radio as contact methods, and contact in real time. Once people are needed to commit illegal crimes, people will be gathered immediately, which will have a quick response, many members and great social harm.

  During his hotel management in Jinan, Wang bullied the city and competed viciously. In order to monopolize the regional market, he organized and implemented a large-scale affray. In April 2017, Wang, Zhang Mowen and Sun Moudong jointly invested to run a hotel in Heping Road, Lixia District. Because of the competition for tourists, they repeatedly had conflicts with the owner of an adjacent hotel. On May 11, 2017, there was a conflict between the two sides. Wang gathered more than 20 people at the entrance of the other hotel, and the two sides confronted each other, with more than 60 participants, and the social impact was extremely bad.

  In addition, on April 19, 2017, the criminal gang was in a hotel on Huanshan Road, which also disturbed public order and caused trouble because of competition.

The picture shows the suspect being interrogated. (Photo courtesy of Lixia Public Security Bureau of Jinan City)

The picture shows the suspect being interrogated. (Photo courtesy of Lixia Public Security Bureau of Jinan City)

  The gang "transformed" and falsely sold mortgage cars.

  In the early days, the gang mainly disturbed public order and made troubles. In the past year, it gradually developed into crimes such as robbery, extortion and theft. In order to achieve the purpose of illegally accumulating wealth and obtaining benefits, the gang committed crimes continuously and repeatedly.

  From September 2017 to January 2018, the criminal suspects Wang, Zhang Mouwen, Zhang Mobin, Xia Mouyun and others discussed together, and Wang invested to buy a bank-mortgaged vehicle. After buying the car, he assembled a locator and reserved a car key. After selling the car, he stole the vehicle back; Or, Xia Mouyun posted the information about selling mortgage cars on the Internet, and forged the relevant procedures of the car. When the buyer came to Jinan to trade, he defrauded the car purchase money and then gathered people to grab the car back.

  In the name of falsely selling the mortgage car, the gang snatched, stole and cheated the mortgage car back by means of theft, robbery and fraud after selling the car or during the transaction. The car was sold six times, and one of the Volkswagen Tiguan cars was repeatedly sold three times.

  At present, the criminal group headed by Wang has been smashed by the police. Since July 25, 2018, the police have arrested 28 illegal and criminal members of the group, including 21 people arrested and 7 people released on bail pending trial. It was initially verified that there were 9 criminal cases involving robbery, affray, theft, etc., and the property involved was worth more than 2 million yuan. What was waiting for them would be legal sanctions. (This article thanks Zhao Yang for providing the material)

"Let’s meet! Radio: What music did you leave in your favorite city?

  In day order, a world trade center where Beijingers come and go, colorful light and shadow pictures flow overhead. When the twilight closes and the street lights are on, the curtain of the glass room in the center of the pedestrian street is opened, revealing a live broadcast space that can be heard and watched: "Let’s meet! Radio.

  Well-known musicians broadcast live performances and chats in the studio, and passers-by stop at any time to clearly hear and see everything they share. Such a glass house radio station in the market has become a "city music box", opening everyone’s memories — — What kind of music did you leave in your favorite city?

  Be a guest, let’s meet! Radio, the post-90 s singer Gao Jialang will remember his earliest memory of listening to city radio. When he was five or six years old, he sat in his father’s car and listened to the radio music. The signal was not very good, and his voice was intermittent, but now he recalls it with special feeling. Gao Jialang can still remember that Tom Chang, Zhao Chuan and Little Tiger were playing on the radio.

  One side of the soil and water has deeply nurtured one side of music.

  Gao Jialang, who was born in Baicheng, Jilin Province, thinks that the northeast people are generous, and the music style of this land is high and the genre is "thirst-quenching". And other cities he walked through, such as Chengdu, gathered a lot of minority music; Shanghai music is very international; Beijing, on the other hand, has pop music whose style covers almost all of China.

  Singer Bird’s hometown is Chuzhou, Anhui Province. He thinks that the local climate is distinct in four seasons, and "Chu and Chu are surrounded by mountains", and he has an overall introverted, simple and honest and safe temperament. And his favorite regional music is from Inner Mongolia. "It’s a little far from us, but the music there is excellent, and the singers are completely beyond my imagination."

  "Going to every city to feel its music is the most intuitive way to let you know about urban culture." Silence Wang, a musician known as the "OST Devil", was born in Shenyang, Liaoning. From classical music in primary school, he felt that Shenyang, his hometown, was a city where classical music developed well. "I went to Shenyang Conservatory of Music, and all my teachers and classmates gave me a lot of edification about classical music. So although I am doing pop music now, many traditional things are still in my mind, providing me with a lot of creative support. "

  Silence Wang said that good music can cross regions, but often the starting point of each music creator is "private and unique", and the growing environment will affect their inspiration and methods of creation — — "Nutrients must come from your hometown and from the place where you grew up."

  The China mainland rock band "Tour Group" has been established for more than 10 years. Among the four members, except one Beijinger, the other three are all born and raised in Liuzhou, Guangxi. "Liuzhou is a place where it often rains, and suddenly it will clear up, and the city will come straight to the point, so the nutrients we get in this environment are concentrated in our previous albums. For example, many songs in the first album" Laifu Clay "were written in Liuzhou, and you will hear a lot from it ‘ Water-based ’ 。”

  Tour groups and bands from the south to the north feel that they have added a lot of "fire" since they came to the north, and combined with the "water" of their original homeland, music now presents a state of harmony between fire and water.

  The tour group band described the subtle influence of the region on music creation: "The weather in Beijing is particularly straightforward. For example, when the summer wind blows, the sweat can be stopped, unlike in the south, where the sweat sticks to the body. This straightforward feeling will be reflected in our music. "

  In the view of members of tour groups and bands, a person’s body is actually a sensor. By walking in different regions, they can receive a lot of rich information and then integrate them into their own music creation.

  After people leave their hometown, music becomes a journey that can be extended indefinitely.

  Bird said, "What is a trip? I think it’s when you go to another place and feel the strange environment, and you will meet a different self, so the music here is very important. "

  When walking around, many musicians will have the impulse to create for another city. For example, Gao Jialang, a younger brother in Northeast China, specifically mentioned that the city of Shenzhen can trigger his creative inspiration. "I am a northerner, and suddenly I went to a city with extremely high humidity and extremely hot. The color of the whole air and the tone of the city are different from where I live now, and the feeling in Shenzhen is rather hazy."

  During his stay in "foggy" Shenzhen, Gao Jialang wrote an unpublished song, which he is looking forward to one day.

  And every time Silence Wang goes to a city, he will pay close attention to the characteristic music there. "Like in Beijing, I went to listen to Peking Opera specially, because I think Peking Opera must be listened to in Beijing. I have also written many songs related to China’s traditional culture. Combining with Kunqu Opera and Peking Opera, China’s traditional culture can be combined with many new music styles. I have been committed to doing such things myself. "

  Kong Yichan, the lead singer of the tour group band, said that when they travel, they are very sensitive to local music elements, including musical instruments and records, especially the "relaxing music" in Southeast Asia, and the moment when modern civilization collides with traditional culture, the experience is particularly wonderful, because they can find similarities with their band’s creation.

  In addition to collecting the most direct music materials, all kinds of details of local customs can be "collected", even a piece of clothing and a look can be turned into a piece of original melody. Kong Yichan said that sometimes the photos he took when he traveled to a place, when he went home and looked at them again, would give rise to many unprecedented ideas, and that was the inspiration.

