A Brief History of New Year’s Day: Since ancient times, "New Year’s Day" has five different days.

Hello, 2022!
On the first day of the Gregorian calendar every year,
All mark the arrival of the new year,
People used to call this day "New Year’s Day".
Also known as "solar year".
So, with the first ray of sunshine in the morning,
People bless each other:
"Happy New Year’s Day!"
Qi Baishi’s "Reporting Peace"
This habit was formed when the western calendar was implemented in China. The initiator was Sun Yat-sen, who took office as interim president on January 1, 1912. In his oath of office, he ended with "New Year’s Day of the first year".
On September 27, 1949, China began to use the method of AD chronology, and officially designated January 1 as "New Year’s Day" and included it as a legal holiday.
This is New Year’s Day in modern times.
New Year’s Day in ancient times is another matter.
Yuan, the beginning of the number; Dan, the day comes out.
New Year’s Day usually refers to the first day of the first month in the calendar.
If you ask a question:
When is New Year’s Day in ancient China?
How to answer?
Some people say, isn’t this very simple? New Year’s Day in ancient times was the first day of the first month, which is now the Spring Festival.
Such an answer can only be scored 50 points. Although the ancient New Year’s Day is the first day of the first month of the year, it does not necessarily refer to the Spring Festival now.
Now the Spring Festival is the first day of the first month of the summer calendar, which takes January of the lunar calendar as the first month, so January 1st is New Year’s Day. However, many calendars were used in ancient China, and the first month of different periods and dynasties was different, so the day of the first day of the first month was also different.
The exact answer is:At that time, the calendar stipulated when it was January, and New Year’s Day was on the first day of that month.
That is to say,New Year’s Day is different with different calendars.
Song Zhao Chang’s "The Picture of the Year"
Making a calendar has always been a national event. As "Historical Records and Almanac" said: "When the king changes his surname, he must be cautious at the beginning, correct the new moon, be easy to take the color, push the Tianyuan, and follow the will."
The so-called "correcting the new moon" means modifying the calendar. "Push this Tianyuan, inherit the meaning", that is, calculate the starting point of the calendar to adapt to the weather.
How many kinds of calendars were there in ancient China? For thousands of years, our ancestors have created a variety of calendars since the Yellow Emperor’s "determination of ephemeris". According to three books, A Summary of Ancient Masters, Calendar General Records and the Evolution History of China Calendar System,There are 115 kinds of ancient calendars in China with names to test.
Among them, Huangdi calendar, Zhuan Xu calendar, Xia calendar, Yin calendar, Zhou calendar, Lu calendar, taichu calendar calendar, Santong calendar, Quarter calendar, Jingchu calendar, Daming calendar and Dayan calendar are all famous calendars in history.
But no matter how many calendars there were in ancient China,
The month of "Jianzheng" is basically fixed in the four months of the lunar calendar.
Corresponding to this, New Year’s Day also has four days.
1. November of the lunar calendar, that is, the month of midwinter, the month of the founding of the son. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor calendar takes Jiazi month as January, and Jiazi month as January day. The second month is the November of the lunar calendar, so the New Year’s Day of the Yellow Emperor calendar is the first day of November.
Zhou replaces the weekly calendar, which also takes November as the first month, so the New Year’s Day of the Zhou Dynasty is also the first day of November.
2. January of the lunar calendar, that is, the month of Meng Chun and the month of Jian Yin. "Historical Records and Almanac" said: "The past was from ancient times, and the calendar was built in Meng Chun." Sima Qian’s era of "the past lived in ancient times" may refer to the era of Zhuan Xu, one of the "Five Emperors".
"Records of the Laws of Jin Dynasty" says: "Wei Wendi Huang junior high school, Taishi made Gao Tanglong discuss the calendar in detail, and made more reforms. ….. Dong Ba suggested:’ Zhuan Xu took the first month of Meng Chun as the yuan, and the first month was the first month of New Moon in beginning of spring. That is to say, Zhuan Xu takes Meng Chun as the first month and January 1st of the lunar calendar as New Year’s Day.
"Historical Records and Almanac" said: "Summer is in the first month." Dong Ba also said, "Summer is the day to inherit Yao and Shun, so we should go from Zhuan Xu. The Book of Rites was built in Meng Chun, and it is also called. "
It means that the Xia Dynasty inherited the calendar of Zhuan Xu and took Meng Chun as the first month, so the New Year’s Day of the Xia Dynasty is the first day of the lunar calendar.
The lunar calendar we are talking about now is actually the summer calendar, which shows that the summer calendar has the greatest influence on later calendars.
In 104 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched taichu calendar, and officially decided to take the first month of the summer calendar as the beginning of the year and the first day of the first month of the summer calendar as New Year’s Day. Since then, although the calendar of our country has been revised many times, the beginning time of this year has not changed.
3. December of the lunar calendar, that is, the month of winter and the month of ugliness. "Historical Records and Almanac" said: "Yin is in December." The Shang Dynasty used the Yin calendar, which took the ugly month of December as the first month, so the New Year’s Day of the Shang Dynasty was the first day of the twelfth lunar month.
4. October of the lunar calendar is the month of Meng Dong and the month of Jian Hai. According to Historical Records, after Qin Shihuang unified China, he thought he was "rewarded with water virtue" and "in October".
During the Warring States Period, Zou Yan, a Yin-Yang scholar, put forward the theory of "Five Virtues Cycle", and explained the change of dynasties with "Five Elements Winning". At that time, people thought that the Zhou Dynasty was a "fire virtue", and Qin Shihuang thought that the dynasty he established was a "water virtue" because water overcame fire. Because the season corresponding to water is winter, and October is Meng Dong at the beginning of winter, Qin Shihuang took October of the lunar calendar as the first month and the first day of October as New Year’s Day.
Ren Bonian’s "Qing Dynasty Confessions"
After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gaozu said that "Northern China began to wait for me", that "Northern Hei Di" helped him to seize the world, and that he also thought that he was "rewarded by water virtue", so he still inherited the calendar of the Qin Dynasty. Later, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty also used the calendar of Qin Dynasty, taking the first day of October as New Year’s Day, and it was not until Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty that it was changed to Xia Zheng.
It can be seen that New Year’s Day in ancient China,
There are the first day of October and the first day of November.
On the first day of December and the first day of January,
Plus the current Gregorian calendar on January 1,
There have been five different days on New Year’s Day since ancient times.
Wang Xuetao’s "Year of the DPRK"
On New Year’s Day in ancient times,
Also known as Yuan Day, Shang Day, Duan Day, Sui Dynasty, Lu Duan, etc.
It is the most important festival of the year.
Now, January 1st of the Gregorian calendar is designated as New Year’s Day.
And renamed the ancient New Year’s Day Spring Festival,
This is probably the biggest difference between ancient and modern New Year’s Day.
Wang Xuetao’s "Year of the DPRK"
Text: Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City reporter Zhong Kui
Photo: Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City reporter Zhong Kui (remake)
Dai Yujing, Editor of Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City