  Tour groups and bands will combine the languages or temperament of different regions into one song, and their latest album was recorded in Phuket, Thailand. Wei Wei, a keyboard player, said: "We are originally a group of people who are full of gods and gods. Recording in the tropics feels particularly strong and unconstrained. People in that place are particularly interesting in talking, eating and singing, which is very similar to our aesthetics and what we want to express. "

  And many unexplored lands are also the source of creation. The band members of the tour group said that Iceland is the place they want to see most at present. "Because that place is a fairyland on earth, there are few people. We want to face nature and feel that our hearts are very small."

  "Live seriously, experience seriously, feel all the happiness and sadness that life brings you, and integrate these things into your creation, and your music will be more popular." Silence Wang hopes that this "visual" music station in downtown Beijing will become a brand-new urban cultural landmark. "If I were a tourist, I would like to come here very much, and I can go shopping and watch radio programs, which is very worthwhile." (China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Shen Jiequn)

In the third grade, boys played games for their uncle’s WiFi. cut class squatted in the grass for a day.

  On the morning of the 2 nd, Ms. Lin, who lives in a community in Longchi Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing, went out early in the morning and found a teenager in school uniform squatting in the grass next to the unit building; When Ms. Lin came home at 5 o’clock in the evening, she still saw the child sitting there, with almost no change in posture. She called him and he ignored him. The abnormal behavior of the teenager worried Ms. Lin, and she called the police for help. The police arrived at the scene and learned that the teenager was a junior three student, and his uncle lived in this building. On that day, he stayed here in cut class for one day to play mobile games on his uncle’s WiFi, which made the mother who came to the scene angry with Ms. Yu.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the popularity of smart phones and children becoming "mobile phone controllers" have become a common worry for many families. Yangzi Evening News All-Media Reporter Ren Guoyong Correspondent Lu Gongxuan

  A crazy teenager.

  Sit in the grass and rub my uncle’s wireless network to play games.

  Cut class, a teenager, squatted down to numb his legs and feet one day.

  "There is a big boy I don’t know downstairs who has been sitting in the grass all day. I don’t care if I call him. Come and have a look." At 5 o’clock in the evening on the 2 nd, Ms. Lin reported the police.

  After receiving the police, the police of Longchi police station arrived at the scene to check that a teenager was sitting downstairs in a unit of the community. He sat under his schoolbag cushion and held his mobile phone intently.

  "He has been sitting here in this posture. I saw him when I went out in the morning. I didn’t expect him to be here when I came back in the evening. I don’t know what happened. I called him and he ignored me." Ms. Lin said that she noticed that the child was also enthusiastic and worried about what bad things would happen to him.

  The policeman walked next to the teenager, and he was still absorbed in playing with his mobile phone, unaware that the policeman was approaching. The policeman patted him on the shoulder, and the boy suddenly got up, but he almost fell down because of numbness in his legs and feet. "What are you doing here?" In the face of the police’s question, the child bowed his head and did not answer, only saying that he had something to do.

  After repeated inquiries by the police, he said that his surname was Cao, and he was in the third grade of a nearby middle school. His uncle lived in this building, and he squatted here to play games on the Internet with his uncle’s WiFi. "I didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to surf the Internet." He said.

  Subsequently, the police contacted Cao’s mother. Cao’s mother was surprised when she received the phone call, saying that she didn’t expect her son to go to cut class to play games, and spent a day squatting downstairs in her brother’s house for surfing the Internet.

  Soon, Cao’s mother rushed to the scene angrily, and immediately scolded him for being unprincipled again and again in order to surf the Internet. Cao’s mother said that her son secretly bought a mobile phone with a birthday red envelope given to him by his elders a month ago. After the parents found out, they criticized him and advised him to return the mobile phone, which was awkward. Later, the parents confiscated the mobile phone, but I didn’t expect him to take it away from his family and come here to play. "He must know that my brother went out these days before he came here to surf the internet. The senior high school entrance examination is coming soon, and he is still so confused."

  The police also persuaded and educated Cao, and Cao said that he would make up his mind to quit playing mobile phone addiction and prepare for the exam carefully. The police also reminded Cao’s mother to communicate with her children more often, divert his attention from playing mobile phones, and persuade her in time if she has bad habits. After the exchange between the two sides, Cao followed his mother home.

  Parents’ troubles

  Smashed the phone, and both girls cried sadly.

  Do you want to buy it for your daughter now? Mom is very entangled.

  "I want to use regret to describe my current mood. Now I am in a dilemma!" Ms. Zhang from Laifeng Community in Nanjing told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that her daughter had bought a children’s mobile phone in order to facilitate contact, and she could only answer the phone.

  But later, my daughter always said that all her classmates used smart phones, and they used smart phones to check their study materials online. Ms. Zhang was hesitant at first. After discussing with her husband, she felt that the times were developing and her daughter’s ideas were reasonable. It might be helpful to use smart phones to access information. Later, I bought my daughter a smart machine with a price of more than 1,000 yuan. After using the smart phone, my daughter quickly played on WeChat and Weibo.

  "We think there is nothing wrong with sending WeChat Weibo, but now the situation is getting worse and worse." Ms. Zhang said that her daughter’s grades plummeted and the teacher even found her playing mobile phones in class.

  After discovering the problem, Ms. Zhang began to control her daughter to use her mobile phone. But when my daughter does her homework, she asks her for a mobile phone to consult the information from time to time, but sometimes she finds that she is using QQ or WeChat.

  Ms. Zhang asked her daughter how to chat? The daughter’s answer is to exchange learning problems with her classmates. In this way, the daughter’s learning efficiency is getting lower and lower. Not long ago, I found my daughter playing small games until the early hours of the morning, and there were novels in the trace of mobile phone search. I clicked and found that my daughter was reading a "messy" article. In this way, the mother and daughter quarreled many times for the mobile phone, and in the end, she smashed the mobile phone.

  "I smashed my daughter’s mobile phone, and both girls cried. She ignored me for two weeks, and I was heartbroken." Ms. Zhang said that recently, her daughter repeatedly assured her to study hard, proposed to buy a mobile phone again and promised to use it only for consulting materials and communicating with classmates. "I am very entangled, I am afraid to buy it for her, and she can’t control it." Ms. Zhang said.

  Online small survey

  Children are forbidden to use smart phones? Not all are objections.

  In two examples, children have become "mobile phone controllers", which annoys parents. So, at the moment when smart phones are so popular, should children use smart phones? The reporter made a small survey through his circle of friends.

  Should primary and secondary school students use smart phones?

  The online survey lasted for one hour, and 51 people voted.

  A: About 84% are against it.

  Some parents who indicate the reasons think that underage students are addicted to their opponents’ opportunities, which are difficult to control, and most of them are used for entertainment.

  B There is one case in which the parents fully agree with the opinion.

  This parent believes that smart phones are the general trend, otherwise they will be out of touch with society.

  C about 14% supported by conditions.

  This part of parents believe that children need to attach conditions to the use of smart phones. If they want to use them, they must know what their children’s purpose is, and it is ok to check the study materials.

  Teacher’s opinion

  Every time a parent-teacher meeting is held, many parents complain to the teacher. Children can’t live without mobile phones all day. Should they use them? How can I quit cell phone addiction? Jiang bo, a senior teacher and grade leader of a senior middle school in Nanjing, said — —

  Even using a mobile phone to check information has great disadvantages.