Prosecutor: Zhou Liangluo, the star district chief, thought about "nightlife" at night.

    Zhou Liangluo (data map)

    The "Yilin" illegal pyramid scheme, which has attracted much attention from the society, made a first-instance judgment in Beijing No.2 Intermediate People’s Court on the morning of March 23rd this year. The public prosecution of this case is undertaken by the Public Prosecution Division 2 of the Second Branch of Beijing Procuratorate. A few days ago, the reporter went to the hospital and interviewed Gao Jinghui, the chief prosecutor of the "Yilin" case. Coincidentally, in March 2008, Zhou Liangluo, the former mayor of Haidian District, Beijing, was also the chief prosecutor of the bribery case. Looking back on the experience of handling these two cases, Gao Jinghui’s thoughts went back to two years ago …

  The moving company’s big truck brought in the case file.

    In late April 2007, there are still a few days to go before the May Day holiday. That day, I remember very clearly that the public security personnel said that they would transfer the files of the "Yilin" case. After waiting for a while, I saw a moving company’s big truck drive into the yard. "Don’t make a mistake!" I’m a little skeptical. Yes, the file of the "Yilin" case is filled in the spacious truck compartment. More than 2500 copies! I was really dumbfounded.

    Looking at the files that almost occupied the whole room, everyone was silent. This silence indicates that some great pressure is coming quietly, indicating that a "hard battle" is about to start.

    According to the arrangement in the hospital, our Public Prosecution Division II is responsible for the prosecution of the "Yilin" case. After receiving the case, we immediately set up a public prosecution team composed of five people. Director Zhang Xuming guided the overall situation, and my colleague Sun Qing and I undertook it specifically. The other two colleagues cooperated as clerks.

    In order to complete the review task as scheduled, after a simple division of labor, Sun Qing and I plunged into the "ocean of files". More than 2,500 files almost need to be reviewed in this book, and important facts and key evidence should be carefully verified and checked one by one. At the same time, around the qualitative problem of the case, our public prosecution group has conducted many detailed and in-depth discussions.

    During that time, it goes without saying that we worked overtime, and we also spent the last 7-day long holiday on May Day in the office. In September 2007, the review task was finally completed. When two police cars transferred the case file of "Yilin" to the court several times, we felt that another tough battle was about to begin.

  We are facing an unprecedented "team"

    In September 2008, the case of "Yilin", which caused a sensation in the whole country, was heard in Beijing No.2 Intermediate People’s Court.

    On the day of the trial, we were faced with an unprecedented "team"-28 defendants and 44 lawyers, and all the famous criminal defense lawyers in Beijing and even the whole country basically arrived.

    As soon as the war started, the other side showed considerable momentum. Among the 28 defendants, only a small number admitted that their actions were illegal pyramid schemes, while many defendants, including the principal, refused to plead guilty and kept saying that they were operating legally. Among these defendants, there are several northeast people who are particularly eloquent. They regard the court as their own lecture hall, and they talk eloquently.

    Because individual’s "speech" was extremely inflammatory, more than a dozen defendants were so excited that they ignored the judge’s warning and got up to "help the war" one after another. At this moment, the principal Zhao Pengyun suddenly made a gesture, and the defendants immediately quieted down, and no one made any noise.

    I was deeply impressed by this dramatic change. They tried their best to defend their innocence, but their behavior just taught every bystander present the domination and control of illegal pyramid schemes on people’s minds.

    The lawyers also performed quite well, defending the defendant’s innocence with one voice, which was really eloquent.

    Due to the large number of people involved and the complexity of the case, the trial of the "Yilin" case lasted for 8 days. For eight days, we were always calm. Out of the understanding of the case, the grasp of laws and regulations, and the full preparation for the trial, we have already made a well-informed response to all the acquittals. Our public prosecution opinions were all adopted by the court.

  While prosecuting the "Yilin" case, I came into contact with Zhou Liangluo.

    At the same time as the prosecution of "Yilin" case, the bribery case of Zhou Liangluo, the former district head of Haidian District, Beijing, also entered the prosecution stage. According to the arrangement of the hospital, I am responsible for the public prosecution of this case.

    Zhou Liangluo, known as the "Star District Chief", is famous, but his bribery case is not complicated. When reviewing the case file, from the transcripts provided by investigators, I can feel that Zhou Liangluo seems to have a hunch about this day after arriving at the case, and he knows very well that only by actively cooperating and taking the initiative to explain can he win the greatest forgiveness for his sins. And this is almost the common feature of all corrupt officials I have reviewed.

    During the arraignment, Zhou Liangluo was very calm. He said that in fact, I knew that I would have such a day, and I thought of it when I received the first money. I was still very nervous at that time, and later I found that nothing happened, so I relaxed a little. Slowly, if you receive more, you will be numb. If you don’t receive it, you will feel abnormal.

    According to Zhou Liangluo, for a long time before the incident, he had a dual identity, one was the head of Haidian District, and the other was "Manager Chen" given by a friend. During the day, mayor Zhou presided over a clean government meeting and solemnly educated his subordinates to be honest and clean; In the evening, "Mr. Chen" went in and out of the exclusive high-end club, accompanied by beautiful women, singing and dancing. Playing such a "two-faced man" once made him feel very uneasy and contradictory. "I am, after all, a cadre trained by the Party, educated, and know what to do and what not to do, but after a long time, it is hard to resist by personal consciousness and self-control, and those temptations are too great …" Later, at night, he thought about that kind of "nightlife".

    After the arraignment, three words used by Zhou Liangluo to sum up himself often ring in my ears: "Too smooth". Indeed, from the secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee in colleges and universities to the bureau-level leaders, all the way is smooth. The power in his hands is constantly expanding, but there is no effective supervision and restriction on these powers. When all kinds of temptations flood, Zhou Liangluo, who walked too smoothly, finally failed to resist.

  Interview notes

    In fact, the major and important cases prosecuted by Gao Jinghui are far more than these two cases. Wu Zhenhan, former president of Hunan Higher People’s Court, took bribes; Li Ding, former deputy director of the Bureau of Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture and former deputy director of the Agricultural Industrialization Office, took bribes; Wu Gongyang, the former full-time secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, was involved in or independently undertaken by her. When talking about those cases, Gao Jinghui was very calm: "The prosecutors in our office are all excellent, and Wu Chunmei (the sixth" Top Ten Outstanding Prosecutors in China ") is a good example."

    According to the reporter’s understanding, in recent years, the public prosecution department of the Second Branch of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate has undertaken many major cases and important cases, many of which have been designated by higher-level procuratorial organs. In this regard, Gao Jinghui often feels stressed, but more is exciting. "It is our affirmation and trust that the leaders are assigned by name, and we have no reason not to do it well." When saying this, the reporter seemed to see Gao Jinghui on the public prosecution bench-calm, confident and firm. (Reporter Yang Bo interviewed)

Editor: Li Xiuwei

People in Qinghai earthquake zone: No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live a good life.

Zhongxin. com Qinghai Minhe December 19 th Issue: People in Qinghai earthquake zone: No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live a good life.
Zhongxin. com reporter Li Jiangning Zhang Tianfu
On the afternoon of 19th, more than ten hours have passed since the Jishishan earthquake of magnitude 6.2 in Gansu. In front of a row of dumped houses in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province, women and children warmed up and chatted around charcoal fire. Not far away, several men set up tents, some carried stoves from home, and some moved bedding and other warm items …
It is night, and this is their "safe haven".
The picture shows villagers chatting around charcoal fire in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Hu Youjun
At 23: 59 on the 18th, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. There are 22 towns and villages in Qinghai Province within 50 kilometers of the epicentre of this earthquake. The nearest towns and villages are Daofu Tibetan Township, guan ting zhen, Baizhuang Town and Zhongchuan Township.
"My wife and I were already asleep during the earthquake. After being awakened by the loud sound of the collapse of the house, my wife and I climbed out of the window of the house. Fortunately, neither of us was injured." Du Youwen is 60 years old. When the earthquake struck, almost all the houses in his home collapsed except one room where he slept.
The picture shows villagers building tents in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Hu Youjun
The Du family has lived in Zhaizi Village for generations, and there are currently 11 "Du families" living together. "This land was left by my grandfather’s grandfather. I have never experienced such a big earthquake. I was really scared at the time." Du Youwen seems to have calmed down a lot.
The reporter saw in Du Youwen’s home that the wall in the newly built house fell off in a large area, and the color TV and dining table were destroyed.
"After the earthquake, my son who was working in a foreign country called to ask about the situation, but at that time, my wife and I just ran out, and the mobile phone was still in the room. After I got the phone call back, my son and daughter-in-law cried on the other end of the phone." Du Youwen couldn’t help blushing.
"After the earthquake last night, 50 or 60 people in our family took bedding and firewood from home and ran to the mountain behind the village to take refuge." Du Fifty-six, a villager who also experienced the "night of fright", said, "It was very cold on the mountain at night, but at least we were lucky enough to get our lives, and this coldness was nothing."
Du Meiying, who talked about her new house in front of the charcoal fire, was the lucky one in this earthquake. "My house was newly built this summer, and it was built with the help of the government. It is very strong, and this earthquake has hardly been affected." Du Meiying said, "Although some houses in our village collapsed, everyone is fine. This is the best thing."
With the concerted efforts of Qi Xin, a simple and warm tent was quickly set up. "When the house collapses, it can be built again. It is the happiest thing for everyone to be together. No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live well! " Du Meiying, who survived the robbery, felt that there was nothing more important than living. (End)

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show him a thousand reasons to laugh.

  CCTV News:Today is the International Day of Disabled Persons. What is disability? Shi Tiesheng said that disability is nothing more than a limitation. What people can’t do is restriction and disability. In this way, life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations, and everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend limitations and feel happiness. After a "heavy fall" in life, get up again! Don’t be afraid, we are here.

  For blind children’s friends

  Author/Shi Tiesheng

  As long as the mind is healthy, all difficulties and obstacles are not terrible.

  Dear blind children friends, we are friends. I am also a disabled person. My legs have been unable to walk since I was 21 years old. Now, I have been in a wheelchair for 21 years.