  Jiang bo thinks that the only advantage for students to use smart phones is that they are easy to contact.

  "Access to information is a cover. I found that the questions and answers of some so-called learning software are copied from each other, and there are many mistakes and typos. Students who are used to finding answers online lose the ability to think independently. I strongly appeal to students from primary school to high school to stay away from smartphones." Teacher jiang bo thinks that students who are used to finding answers through the Internet will have a decline in their habit and ability to use reference books, and their learning efficiency is very poor. Usually, they click on a window and another one pops up on the Internet. Students are so curious that they can’t control their reading that they can’t concentrate on completing their homework. Indulging in mobile phones is not good for health, typically, the eyesight drops, and you can only see farther if you look up. Holding mobile phones all day long causes some students to have poor face-to-face communication skills; Some parents are afraid that their children will be out of touch with society without using smart phones. This kind of worry is unnecessary. Mobile phones, like computers, can be learned as soon as they are learned, and there is no need to hold them every day. The mobile phone network has a search function, so it is difficult for parents to monitor whether the content they read is healthy or not.

  Parents should set a good example for children to quit cell phone addiction.

  How to quit cell phone addiction? Teacher jiang bo said that depending on the situation, some parents are strong and radical. If they don’t agree to their children’s demands, they will not agree, confiscate their mobile phones and shut down the Internet. Some students have problems in their early education, and their parents have not established an authoritative image at home, and they can’t do the three chapters of the contract. Even if their mobile phones are confiscated and the network is cut off, the effect is not good. Some parents can’t stand the soft grinding and hard foam, but still return their mobile phones to them. When the mobile phone is smashed and the network is closed, it will stimulate such children’s rebellious psychology and stronger curiosity about smart phones. A better way is for parents not to hang their heads all day playing with their mobile phones, but to turn off the home network skillfully, such as changing passwords, limiting traffic, limiting phone bills, and reading famous books on paper. Let children know that mobile phones are just tools and toys, and do not deny that mobile phones are getting more and more fun, but there are more exciting things in life. Parents should take their children to participate in colorful outdoor activities on rest days to divert their attention from mobile phones.

  ● Children’s voice

  Hungry for respect, disgusted parents smash mobile phones.

  Yangzi Evening News reporter also communicated with some middle school students. Some students also admitted that mobile phones are basically used for entertainment except making phone calls and finding answers. Sometimes parents will get angry with them after playing for an hour or two.

  "I am more disgusted with my parents’ tough tone, and it is even more unacceptable to smash my mobile phone." Liu Tong Jr. said that sometimes it was late at night when he was playing with his mobile phone, and he knew that it was not good for him, but the momentum of his father rushing in made people sad.

  Liu Tongxue Jr. said that even if he made a mistake, he hoped parents could communicate in an equal tone. "Confiscation when you come in is disrespect and distrust," Xiao Liu told reporters.

  The teacher’s truth is in place, and the child’s voice should also be heard. But have you noticed that children are actually concerned about the same problem at a different level from us adults? They are more concerned about the attitude of parents when dealing with the use of mobile phones than whether they use the mobile phones themselves.

  Therefore, we want to remind parents that every child has his own personality characteristics, and parents should consider their children’s situation comprehensively, find a communication method suitable for them, and handle this "mobile phone problem" well.

What do my sisters think of My Sister?

  From Ode to Joy, Everything’s Fine to My Sister, every film and television work of "Brothers" involving the issue of son preference will always become the focus of public opinion.


  On April 10th, the total box office of the movie My Sister broke 600 million.

  The story of My Sister takes place in a patriarchal family, and the relationship between brother and sister is estranged. However, after her parents died in a car accident, her sister "Enron" faced a dilemma: giving up her dream of developing in a big city and raising her younger brother "An Ziheng" by herself; Or let others adopt their younger brothers and pursue their own independent lives?

  Sister’s entanglement and pain can be imagined. In some families, brothers and sisters who are determined by blood will feel resistant and alienated from each other.

  From the TV series Ode to Joy and Everything is Fine to the movie My Sister, every film and television work of "Brothers" involving the issue of son preference will always become the focus of public opinion.

  The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network interviewed several "sisters" in real life and the creator of My Sister. Some sisters refused to go to the cinema to be "abused" because of problems with their younger brothers; Some sisters, crying uncontrollably during the movie, went home and wrote a long diary to review the story with their younger brother for more than ten years; Some sisters decided to have a good chat with their parents and untie the knot.

  My Sister is not just a multiple-choice question. Do "sisters" have to choose between independence and sacrifice? How should parents of two-child families establish a healthy and positive educational concept? Female growth, brotherhood, and the concept of two-child family education … … These are issues that we need to examine outside the film.

  "Where am I from" is a problem that everyone can’t get rid of.

  Yin Xi, a girl born after 1995, has a younger brother who is 7 years younger. At first, she was poked in tears by the trailer of My Sister. This kind of experience, experienced people will understand, self-knowledge, not one or two simple labels can be summarized.

  "I think of going home in the winter vacation in the first grade of primary school. My parents claimed that they had picked up a younger brother from the hospital gate. At that time, I had no feeling at all about this sudden extra child, because he suddenly appeared in my life, and my parents didn’t give me any time to warm up and accept."

  This kind of brotherhood came from "airborne" without warning, especially when Yin Xi was young, she spent a long time accepting the fact and "reconciling with herself".

  "When I see the plot of" My Sister ",I will think of the night when I was unaccompanied from the first grade to the fifth grade of primary school. On the night of power failure, I read a book with a flashlight, and I was very sad why my mother took my brother to my grandmother’s house but ignored me; During a rainstorm, the water in front of the school reached my knees, and all the children next to me had adults’ backs. I refused my strange grandmother’s kindness and walked alone with an umbrella. When I got home, I found that my mother actually came back. While helping me change my socks, I asked why I didn’t let the people next to me hold me. "

  Yin Xi was puzzled for many years about her position in her parents’ hearts and why her younger brother existed. She felt that her world had "no mother" for quite some time. When she was in junior high school, she was complaining that her younger brother had "taken away" her mother.

  Yin Xi said frankly that after recognizing the fact of "stealing her mother", she once disliked her brother very much. Until Yin Xi went to college and returned to school during the winter vacation, he accidentally found his fifth-grade elementary school brother and secretly wrote on the mist in the mirror of the sink: "Goodbye, sister, can you leave later?" At that moment, Yin Xi felt a sad mood in her heart, reflecting that she didn’t seem to be a good sister, and her brother would miss her when she was not at home.

  "It took me a long time to make up with myself. My mother didn’t want me, but my brother also needed care." Therefore, Yin Xi feels that Enron’s alienation and entanglement with his younger brother in My Sister is real, and his desire to protect his younger brother is also real.

  You Xiaoying, the screenwriter of My Sister, said that she would pay more attention to the "family" element when creating. "I think it is possible for a person not to experience love or have children in his life, but ‘ Where do I come from ’ It’s hard to break free. You can choose your friends and lovers, but parents and children can’t choose, just like my uncle said ‘ Children are debts ’ This debt was doomed from the beginning. "

  You Xiaoying said that family has a profound influence on a person, so she wants to discuss women’s situation and self-growth from this aspect and express "the collision between family fetters and personal pursuits".

  A bowl of water is flat, and good family of origin helps us tide over the difficulties.