  We all know the hardships and tribulations that disability has brought us, so we don’t have to say it. In the future, there is no doubt that disability will continue to bring us hardships and tribulations, and we must be psychologically prepared for this. I think all external difficulties and obstacles are not terrible, as long as our psychology is healthy.

  For example, we are friends, but we are not friends because we are all disabled. All healthy people are actually our friends, and everyone should be friends.

  Disability is nothing more than a limitation, and life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations.

  What is disability? Disability is nothing more than a limitation. You want to see it, but you can’t. As for me, I want to go but I can’t. What about healthy people? They want to fly, but they can’t-this is a metaphor, which means that healthy people also have limitations, and these limitations also give them hardships and hardships.

  It’s hard to say that healthy people will live easier than us, because pain and pain can’t be compared with size, just as happiness and happiness can’t be compared with size. There is no objective standard for pain and happiness, which is completely self-feeling. Therefore, whoever can keep unyielding courage can feel more happiness.

  Life is such a process, a process of constantly transcending our own limitations, and this is fate. Everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend our limitations and feel happiness. So all people are equal, and we are not special.

  As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  What we disabled people crave most is equality with healthy people. So what should we do? I think, equality is not something you can eat or wear, it is a quality or a realm. If you have it, you don’t have to be given it by others. If you don’t have it, others can’t give it to you.

  How can I have it? As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  In other words, we don’t have any special feelings because we are disabled. Apart from having two legs or a pair of eyes less than others, we have nothing less and nothing more than others, and there is nothing special about others. We don’t tolerate discrimination because of disability, nor do we win honors because of disability.

  If we do well and others praise us, it is only because we do well, not because we already have the advantage of being praised in advance. We win glory by real work.

  Of course, we can’t live without the help of others. Self-esteem doesn’t mean rejecting others’ kindness. Just want to help others and refuse others’ help, that’s not strong, that’s actually a psychological disability, because in fact, there is no one in the world who doesn’t need others’ help.

  We should not forget our disabled friends, but also strive to get out of the small circle of disabled people and walk freely into the world with broad love. This is the most important step to overcome disability and transcend limitations. /Figures are from vision china.

  Fate kissed me with pain. I return the favor with a song.

  The "apple" bitten by fate is still fragrant.


  Remember "Basketball Girl"? In 2000, Qian Hongyan, a 4-year-old from Luliang, Yunnan, suffered a car accident and was amputated below the pelvis. Grandpa cut the basketball in half and put it under her … … Later, she became attached to swimming. In 2010, she won three silver medals in the National Swimming Championships for the Disabled. This year, she swam into the Paralympic Games as she wished. She no longer sits in a basketball and looks up at the world. When talking about the feelings of participating in the Paralympic Games, Qian Hongyan said: "It feels like you can stand in a wider place and see the world."

  △ Figure/vision china
  In Yeli Village, Jingxing County, Hebei Province, Jia Haixia, who is blind, and Jia Wenqi, who has no arms, support each other. In 2001, the two contracted more than 50 mu of river beach in the village to plant trees. Every morning, Jia Haixia drags Jia Wenqi’s sleeve to the beach. When crossing the river, Jia Haixia helped Jia Wenqi roll up his trouser legs, and Jia Wenqi carried him over. For more than ten years, they planted tens of thousands of trees and insisted on not cutting down or selling a tree. They just turned the desolate wasteland into a dense jungle.

  Due to polio, Li Chuangye had to squat and walk since childhood. He was controlled by beggars at the age of 9, escaped from the magic cave at the age of 16, was admitted to the university at the age of 25, and joined the junior college this year to become an undergraduate. During the summer vacation, he walked in six provinces, climbed to the top of Wuyue Mountain by moving, traveled 7632 kilometers back and forth, climbed tens of thousands of steps, worn out 16 gloves, 6 pairs of shoes and 12 pairs of pants … …

  Zhang Rihui, who is 60 years old, is a courier in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. He has no feet because of his natural disability. He wraps his knees with rubber to send couriers, and he can send 70 or 80 pieces a day. He said that he had complained about his fate, but complaining could not solve the problem, and he believed that he could change his fate with his own hands.

  Wang Yajing, a post-90s "chin girl" in Fuyang, Anhui Province, was born with cerebral palsy in children and was severely paralyzed from the neck down. In 2008, she tried to operate the mouse with her chin. In the past eight years, she has created more than 4,000 poems, essays and fairy tales, and also published poetry collections and fairy tales. She said, "I know it’s hard to stick to my dream, but when my youth is still there, my dream is gone, which is very sad. Therefore, if my friend comes to me and says that he wants to give up and escape, I will definitely dissuade him and let him try again, because I am still on the road to my dream, and I believe that I will dispel other people’s doubts."

  Ruhr, a 26-year-old American, lost his legs due to illness since childhood. He made unremitting efforts to become a fitness instructor and gave free classes to the disabled. Doing push-ups and pull-ups with a wheelchair upside down can’t beat him. Ruhr always believed that he could do it, and also asked other disabled people to do so. What else do you want to say "can’t do it" when you see Ruhr?

  With love, winter is not cold.

  At present, there are more than one billion disabled people in the world, which is equivalent to one disabled person in every seven people.

  ② There are more than 100 million disabled children, and the possibility of violence is four times that of non-disabled children.

  ③80% of the disabled people live in developing countries.

  ④50% of the disabled can’t afford medical care.

  ⑤ There are more than 85 million disabled people in China, involving 280 million relatives.

  Many times, the temperature of a society is marked by how to treat the disabled.

  Chongqing, Xiaoyu, a bus arrived at the station, and a passenger with lower limbs was about to get off. Unexpectedly, the driver came and gently lifted him off the bus. The driver kept smiling and the disabled passenger shed tears … … Someone praised the driver as a good man, but he just answered, "What if it’s me?"

  Let every life be respected, at least ↓ ↓

A When greeting, keep your eyes on the other person and don’t stare at the disabled part.

B Be friendly when your eyes meet, and don’t show surprise and doubt.

C if you don’t know sign language, don’t gesticulate, so as not to cause misunderstanding. You can use lip reading or written conversation.

D attention is not onlookers, and it cannot affect the normal activities of disabled people.

E don’t ask about the cause and condition of disability, and avoid involving privacy and pain.

F before helping the disabled, you should ask for permission. Giving help rashly will hurt their self-esteem.

G use honorific words in conversation, and address them in a standardized way without insulting and discriminating language.

H when providing help, we should pay attention to the category of disability and determine the location and intensity of help.

I the national service hotline for the disabled is 12385. If you encounter difficulties, you can call it.

J Remember: Never deliberately imitate the speech and actions of disabled people.

  Source: CCTV news client

"China Table Tennis" exposes eggs. The "memory killing" of table tennis in the past dynasties has caused tears.

1905 movie network news On February 21st, the film directed by and starring Deng Chao,,,,,, and so on was released "Salute! At the end of the title, the "famous scene" of China table tennis history reappeared one by one in the song "Glorious Road", and the "memory killing" of table tennis in past dynasties attracted people’s tears. Previously, the main players of table tennis in active service also cheered for the film under the leadership of Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. Players of all ages interacted from a distance, and the spirit of table tennis in China was passed on. The film is now being shown nationwide.

Opening the Glorious Moment of China Table Tennis from Rong Guotuan and Reproducing China Table Tennis "Glorious Road" for 71 years.

"117 world champions and 254 gold medals." — — "China table tennis Jedi counterattack" "salute! The legend of table tennis history in China has been digitally recorded in the first frame of the egg at the end of the title. Since the establishment of China Table Tennis Team in 1952, the historical curtain of table tennis in China has been opened. Rong Guotuan, the legendary table tennis player who won the first men’s singles world championship for China at the World Table Tennis Championships in Dortmund in 1959, was the first world champion in the sports history of New China. Since then, table tennis fever has swept across the land of China, and the ups and downs of the national table tennis legend has also opened. Clockwise jump to 1961, the 26th World Table Tennis Championships was held in Beijing, which was the first time to host a world competition since the founding of New China. Starting from this World Table Tennis Championships, the focus of world table tennis began to shift from Japan to China. At this World Table Tennis Championships, China won three championships, namely men’s team, men’s singles and women’s singles. Qiu Zhonghui, the champion of women’s singles, became the first person in China to win the world women’s table tennis championship, and also the first women’s world champion in China — — China’s first men’s and women’s world champions were both won through table tennis.

The road to glory is not always smooth sailing. In the 1980s, European men’s table tennis launched an attack on China. In the early 1990s, swaythling cup, the highest honor of the men’s table tennis team, was won by the Swedish team for three consecutive times. This also achieved the "Jedi counterattack" of China Ping-pong in the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, winning all six gold medals in men’s team, women’s team, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, men’s singles and women’s singles. On the podium of the men’s team in the’ 95 Tianjin Video Game with the ending egg, the "General Five Tigers" who finally won the championship was even more energetic against the background of swaythling cup, the head coach. Since then, China men’s table tennis has gone through the Gemini era of Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, the Gemini era of Wang Liqin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin and Ma Long, and then ZhangJike, Xu Xin and Fan Zhendong have become the mainstay of table tennis. In women’s table tennis, Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, Li Xiaoxia, Ding Ning … … Generations of legendary women’s table tennis players have firmly held the title of "Big Devil" in their hands. The egg at the end of China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Counter-Strike is a history of China Ping-Pong, and scenes of China Ping-Pong are reappeared in a panoramic view. Everyone will feel shocked when they see these photos. Table tennis in the past dynasties "Memory killing "brought tears to eyes.

"One Handsome and Five Tigers" Played the Classic Battle of Turning Defeat into Victory, the most exciting home for Tianjin’s achievements in 1995.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. In 1990s, China men’s table tennis suffered a low ebb, losing cups in three consecutive World Table Tennis Championships, and even the team performance once fell to the seventh place in the world. In 1995, Tianjin unexpectedly won the qualification for hosting the World Table Tennis Championships, which also became the best time for China’s table tennis Jedi to fight back. Given the favorable weather and geographical location, human harmony has become a "roadblock" in front of China men’s table tennis. The "One Handsome and Five Tigers" in the film have different images and distinct personalities. They are not afraid of pressure in the face of great pressure and difficulties, and jointly performed a thrilling cup-winning battle. The Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships in 1995 has also become the most exciting home.

Dai Minjia, the "devil coach", used his troops like gods to build five "problem players" with their own strengths but no shortage of shortcomings into a teacher of hope who dares to fight, can fight and can fight. Absolute main force in the team — — Bai Min, the "leading brother", was injured in the shoulder and resisted the pressure at a critical moment that might ruin his sports career. Huang Zhao, the "most beautiful boy" who returned from "stealing a teacher" in Europe, was older, but he kept a key point with rich practical experience; Gong Feng, a "secret weapon" hidden in the snow for four years, has myopia of more than 1000 degrees in both eyes, but he has mastered the stunt of "combining attack and cutting" to beat the top players in Europe; Only 16-year-old Hou Zhuoxiang and Dong Shuai, the "future champions" and "Ping-Pong Moonlight", who showed super dominance, launched an impact from the youthful power on their opponents. As the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation of the new film released since February, this annual word-of-mouth work of "Good Laughter and Tears, Enough Burning, Enough Cool" has been unanimously recognized by the media, film critics and ordinary audiences with its ups and downs stories, carefree competitions and inspiring ping-pong spirit since its release.

The film "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun, Aruna, etc. The film is now being shown in the country.

These signals remind! Women may have kidney deficiency.