  After 90, Gugu, a media person, is 6 years older than his younger brother. After watching My Sister, her colleagues ridiculed that Gugu is not like a "sister" in the traditional impression of the public, because the whole person "can’t see the feeling of sacrifice".

  "Now some people’s views are a bit extreme, opposing women’s independence and sacrifice." Gugu thinks that when it comes to elder sister, many people either think of pathetic "helping the younger brother" or "selfish ghost" who is too self-centered. These two impressions are too rigid. Why can’t elder sister and younger brother live in harmony and develop independently of each other?

  After work, Gugu, who is financially independent, bought his younger brother a computer as a gift, considering his learning needs. My girlfriend was deeply impressed by the generosity of Gugu and sent a circle of friends. As a result, her friend commented at the bottom: "Ah, is this sister Fan Shengmei in Ode to Joy?"

  Gugu was quite helpless when he learned that: "Why do you label all your sisters with bitterness without any understanding?"

  Gugu and his younger brother have always had a good relationship since childhood, and his younger brother likes to stick to himself when he is at home in primary school. Gugu middle school lives on campus and goes home once a week. When you get home, you will see your brother sitting at the door waiting for you.

  "In the final analysis, the misfortune of Enron in My Sister comes from the wrong idea that parents prefer sons to daughters. My brother and I can have deep feelings all the way ‘ Priming ’ I would like to thank my parents for always insisting on a bowl of water, not treating my brother and sister differently, and not ignoring my emotional needs. " Gugu also saw that families with bad relations between their brothers and sisters often caused wars because of their parents’ "willful preferences", causing emotional troubles for innocent brothers and sisters out of thin air.

  Whether a good and fair educational atmosphere is formed in family of origin is very important for the cultivation of healthy and sunny brotherhood. In family of origin, where the environment is good, children with brothers and sisters may be better able to take care of the feelings of all members, and learn to share the pressure of parents’ roles and the potential risks in the period of family instability earlier.

  Yin Ruoxin, director of My Sister, said frankly: "Everyone’s family of origin can’t be perfect, but a good family of origin can really protect you. The impact of the problematic family of origin will grow on the body, and it doesn’t know when it will emerge. "

  In Yin Ruoxin’s view, family of origin’s influence can only be solved in a completely corresponding way. "When you are older, you will form a close relationship yourself, and then you will be able to solve those problems, but it is also possible that these traces will always be there."

  You Xiaoying also believes that a good family of origin can help us to get through the hard times and cheer up.

  "I have some friends, you think she is a completely independent woman, live very self, but she will find how many traces of family of origin in a moment. Family of origin’s shaping of character is still very profound, sometimes when you are unconscious. " You Xiaoying said.

  Sisters independently do multiple-choice questions in life

  Yoga Yu refused to go to the cinema to see My Sister — — Her younger brother is rebellious, and he is favored by his parents (focusing on the issue of education funds), so Yoga Yu foresees that watching movies is an act of "self-abuse".

  However, Yoga Yu went to read the relevant comments in Douban and Weibo. She said that at this stage, I am afraid that I can’t solve the relationship problem with my younger brother, and the relationship with my parents is also "dark clouds rolling" from time to time, but she doesn’t want to be deeply entangled in the dilemma, which is tantamount to wasting time and emotions. It is better to actively live a good life in a big city and work hard for her career.

  Yoga Yu firmly believes that no matter whether the relationship between elder sister and younger brother is hot or cold, the first priority is to stick to the path you want, which does not conflict with anything.

  In the Douban review of My Sister, a "younger brother" said that he felt indebted to his sister. "As men and younger brothers, what can we do for our sisters? Perhaps we should start by respecting their will, understanding their plight and supporting their voices! "

  It is undoubtedly commendable that "My Sister" directly pokes the pain point of the topic of "independent growth of women".

  In the film, the role that forms a strong sense of dramatic contrast with Enron is the aunt. After Enron’s parents passed away, my aunt was the first to stand up and say the words "eldest sister is like a mother", telling Enron that the most important task now is to bring up his younger brother. This "moral kidnapping" is naturally easy to cause extreme discomfort.

  Later, the audience found out that my aunt was the "elder sister" who was forced to sacrifice herself in the previous generation. She once dreamed in the distance, but now she can only read Russian to Russian dolls to pay homage to the youth destroyed by the words "eldest sister is like a mother".

  You Xiaoying pointed out that the kindness of my aunt’s nature in the movie was suppressed by the daily necessities of life, but when Enron inspired her inner things, my aunt actually hoped that Enron could replace her to complete the image of a rebel. She saw another possibility in Enron’s life and didn’t want to stop it.

  Arranging the dialogue between two generations of "sisters", You Xiaoying thought of the image of "Taowa". "Finally my aunt said ‘ Dolls don’t have to be put into the same condom, and they have to go their own way ’ It means that you can have your own life choices, and you don’t have to follow the path planned by everyone like your aunt. This is my aunt’s love and understanding of Enron. "

  The ending of the movie is open, and there is no clear answer. Sisters outside the movie still have to do every question in life.

  Yin Xi said that her younger brother, who is now in the third year of high school, "quietly grew up" in her invisible time. One of them is that under her influence, my brother is determined to pursue his dream of life independently, instead of reaching out to his parents for a better life. People need independence. Parents have paid a lot to raise themselves. The future involves personal problems. Parents help you because they love you, not because they have to. After all, you are an adult.

  Gugu, who lives and works in a big city by her own ability, is also pleasantly surprised to find that her younger brother’s habits and values are subtly influenced by her. "Sisters always give priority to their own lives. If they have independent sisters, they will have independent brothers".

  (At the request of the interviewee, Yin Xi, Gu Gu and Yoga Yu are pseudonyms)

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Shen Jiequn

"You are my spring" was released in 7.1, and Super Cass teamed up to interpret you who lived with your heart.