Expert in this issue: Oriental College of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is proud.

"Men are afraid of hurting the liver, while women are afraid of hurting the kidney." Because of their physiological characteristics, women are burdened with tasks such as menstruation, pregnancy, fetus, childbirth and breastfeeding that men do not have, and it is easy to hurt the kidney, resulting in kidney deficiency. Secondly, with the improvement of women’s social status, the social, work and life pressures they bear are increasing day by day, which can easily lead to the gradual decline of organ function and the decline of essence in the kidney. Therefore, many women have shown kidney deficiency very early.

Kidney deficiency in women should not be underestimated, because it will affect many aspects of women’s physiology, psychology and emotions. So what manifestations will kidney deficiency have? If you have the following signals on your body, it suggests that you may have kidney deficiency.

(1) Premature senility

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence is sufficient for good growth and development, strong constitution and long life; Deficiency of kidney essence leads to poor growth and development, weak constitution and short life span. Kidney deficiency in women will be manifested as premature aging, such as premature gray hair, alopecia, tooth shaking, forgetfulness, hearing loss, premature aging of vision and so on.

(2) Early menopause

Generally, women will have menopausal symptoms around the age of 50, while women with kidney deficiency will have menopausal symptoms of kidney deficiency such as amenorrhea, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, nervousness and palpitations at the age of 40-45.

(3) the trend of getting fat

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the basic causes of obesity are phlegm, dampness and deficiency, and further, it is due to deficiency of kidney qi, which leads to stagnation of phlegm and dampness in the body. Therefore, women with kidney-qi deficiency often tend to gain weight. Modern medicine explains the relationship between obesity and kidney deficiency as follows: people with kidney deficiency have weakened endocrine function and lowered basal metabolic rate, resulting in reduced calorie consumption and fat accumulation, leading to obesity.

(4) Sexual apathy, even difficult to conceive.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney stores essence, controls reproductive development, and the female reproductive system gradually develops and matures under the care of kidney essence. If kidney essence is insufficient, there will be irregular menstruation, decreased libido, infertility and easy abortion.

(5) Fear of cold

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney yang is the foundation of yang. Kidney yang has a warming effect on the whole body, just as solar energy in spring makes people feel warm. If kidney-yang deficiency occurs, the warming effect of body yang will decrease, which is manifested as cold pain in knees, tepid limbs, and cold waist and abdomen. In winter, there will be symptoms such as chills and cold limbs, even frequent urination at night, and listlessness.

(6) Insomnia, dryness and heat all over.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that deficiency of kidney-yin leads to internal disturbance of deficiency of fire, so women with kidney-yin deficiency are easily agitated and have difficulty in concentrating; Because of kidney yin deficiency, yin qi cannot be adducted at night. It will lead to insomnia and dreaminess; In addition, yin deficiency and essence deficiency can lead to bone dystrophy, so people with kidney yin deficiency often feel weak waist and knees.

Kidney is the root of human life, and the qi and blood energy of the five zang-fu organs need the support of kidney qi. Deficiency of kidney qi will gradually lead to deficiency of other organs in the five zang-fu organs. If you have the above problems, it is suggested that you go to a Chinese medicine specialist as soon as possible to seek professional doctor’s guidance for nursed back to health, so as to avoid the aggravation of kidney deficiency and affect other viscera functions.

Source: Guangming Net


On November 6th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the European football situation yesterday morning.

1. Barcelona 2-0 almeria at home.

Levan missed a penalty, De Jong and Dembele each scored a goal, and Barcelona beat almeria 2-0 at home, winning four consecutive league games. Recently, Barcelona scored 10 goals in four league matches, but kept 0 goals.

After the game, 35-year-old Pique delivered a tearful farewell speech at Camp Nou, officially ending his 14-year career in Barcelona.

2, AC Milan home 2-1 spezia
Gill, 36, came off the bench in the 72nd minute and scored the winner in the 89th minute, helping AC Milan beat spezia 2-1 and scored the crucial 3 points, overtaking Atalanta and rising to the second place in Serie A..

Gill was sent off after taking off his clothes to celebrate the goal. It was his second yellow card in just seven minutes. He had just been warned by the referee for complaining too much.

3. Manchester City 2-1 Fulham at home

In the 95th minute, De Braune made a point, Harland hit a penalty kick, and 10-man Manchester City beat Fulham 2-1 at home. At first, they thought they were going to lose 2 points, but in the end, they got 3 points narrowly. Finally, they temporarily overtook Arsenal, who had one game less, by one point, and reached the top of the Premier League.

4, Bayern away 3-2 Hertha Berlin

Shu Bo-Mo Ting rang twice in two minutes. Bayern beat Hertha Berlin 3-2 away, winning 8 consecutive victories in all competitions and 4 consecutive victories in the Bundesliga, and temporarily surpassing Berlin by 2 points to reach the top position. In the last seven competitions, Shu Bo-Mo Ting scored nine goals for Bayern.

Bayern was chased by Hertha Berlin for 4 minutes with a 3-0 lead in the first half, but it was almost a draw by Hertha Berlin in the final stage of the second half.

5, Naples away 2-1 Atlanta

Osmain scored the winning goal, Elmas scored the winning goal, Napoli defeated Atalanta 2-1 away, won 9 consecutive victories in the league, and continued the unbeaten start of 13 rounds (11 wins and 2 draws), holding AC Milan at the top of the list by 6 points.

The best way to enrich yourself: exercise.

Some time ago, "More than half of adults in China are overweight or obese.The hot search quietly climbed to the top, causing many netizens to resonate.

Many people leave messages in the comment area:

Sit and sit, and your stomach will grow.

I ate a lot of takeout food and didn’t move much. I watched my stomach grow bigger and bigger.

I’m tired from work, so I lie down when I get home from work and gradually get fat.