The film You Are My Spring will be released nationwide on July 1st (this Friday), and the pre-sale is in full swing. By interweaving realism and romanticism, the film depicts a warm picture of ordinary people watching and helping each other in difficulties. Previously, several previews and specials released by the film were also filled with warmth, firmness and full of hope, and recorded the sincere cooperation between the main creators in front of the stage and behind the scenes from the initial creation to the final presentation of the film. As the first all-round "heavyweight" film in the second half of the year, "You are my spring" can be described as full of watching.
"Heavyweight" Kasi teamed up to present a variety of "truth" with one "truth"
The film "You are My Spring" is supervised by Chen Daoming, supervised by Huang Bo, directed by Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi, Yu-sheng Tian, Dong Yue and Rao Xiaozhi, and is escorted by an unprecedented "heavyweight" cast. Wang Jingchun, who plays the role of a grassroots worker and is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, plays a community worker who is full of human feelings in this film, leaving a deep impression on the director Yu-sheng Tian: "In a night scene, Teacher Jing Chun wears a mask and only uses her eyes and eyebrows to transform a variety of complex emotions such as surprise, emotion and disappointment in a few seconds!" Zhou Dongyu, the "Three Golden Actresses", appeared simply in this film, playing a girl who was tenacious and persistent in the face of difficulties. In the preview, she stood at the window of the ward and smiled at her boyfriend (YIN FANG), poking tears in countless netizens’ eyes: "She was obviously laughing, but I cried." Huang Xiaoming also plays a father who takes care of his son alone for the first time. In order to pursue the texture of the role, he offered to make his makeup closer to the image of a "tour guide" in the filming process, and "to increase sunburn, there must be traces of being beaten by years". He also appeared for the first time with real white hair and studied Sichuan dialect all night, which made the image of an ordinary middle-aged man who was running around for life real and grounded. In the previous film’s advance viewing activities, many viewers said that "the medical workers played by Chao Huang and yangsi are amazing", "The sound of" Wheat "and" Mom "played by Angel makes people cry" and "No actor’s acting skills are disappointing".It is precisely because they have been in difficulties like countless audiences that dozens of outstanding filmmakers can interpret "truth" with "true feelings", which makes this story about ordinary people supporting each other in difficulties more convincing.
Every truthyou and me"They are all protagonists, and every heart that protects life with care has a lot of "weight"
Realistic themes naturally have the advantage of touching people’s hearts. The protagonist of the film You are my spring is every real "you" and "I" who love life. In the film, Zhou Dongyu and YIN FANG interpret the bumpy but still romantic love story, and the figure of "Nanfeng" traveling alone in the dark to her lover "Xiaoyu" is particularly touching; Song Xiaobao and Pan Binlong play the role of "uncle and nephew" of migrant workers, but they are still helpful to strangers in a difficult situation; Wang Jingchun and Angel’s interpretation of neighborhood daily life is filled with humorous "gunpowder smell" and warm and simple "fireworks smell"; Chao Huang and yangsi are "medical couples" fighting side by side. In order to reach the "battlefield" in the first time, they raced against death during the day and snuggled up and encouraged each other in the cramped car at night. Huang Xiaoming’s father, after his wife (Song Jia) helped Hubei, fell into an "offensive and defensive war" with his son (Zhang Hangcheng), but the friendship between father and son was sublimated through casual stumbling … Behind these "little people", there is a pursuit of true feelings, a persistence in their profession, and a fierce counterattack in the face of despair, which is really touching.
"A group of credible, respectable and lovely little people"-this is a praise from Wu Guanping, president of China Film Culture Research Institute of Beijing Film Academy, and director Huang Jianxin shed tears after watching the movie: "It is very touching and expresses people’s association with emotional needs, and it also gives us the strength to support us to move forward." Just as the film shows: every ordinary "you" and "I" are the protagonists of life, and every heart that tries hard to face difficulties and protect life with care has a lot of weight.
Master Chuang Yan’s creative details give the story "real" "weight"
In order to pursue the real film texture, the main creators began a one-year field investigation and accumulated materials from the early stage of preparation. During the filming process, the directors examined each shot with "critical eyes" and polished the details repeatedly. "Do it again!" It has become a sentence with the highest frequency on the set. Actors Chao Huang and yangsi went to ICU one month in advance to experience the daily life of medical staff and learn professional knowledge, from disassembling medical instruments to doing CPR … without missing a detail. "The director is not an authority, but truth is the only authority." Director Dong Yue said so, and did the same: real medical workers invited to Wuhan No.1 Hospital were invited to participate in the performance and check-in. The tension of emergency treatment in the camera and the belief of medical staff to "rush forward" made countless audiences ahead of the cinema "hang their hearts in their throats" for a while, and then they were moved to tears. In addition, the crew’s requirements for scene construction are almost harsh: director Yu-sheng Tian visited several old communities, and restored the community office in the real situation one by one: supporting materials were piled up, alcohol was disinfected, and a booklet recording the residents’ situation was placed on the desk … Wang Jingchun, who entered the shooting site, immediately expressed "shock" and doubted that he was in the real community, "playing in one second". Directors Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi and Rao Xiaozhi all show their feelings and understanding of life on the big screen through details, just to try their best to give the story "real" weight and leave everyone who "guards each other" in the light and shadow of "spring".
Stars strongly recommend sincere invitation: the first movie in the second half of the year, to see with the most cherished people!
In the movie "You are My Spring" in Changchun "Starry Sky" movie theater, Pan Binlong, the leading actor, appeared from a distance and launched a romantic call in the northeast dialect with full affection, "Save the first movie on the first day of the second half of the year for the favorite person". Angel also expressed his sincere long-cherished wish to netizens in the live interactive broadcast: July 1st is the first day of the second half of the year, so that this movie can start our second half of the year full of vitality and realize every wish. In addition to the main creation, the film was also highly recommended by many "heavyweight" stars-Zhu Yilong, Zhang Ziyi, Jia Ling and other stars made their debut with flowers in their hands, told the audience their good wishes and handed out invitations from "Spring". In the film, everyone is trying to stick to it and look forward to meeting with a beautiful life after a long separation. Whether it’s the real desire of the character from the heart or the simple desire told by the stars, it’s actually the same as everyone’s wish: meeting with your lover, gathering with friends, going to the sea and going to the movies … On July 1, I might as well go to the movies "You are my spring" with the person who is always waiting for you and is most cherished. On the first day of the second half of the year, every promise will be made.
The film You Are My Spring was directed by the Chinese Film Association, with Chen Daoming as the chief producer, Huang Bo as the chief producer, Zhang Hong as the chief producer, Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi, Yu-sheng Tian, Dong Yue and Rao Xiaozhi as the directors, Zhou Dongyu, YIN FANG, Song Xiaobao, Pan Binlong, Wang Jingchun, Zhao Jinmai, Huang Chao, Yang Si, Huang Xiaoming, Song Jia and Zhang Hangcheng (in order of appearance). Produced by China Film Publishing House Co., Ltd., Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Wuhan Cultural Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., Changying Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin Cat’s Eye Lithography Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Emei Film Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jinghao Culture Media Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Xiamen Radio and Television Group, Xiamen International Trade Holding Group Co., Ltd., Fengshan Film (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Beijing Yingke Dafang Media Co., Ltd., Jinchengguo Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Hemuhe (Beijing) International Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinqiao Dadi Culture Development Co., Ltd. jointly produced. The film was released nationwide on July 1, and the pre-sale is in progress!
(Source: Sina. com)

The true love of young people in small towns strikes back. Shanghai girls find happiness and true love in his interest

In the concept of dating, Shanghai girl Zhou Jie is indeed a bit "crazy". Under the traditional mindset of marriage equality and matching, Zhou Jie’s road to marriage seems to be getting narrower and narrower. With the increasing age and persistence in the inherent concept of mate selection, Zhou Jie has been "single". Looking at Zhou Jie, who is too high to be low, the girlfriends who are in a hurry have "pulled" her to his interest! Girlfriends think that so many people have successfully found the right partner in their own interests. How can Zhou Jie not?

To tell the truth, although Zhou Jie has always had some difficulties in making friends in marriage and love, and her personality and feelings have always been somewhat cold, she has a well-off family and a rich life working as a dance teacher, which can be called "high quality" in all aspects. No matter in his family in the same city or in his live broadcast room, Zhou Jie’s interaction with her friends will always show her high artistic talent and always attract the attention of many opposite sex. There are more and more opposite sex who take the initiative to chat up Zhou Jie in his interest, but Zhou Jie doesn’t seem to "call" them.

Including Zhou Jie herself and her girlfriends, no one expected the opportunity of true love to come. One day, a young man from Yunnan named Yang Hui finally let Zhou Jie "fall" in love. The two people were introduced to each other automatically by the system through his interesting voice speed matching function. Zhou Jie likes Yang Huifu’s magnetic voice, which is gentle and special. In the following interactive communication, Zhou Jie learned that Yang Hui came from a small town in Yunnan and worked hard in Shanghai alone for many years. She was particularly smart and motivated. Although family background, education and appearance are not as good as Zhou Jie’s, many of Yang Hui’s ideas and attitudes towards some things are surprisingly consistent. Their sense of tacit understanding and mutual understanding make them deeply attracted to each other at the same time.

Every day, there are endless topics to talk about in his interest, and there will be endless happiness when he is with him. Zhou Jie is more and more aware that marriage equality, door-to-door matching and so on are not the whole of true love. Love doesn’t have to be born in the same background, but based on the spiritual harmony and mutual understanding. In this relationship, Zhou Jie and Yang Hui changed each other and grew together. Two people choose each other, Zhou Jie has changed the traditional concept of marriage and love, and the small town guy has also achieved the counterattack of marrying a Shanghai girl.

As a dating service platform that has been committed to building efficient ice-breaking, high-frequency interaction and multi-interest links for single young people, the real high rate of single-off-order of Taqu APP is an accurate cut-in to the actual single-off demand of single groups, and on the other hand, technology empowers single groups to intelligently match the needs of the other half, which greatly reduces the time cost and energy input cost of single young people in finding the right other half, and it is easy to find the right other half in Taqu APP.

"extreme commuting" blows up the network! Workers, how long does it take you to commute to work every day?

Attention, all workers! Elephant wants to ask one thing: How long does it take you to commute to work every day?

In the past two days, the statement of "extreme commuting" detonated the internet, because a woman commuted 6.5 hours a day, which shocked netizens.

Miss Jin, who lives in Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, works in a company in Yangpu District. Because of the long distance, she has to ride an electric bike to the bus stop first. After taking the bus for an hour and a half, transfer to the subway. After arriving at the station, take the shuttle bus to work in the park where the company is located. It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes for one way, and it costs 800 yuan every month.

Miss Jin said that if you drive, the one-way trip is about 100 kilometers, and the one-way trip in the morning and evening peaks will take nearly 2 hours. Together with the fuel, tolls and parking fees, the monthly cost will be about 5,000 yuan. "I have also tried to rent a house near the company, but the cost is higher."

Commuting is an unavoidable topic for every migrant worker. And miss Jin’s way to work, let a person call away from the big spectrum.

However, there are not a few people who commute to work every day like Miss Jin, and many migrant workers have cried in the comment area.

Extreme commuting, in other words, is the exhaustion of young people. Some netizens calculated the account for Miss Jin: "24 hours a day, conservatively speaking, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, plus 6.5 hours on the road, three meals a day, a total of 1 hour, and 0.5 hours may not even be enough for makeup time, not to mention other things."

According to the data, over 14 million people in China are suffering from extreme commuting for more than 60 minutes. Studies generally believe that long commuting will reduce people’s happiness, but some financial experts believe that long commuting time is bad for individuals, but not necessarily "bad" for the development of enterprises and cities. Long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption.

Some papers even wrote: "Internet consumption has become an important consumption channel for office workers and a way to use commuting time, which is conducive to alleviating the negative impact of long commuting time and improving residents’ commuting happiness."

Perhaps, as some experts say, long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption. However, in today’s hot search for the topic of "why don’t young people XX", who is really concerned about the needs and difficulties of young people?

Congested traffic, time-consuming commuting, high-stress nerves, endless work, humble income and expensive rent are serious problems that most ordinary young people in China are facing, which has already overwhelmed young people.

Eight hours of work is enviable, and 6.5 hours of extreme commuting is really killing me.


Hot booking! The reunion dinner turned out to be so funny.

This article is about 1280 words, and it takes 4 minutes to read.

Busy for a whole year.

What remains the same at the end of each year

Have a lively reunion dinner with your family.


This reunion dinner is shared by more than 1000 people.

How lively would it be?


"Roof of Abundance" of Tianfu International Conference Center —— The annual banquet of thousands of delegations by Qinhuang Lake officially opened the reservation mode.

As soon as the reservation is opened, netizens expect the value to explode.

"Eat nine bowls, a year of abundance! Celebrating the New Year with everyone in the eaves of Tianfu sounds tall and I look forward to the whole value! "

"Happy New Year’s Eve in the new district, eat New Year’s Eve in the new district, and celebrate the New Year with great prosperity ~ ~ ~ I wish all my friends Long Xing 2024!"

"Not bad, it’s the first time for many people to have a reunion dinner together, and you can also watch a performance, which is very good."

"Tianfu new district is great, nine bowls, arouse my childhood memories! I really want to participate, I can’t even think about it. "


Reservations for New Year’s Eve dinner are still going on.

Friends who want to participate look here ↓

Call the marketing department of Tianfu International Conference Center:



Make a reservation

↑ Figure Source Micro Dongpo

Dongpo Elbow, Sixi Pill, Salted Boiled White

Meat with sand and fragrant bowls with buttons


Long table winding

Line up with wine and meat

Not only satisfy the enjoyment of taste buds

It can arouse the lively memories of childhood Chinese New Year.

Tianfu International Conference Center. Photo by Pan Anqi

In addition to eating nine bowls

The activities on New Year’s Eve are also not to be missed.

Light up the "eaves of abundance"

Light and shadow awards

The largest drone show in Southwest China

Non-legacy fire dragon iron flower show


Various wonderful activities are staged in turn.

You are dazzled and happy!

↑ Photo by Kei Ma Please do not reprint without authorization.

"Roof of Abundance" Light and Shadow Award

On New Year’s Eve, a "magnificent spectacle" built by science and technology will be staged in the "eaves of abundance". On the largest single wooden structure in Asia, a digital roof with a length of 408 meters and a width of 26 meters and a total area of about 11,000 square meters will be officially lit for the first time.

Under the visual extension, a series of 4k ultra-high-definition theme videos are slowly unfolding on this super-long screen, and each frame is an intoxicating and beautiful picture.

↑ The selected works will be displayed on the screen of the "Roof of Abundance" light show on New Year’s Eve (schematic diagram).

Hua zhong Jin Guan palace Guan Tang Deng hui carnival

From February 8th to March 8th (11:00-23:00 every day), hundreds of non-legacy lanterns were lit in Xibo City, "Hua Chong Jin Guan, the Forbidden City, Tang Dynasty and the 5000 non-legacy lantern carnival".

In addition to the Lantern Festival, there are also the gathering of blessings in the Year of the Dragon, the Tang Garden Party in the Forbidden City, the interpretation of Tang costumes that pour the world into dreams, the fusion show of national dances, the hot concerts, the food market, and the cultural and creative courtesy … Many experience activities are waiting for you to play.

Visual shock "drone show"

On the day of New Year’s Eve, more than 3,000 unmanned aerial vehicles took off at the same time in the night. With the sky as the curtain, dragons and phoenixes spread their wings and ascended to heaven one after another. Through the dreamy three-dimensional light and shadow changes, they interwoven a beautiful Tianfu New Year scroll to light up the reunion night.

It is reported that there were seven themes in the UAV matrix performance that day, and the scale was the first in the southwest.

↑ UAV performance. Schematic diagram, the final picture is based on reality.

Intangible memory "Iron Tree Silver Flower Dragon Leap"

This extreme romance inherited thousands of years ago will bloom in Xibo City on New Year’s Eve. Silver flowers are falling in the fire tree, and the stars are blooming in the sky. The "iron flowers" above 1600℃ bloom like stars in the night sky, and suddenly they are as bright as day. Nine 18-meter-long fire dragons are hovering and dancing in the light and shadow.