Nowadays, the extreme convenience of life makes many people ignore the importance of sports.

After "coveting comfort", the body gradually lost its original vitality.

On the other hand, those who like sports around them are not only physically strong, but also have a positive mental state every day.

Exercise and no exercise lead different lives.

I don’t like sports. What’s the difference?

There is a hot question on the Internet: "How about a person who doesn’t exercise for a long time?"

There is a high praise answer below:

I haven’t exercised for about three years, and my physical fitness is getting worse and worse. I feel like I’m falling apart after walking for a while.

It turns out that because the answer master is busy with work, all his food comes from online shopping, and he also lies down most of the time on weekends, and the number of times he goes out is getting less and less.

I can’t control my mouth, I can’t open my legs, and my original healthy body is "swallowed up" by obesity.

People who don’t have time to exercise pay the price for their laziness to varying degrees.

A 10-year-old boy in Huai ‘an, because he doesn’t like sports, weighs five times as much as ordinary children, and his abdominal fat is 10 cm thick. He suffered from severe fatty liver at an early age.

A woman in Changchun, Jilin, used to go to bed after dinner and almost never exercised.

The weight actually reached 320 kg, and the stomach was three times larger than ordinary people.

Because of obesity, her blood pressure and heart function were seriously affected, so she had to have part of her stomach surgically removed.

People who don’t like sports indulge their health, but squander their health.

There is a saying on the Internet:

You have to carve whatever you want.

Beating inertia and strengthening exercise are the best ways to have a good body.

A netizen named "Fat Brother" got fat because he was ill and took hormone drugs.

The deterioration of his condition prevented him from losing weight. At one time, Brother Pang’s weight increased from 75 kg to more than 150 kg.

Later, he went to Sanjiang, Guangxi to teach.

Because of its remoteness, it takes half an hour to go shopping, and frequent home visits to children require mountains and mountains.

Unexpectedly, because of this periodic exercise, his weight kept falling, and after one year of teaching, his weight returned to 75 kilograms.

The body is honest, and it will treat you as you treat it.

People who like sports will naturally get feedback and rewards for a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise is a person’s best nourishment.

The body is 1, and the rest are 0.

Without a healthy body, work, life, wealth, fame and fortune are meaningless.

As the old saying goes, if you exercise your bones and blood, your qi will be strong.

Keep exercising, and your body and life will undergo positive changes.

1. improve your mood.

A doctor from a German university once did an experiment:

The experiment tracked 12 people with severe depression and asked them to exercise on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day, and gradually increased the amount of exercise.

After 10 days, the depression of 6 patients was greatly improved.

Studies have found that the brain will secrete neurochemicals such as endorphins during exercise, which will make people happy physically and mentally and help to get rid of negative emotions.

As the writer Haruki Murakami said:

When I am criticized by others or feel wronged, I always run farther than usual.

Running can consume negative emotions and make people more confident.

Life is not easy, and when you are in a bad mood, you might as well go out and exercise for 30 minutes.

Eliminate the troubles in life by exercise and welcome a happy life.

2. Strong physique.

"Compared with my peers, I have no pain in my body. I slept well after exercise, my blood pressure has been normal, and I have never had a serious illness. "

Uncle Huang Xujin, born in Xi ‘an in 1940, is 82 years old this year, and his body is very strong, which is mainly due to his love of sports since he was a child.

At school, he likes running and long jumping. After work, he often goes out for a run early in the morning.

After retiring in 2000, he fell in love with the 400-meter race. Today, he has been running for 22 years.

Persistence for decades has brought him healthy body and abundant energy.

There is a good saying:

Every drop of sweat you shed is shaping a healthier body.

When people reach middle age, they are old and young, and you need to bear a lot at work and family.

If the body collapses, everything will cease to exist.

So no matter how busy life is, take some time to exercise.

Only by having a healthy body can we be more confident in dealing with all problems.

3. delay aging.

Actor Carman Lee once launched a fitness punch-in activity on the Internet, sharing various slimming and fitness actions with netizens every day.

Everyone not onlysubdueBecause of her young appearance, she is also surrounded by her self-discipline life.

Carman Lee began to exercise at the age of 34, and running, skipping and flat support have always been her persistent projects.

Even when filming, I will take a yoga mat and jump rope and do some simple exercises.

Today, although she is 55 years old, she still looks like she is in her thirties.

Exercise is the best cosmetic and skin care product.

Scientific research shows that exercise can increase the oxygen consumption of the body, thus promoting metabolism, strengthening the nutritional supply of the skin and helping to delay skin aging.

People who move are racing against time, and every step you take will make you younger and younger.

4. Exercise your brain.

A research report from the University of Illinois shows that:

After sitting for two hours, people’s brains are basically in a rigid state, and their thinking ability and creativity almost stop.

After walking for 20 minutes, the cranial nerves become extremely active.

In other words, exercise can make the mind healthier and more flexible, and help to improve work efficiency.

A study published in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience also found that:

If the healthy elderly people stop exercising for about 10 days, the blood flow in the important areas of the brain responsible for thinking, learning and memory will decrease significantly.

Moving is the best way to strengthen your body and exercise your brain.

Use fragmentation time to get up and walk around every once in a while.

A small habit, stick to it, will also produce huge benefits.

Learn to exercise correctly

The book "The Power of Habit" writes:

Exercise every day will not only make you feel happy, but also affect other details in your life. For example, make you energetic, so that you can work more efficiently and get more happiness.

The world is secretly rewarding those who love sports.

Today, readers put moderate exercise"1357 principle"Share with everyone, I hope everyone can develop good exercise habits.

1. Do aerobic exercise at least once a week.

Do aerobic exercise with moderate intensity or above at least once a week, such as running and swimming.

It can not only enhance immunity, slow down aging, release stress, but also help sleep.