= data map. Photo taken by Wu Bo Please don’t reprint it without authorization.

After the reunion dinner, you can also watch the New Year around the viewing platform at five points, namely, the Avenue around the lake, the Monet Garden lakeside, the fountain hydrophilic platform and the eaves of abundance. After enjoying the post-dinner snacks with the annual flavor of corn, sweet potatoes, red dates, rice cakes, sugar oranges and longan, you can also participate in the Rongcheng market, Erya Light Bar, New Year’s Lantern Parade, Chengdu Banquet, Drama and Fuman Play.

= data map

Are you excited?

New Year’s Eve

We are waiting for you at the eaves of abundance!

Original title: "Hot booking! The reunion dinner was so funny.

Traditional arts and crafts have become the source of fashion inspiration, so it is necessary to match the pearls, not to "buy the pearls back"

China traditional arts and crafts can be described as a brilliant flower in the garden of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Among them, traditional handicraft is the most intuitive memory symbol of human civilization inheritance. On the one hand, it provides the material basis for human beings to live and develop, on the other hand, it is regarded as the link and presentation way of human spiritual connection and emotional communication. "Applying arts according to materials, making tools still in use, endowing things with affection and maintaining customs" has become the core connotation of traditional handicraft skills.
When the world enters the post-industrial era, the practical functions of the traditional handicraft production and living materials and tools are gradually stripped off, replaced by the constant amplification and prominence of their aesthetic value, cultural value, emotional value and social value, and there has been a shift from the technical field characterized by material to romanticism and naturalism characterized by spirit, and "handcrafting" is being reshaped into a cultural landscape of "returning to the world of daily life". However, in this idealized process of "remolding" and "rebuilding", we should also be alert to how traditional handicraft skills are not misused or abused in the market-oriented commercialization trend, so as to avoid the nihilistic commodity culture premium and the consumer’s resistance.
The mother-of-pearl lacquer box used by Xie Fuchun for duck egg powder adopts Yangzhou lacquer flat grinding mother-of-pearl technology.
The pursuit of personalized consumption turns the traditional craft into a new life.
UNESCO’s Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage has been promulgated for 21 years, in which traditional crafts are one of the important components of the five major fields of human intangible cultural heritage. In China, there are 629 national-level intangible cultural heritage projects, covering sculpture, textile dyeing and embroidery, clothing production, catering and food, building construction, furniture study, plant cultivation, restoration techniques and many other aspects.
Mechanical production in the industrial age is increasingly showing a variety of negative directions, such as poor quality due to profit-seeking mass production, over-assimilation of world products dissolving regional characteristics, being dominated by machinery, lack of creativity, loss of craftsmen and traditional skills, and so on. In the social context of social transformation and consumption upgrading, the stereotyped packaging of industrial products is flooding the market. At the same time, under the tension of machine aesthetics and handicraft aesthetics, China people’s aesthetic consumption is also at the node of rapid transformation.
As Japanese folk artist Liu Zongyue said, "The difference between hand and machine is that hand is connected with heart, while machine is unintentional. Handicraft can induce miracles because it is not only a simple manual labor, but a creation of the mind, and it gives labor happiness. The reason why handicrafts can induce miracles is because of the intentional control behind it and the beautiful characteristics of objects through both hands. " In Division: Social Criticism on Taste Judgment, Bourdieu, a French sociologist, made a sociological investigation and analysis on the cultural consumption of social strata in the fields of taste, habitude, cultural capital and life style, and thought that consumers could establish their unique status and sense of identity through certain cultural symbols.
Today, personalized and customized consumption has become a new consumption trend, while traditional handicrafts, which are not familiar to the public, naturally have the consumption symbol of "cultural scarcity" and become the first choice for consumers to "personalize" in their self-concept to strengthen the construction of self-cultural identity. When this kind of "personalized public claim" resonates with the consumer’s self-concept, it will become the best expression of aesthetics, interest and hobbies, which will produce the charm of labeling and realize the individualized difference.
The productive protection of intangible cultural heritage is an effective way to return intangible cultural heritage to the daily life of contemporary people on the basis of satisfying people’s needs of practicality, aesthetics and standardization. Paying attention to the close combination of traditional crafts and contemporary life, enriching the themes and product varieties of traditional crafts, improving the level of craft design and production, improving the quality of craft products, cultivating China craftsmen and famous brands, and promoting the new and extensive application of traditional crafts in contemporary life are all regarded as important manifestations of in-depth implementation of China’s traditional craft revitalization plan.
In recent years, in the continuous updating and iteration of domestic brands and time-honored brands, traditional crafts have become the main fashion trend of their packaging design, and this high-frequency appearance of cross-border cooperation has become a new position for brands and intangible assets to join hands.
All kinds of time-honored brands have many creative designs that are integrated with traditional handicrafts such as mother-of-pearl, lacquerware, silk reeling, Song Jin, bamboo weaving, ceramics and gold and silver fine work. For example, the mother-of-pearl lacquer box selected by Xie Fuchun for duck egg powder adopts Yangzhou lacquer flat grinding mother-of-pearl technology, and the fancy pattern on the lacquer box cover is made of natural shells. The top cover of shanghai jahwa’s herborist Huanji series products adopts the traditional filigree inlay technique, and reproduces the pattern of hundred grass flowers and the traditional ruyi moire; Another example is the packaging of Biluochun tea and Guojiao series wines, which adopts the traditional reeling skills that enjoy the reputation of "one inch of reeling silk and one inch of gold" and so on. In addition to high-end complicated skills, the extensive use of natural materials such as bamboo, wood, grass, cotton, lacquer, metal and ceramics, coupled with a new interpretation of the cultural meaning of traditional decorative patterns in the context of the times, has added profound cultural added value to the brand image of domestic products in the new era.
The time-honored brand of domestic products, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, is the representative of "Seiko". Coupled with the unique scarcity characteristics of traditional manual work, natural materials and memories of the times, it has formed a specific style of cultural consumer goods, providing a consumption experience different from that of industrial packaging disposable quick-throwing materials. Cross-border design cooperation between domestic brands and handicrafts, both of which draw cultural essence from history, will lead mass consumption with a brand-new attitude, show unique aesthetic taste and wisdom, and at the same time reflect the soul of intangible elements design, achieving a high degree of unity of form and connotation, which is an effective way of cooperation to achieve a win-win situation.
From these cases, it is not difficult to get a glimpse of consumers’ tendency to be knowledgeable, personalized and culturally diversified in the context of the simultaneous development of material culture and spiritual culture. Compared with the exclusive trend of western modern design in the past, handicrafts are more widely used in the packaging design of modern products, which is precisely due to the constant examination and reflection on "the use of utensils" and "the way of utensils", the expression and prominence of national cultural self-confidence, and a positive and forward-looking recognition of the survival value and development ability of national excellent traditional culture.
Herborist’s top cover of rejuvenation series products adopts traditional filigree inlay technology.
Don’t let commercial value steal the limelight of social utility and cultural value.
Young and innovative old brands, creative cross-border marketing through the "fan economy" of young brands, and customized cross-border products with the appeal of young groups can establish emotional connection with young audiences, form a more overall and comprehensive brand impression, and promote a win-win situation. At the same time, however, we should also be alert to the fact that some new brands are eager to establish market influence, and make use of the current hot spots of public opinion to make gimmicks, instead of really paying attention to the values behind the intangible skills, the craftsman spirit, and the social utility and cultural functions of the traditional skills, which will inevitably lead to the emotional resistance of consumers, resulting in negative communication and public misunderstanding of this intangible skill. For example, recently, there have been numerous non-legacy cross-border cooperation in e-commerce platforms and live broadcasts, involving beauty, clothing, food, daily necessities, agricultural and sideline products and even tourism products. It is ridiculous to apply the non-legacy logo stiffly and steal the concept of non-legacy.
From industrial packaging to manual advanced customization of traditional crafts, the transformation of consumption concept needs some knowledge guidance and cultivation. More traditional crafts are applied to product packaging design, which enables us to deeply understand the time and effort spent in each process of traditional crafts, and understand the philosophical thinking of "the beauty of oriental handiwork" after several generations of craftsmen’s painstaking efforts and their history. On the basis of the development of life aesthetic education, traditional craft empowers the design of "national tide", which is not only a strategy of resource transformation or a path of market expansion, but also a response to the deep-seated needs of social development. In the process of constructing from material to heart, it realizes communication with tradition and introspection of cultural rejuvenation.
Intangible cultural heritage belongs to the collective creation of the people, and it is passed down from generation to generation among the people. Intangible cultural heritage itself comes from life and serves life at the same time. Only when it is effectively used in the life world can its vitality and live transmission be fully activated. However, we should also reflect on and pay attention to the following three points in the protection of traditional arts and crafts: first, the communication between traditional arts and crafts and the daily life of the public; The second is to discuss the relationship between the intangible innovation of traditional craft and its authenticity protection; The third is the relationship between the protection of traditional handicrafts and the social, national cultural and ecological environment. For example, the cross-border cooperation between the national intangible Sichuan Qingshen bamboo weaving skill and many famous brands at home and abroad has been used as food packaging, ceramic accessories, art installations and even new scientific and technological means, which not only highlights the surface of the concept of organic and environmentally friendly life under the plastic ban, but also arouses the public’s continuous concern about the natural ecology and cultural ecology of this intangible skill, and its contribution to creating employment, tourism opportunities, promoting education and even rural revitalization and art township construction.
China’s traditional craft has a historical basis and traditional connotation, and it is a living context that is constantly evolving in production and life. Its harmony with the "national tide" design not only reflects the new generation and practice of the significance of traditional craft in contemporary China, but also reflects the new transformation and promotion of contemporary China’s economy and culture. We encourage non-legacy of traditional crafts to be used in creative packaging design. After extracting non-legacy skills and elements, we redesign traditional cultural elements, cultural connotations and symbol systems, so that they can better meet the consumer psychology and emotional needs of young people, stimulate new social service effectiveness, construct non-legacy identity more effectively, and realize the sustainable development of non-legacy.
Author: Fang Yun
Text: Fang Yun (researcher of Shanghai Arts and Crafts Vocational College’s Intangible Heritage Theory and Application Innovation Base and distinguished researcher of East China Normal University’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance and Application Center) Editor: Fan Xin Editor: Shao Ling.
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2.0T small steel cannon, brand-new 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI launched.