If you feel painful during exercise, you can give yourself some positive psychological hints.

Focus on the fun of exercise, such as enjoying the roadside scenery and breathing the fresh air in the morning when jogging.

2. Each continuous exercise shall be no less than "30" minutes.

If the exercise time is too short, it will not achieve the expected effect and the purpose of keeping fit.

Even if your work is busy and your life is trivial, you should set aside more than 30 minutes for exercise at a time.

I suggest that when you go to work at ordinary times, you cansuitableSet aside a distance and walk slowly.

Climbing stairs intermittently at work; Do yoga during lunch break; Take a walk together after dinner.

As long as the amount of exercise is up, every drop of sweat you shed will not live up to your future self.

3. If you can’t exercise every day, you should exercise at least "5" days a week.

Perseverance can play the role of exercise and fitness.

If you are worried that you can’t get into exercise habits, you can set an alarm clock for yourself.

After receiving the reminder, don’t find any excuse to delay, and start exercising immediately.

Stick to it and get into the habit, and exercise will become extremely easy for you.

4. When exercising, the maximum heart rate should not exceed "170 minus your age".

As the saying goes, everything goes too far, so does sports.

Excessive exercise can easily burden people’s heart and body.

Healthy exercise should be gradual.

Take the first step first, and then gradually increase the amount of exercise, so that the body can gradually adapt.

In order not to cause harm to the body, the maximum heart rate of each exercise must not exceed 170 MINUS the age.

Grasp the degree of exercise and do it in a timely and appropriate manner, so that exercise is more beneficial to health.

The quality of life is determined by everyone’s lifestyle and habits.

As Socrates said:

The health of the body is destroyed by immobility and maintained for a long time by exercise.

For your own physical and mental health, for a better living condition, let’s go to exercise together while the sun is just right!

Even the smallest change, multiplied by 365 days, will become the strength that others can’t envy.

illumine"like"From today on, let’s keep self-discipline, keep exercising, have a good body and pursue the life we yearn for.

Author: You Shu Tian Xin, Source: You Shu.

What is culture? A good article that never tires of reading.

Reading a lot of books, having a lot of knowledge, having a high degree of education … is completely different from having a culture.

My favorite answer about what culture is is a four-sentence summary by writer Liang Xiaosheng:

Cultivation rooted in the heart,

Consciousness without reminding,

Freedom based on constraints,

Kindness for others.


A flight attendant named Judy told an interesting story about Liu Shishi at the Weibo.

Judy often meets all kinds of big coffee and stars because she is a flight attendant and serves on the plane.

But none of these big coffees and starsgive herMake a deep impression.

Until a few days ago, she met Liu Shishi.

that dayLiu Shishi flew first class.

When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once: "In the past, all the first-class guests huddled their quilts and left under their feet. I didn’t expect the poems to be neatly stacked. I was so touched."

People who fly in first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts. Occasionally, a flight attendant will be moved for a long time.


On May Day, I met a wandering singer when I was shopping with my mother.

After listening to a song, I went over and threw five yuan change into the hat.

But then, my mother’s behavior surprised me.

She went to the hat, crouched down slowly, gently put two coins in the hat, and nodded to the wandering singer with a smile.

My mother didn’t read much. But this moment: I really lost her too much.

Comparing these things, I think of a sentence from Bai Yansong:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture, while those without academic qualifications do not necessarily have no culture. "

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "Thank you, we don’t need any more dishes."

The waiter explained, "This dish is free."

The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste."

After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something.

Wu Xiao Xian was wondering when the boss stopped the car, picked up the packaged food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read another story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia.

Every time you cast a net, you always get something.

But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why throw it back?"

The Chinese replied: "Only fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught."

His nephew said, "No one can care about you on the high seas?"

The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others!"

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely. But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep History", which presents the fact that the United States is not only the freest country in the world, but also the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends from China to visit the Grand Canyon of the United States.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the Grand Canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon!" "

LindaStartled, he quickly stopped: "This is illegal."

The freest America in the world is actually full of illiberality:

It is illegal to hold an open wine bottle in the street;It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.It is illegal to even talk about pornographic jokes in the office;……

Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many restrictions. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said: "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. "

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was a man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, it’s dangerous!" "

In this way, garbage collectors won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When going to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet;When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector;No matter what you do, you must think of the next person;……


Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died.

The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor."

Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty, "Not calling, please."

Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not called, please." Xia Lao changed a word, but touched a building.

Do you know how Liang Qichao died?

He died in a medical accident at Union Medical College Hospital: the doctor cut the left kidney that should have been removed into the right kidney.

Before he died, Liang Qichao did not curse the doctor, but told his family:

"Don’t tell the media, don’t publish. The people have just begun to believe in western medicine. If they know about me, they will inevitably retreat. "

Xia Lao Liang Lao is the truly literate person.

A true cultural person should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.

Think about how often we can have conscious introspection without being reminded by others, and we can think of and help others as much as possible.

Speaking of this, we have to say: "culture is the foundation of the country."

Hero, after reading the article, tell us something.

Source: Dialogue boss, People’s Daily copyright belongs to the original author.

Editor: Li Yahe

People’s Daily: How much do you know about 55 common knowledge of China culture?

Culture is the lifeblood of a nation.

China’s traditional culture is profound and has a long history.

What are the top ten famous teas and four famous embroideries?

Who are the Eight Masters in Tang and Song Dynasties and the Eight Immortals in Drinking?

Where do the three mountains and the five mountains refer to?
The People’s Daily has compiled 55 common knowledge of China culture, and those that can’t be answered should be collected quickly.

Culture is the lifeblood of a nation.

For thousands of years, precious cultural heritage has been handed down, which has cultivated the interest and character of China people.

Source: People’s Daily Weibo

Editor: Hang Yifan

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