Volkswagen is a world-famous manufacturer, and its global sales volume is second only to Toyota, ranking second in the world. In the domestic automobile market, Volkswagen is also very popular and has a good sales volume. Volkswagen has been developing in China for 40 years, which has established a good brand image in the hearts of consumers and has also become the benchmark of automobile brands. As a classic model of Volkswagen, Volkswagen Golf has been loved by young consumers for many years with its fashionable appearance and excellent mechanical quality. Golf GTI, as the top model of golf series, has outstanding performance and is known as a small steel gun, which is pursued by young consumers. Recently, FAW-Volkswagen announced the official launch of a brand-new golf GTI model, which is equipped with a better power system and a more fashionable and sporty appearance. The guide price is 229,800 yuan.

[Cheyou Headline-CheyouNo.-Zhidian Automobile]  

In terms of appearance, GTI is obviously more refined in appearance than ordinary golf. Adopt flat front design, through design, and the addition of red decorative strips highlights personality and movement, which is full of movement. Large-size air intake grille with blackened honeycomb structure inside brings brand-new visual impact and looks more sporty and domineering. In addition, the brand-new GTI adopts the brand-new LED headlight group design, which looks sharper and improves the aggressiveness of the whole vehicle, while the word GTI is also located at the left headlight corner, which instantly improves the advanced feeling of the whole vehicle.

The side of the car body is not much different from the ordinary version. The integral side skirt design makes the car body lower. The side lines of the vehicle are smooth and concise, and the classic body shape is still dynamic, but the latest 17-inch sports aluminum alloy wheels are added, which adds a sporty atmosphere. The lower part of the door and the rearview mirror shell are decorated with silver, which enhances the luxury of the vehicle.

At the tail, the tail design of the new golf GTI is very special, with distinct layers, and the integrated body shape design is selected. The taillights are more sharp, and the rear spoiler is large, with black surrounding at the top and bottom and double exhaust at both sides, showing the demeanor of a high-performance car.

When it comes to the interior, Golf GTI still adopts the ordinary version of golf design style. The center console design is almost the same as that of golf. The embracing center console that is biased towards the cab design adds a sense of movement with GTI’s exclusive red control interface. The perforated leather material and the fur cover of the seat make people feel comfortable and can reflect the luxury inside the car. The brand-new 10.25-inch LCD instrument panel, central control suspension screen and three-position multi-function steering wheel design reduce a lot of physical buttons and improve the sense of science and technology in the car. The GTI version adopts a new integrated sports plaid seat to provide better support and comfort. In terms of configuration, the new car is equipped with 30-color ambient lights, reversing images, constant-speed cruise, multiple driving modes, automatic parking, uphill assistance, variable steering ratio, electric sunroof, keyless entry and start, remote start, low-speed driving warning, active noise reduction, 8-speaker speakers, automatic air conditioning and so on. The main and passenger seats are equipped with airbags, front and rear head air curtains, knee airbags, passive pedestrian protection, tire pressure alarm, fatigue driving tips, etc. The new golf GTI can enjoy the blind spot image on the side of the car, the openable panoramic sunroof, leather seats, front seat heating and so on. From the configuration of golf GTI, a variety of intelligent configurations make consumers more convenient and worry-free.

In terms of power, as a small steel gun, its power performance is naturally the most concerned by everyone. The new car is equipped with a 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 162kw, a maximum horsepower of 220 horsepower and a peak torque of 350 Nm. With the DQ381 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the speed-up time of 100 kilometers is only 7.2 seconds. It can be seen that the performance of this new car is very strong. In terms of chassis, the new Golf GTI has also updated the subframe, reinforced bearing, front double wishbone suspension stabilizer, front six-piston brake system and ceramic front brake disc, and the ground clearance of the chassis is reduced by 25mm compared with the ordinary version of golf. It is equipped with suspension system, brand-new shock absorber and valve system, which are unique to the new golf GTI, improving the driving quality and meeting the performance needs of young people.

Write at the end:

The appearance of the 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI has attracted the attention and heated discussion of the majority of riders. Its strong performance, sporty appearance and interior design, high-quality driving experience and other aspects show its strong quality. The new Volkswagen Golf GTI not only continues the excellent tradition in the past, but also injects more innovation and high-tech configuration, making it a good choice for young consumers.