After the listing of Galaxy E8, Geely’s share price fell by more than 3%: Geely New Energy is transforming in the "internal volume"

  January 5,The first pure electric model of the Galaxy series, the E8, was launched.

  The listing of the new model did not stimulate the sluggish share price. On January 8, the share price fell 3.44% to close at 8.13 Hong Kong dollars per share.

  Previously, Geely Automobile had announced sales for 2023Geely Automobile (including Geely, Lynk & Co,Ruilan brand) annual cumulative sales of 1.6865 million vehicles, an increase of about 18%. Among them,Car sales were 487,500, an increase of about 48% year-on-year. Cars accounted for 28.9% of Geely Automobile’s total sales in 2023. Although the proportion of model sales has increased, it is still slightly lower than the penetration rate of new energy passenger vehicles in the entire car market.

  Previously, Geely Automobile had ranked first in sales of its own brands in China for many consecutive years, but its sales in 2022 wereBeyond that, the gap between 2023 and 2023 has been further widened. In addition, Geely Automobile has also been surpassed by Chery, which has soared in overseas sales. In 2023, sales fell to the third place of autonomous passenger car companies.

  The transformation of new energy vehicles has affected Geely’s ranking among its own brands.

  Although Geely is the first domestic automaker to carry out new energy transformation, it first released the Blue Geely Action Plan in 2015, but the plan ended in failure. Subsequently, Geely released the Blue Geely Action Plan for the second time in 2021.

  In 2023, Geely launched the new energy brand series Galaxy, and successively released two plug-in hybrid models, the L7 and L6. The Galaxy E8 is Geely Galaxy’s first pure electric model and has high hopes.

  As a new starting point for Geely’s new energy transformation, the market performance of the Galaxy series also tests the quality of Geely’s new energy transformation. After many failures in the pure electric market, Geely Galaxy E8 is a key product for Geely’s new energy transformation. Once this model does not achieve the expected market effect, Geely may once again fall into a passive position in the competition with competitors in the pure electric market.

  "Price War"

  Geely Galaxy E8, positioned as a medium and large pure electric car, has an official guide price of 175,800 yuan.

  From the perspective of product level and price range, Geely Galaxy E8’s main competitors include BYD Han EV, 007, etc. Another possible potential competitor is the upcoming Xiaomi SU7, which Geely hopes to enter the mainstream pure electric market.

  fromLooking at it, Geely Galaxy E8 hopes to challenge the current best-selling self-branded model in this segment, the BYD Han EV, with a lower price. The Galaxy E8 configuration is not low, but the official price is lower than the Han EV that has been on the market for more than three years.

  In the pure electric market, Geely has no pricing power yet. Facing BYD, which has higher consumer awareness, fighting a price war is the key for Geely to get a certain share of the market.

  Although the price of the Galaxy E8 is not expensive in terms of other competitors in the same level of market, as far as the Geely brand is concerned, the starting price of a car close to 200,000 yuan is a height that Geely has never approached in the era of fuel vehicles.

  In the era of fuel vehicles, Geely’s core market is 100,000 yuan-level low-end models.

  However, due toThe cost is high, the same level, the current price of electric vehicles is still higher than the fuel vehicle, Geely brand, can support the price of nearly 200,000 yuan, Geely has to face the challenge.

  Of course, it should be pointed out that behind the "price war" of car companies is a "cost war", especially for the mainstream market, whoever has a cost advantage means who has more room to reduce prices.

  At present, BYD’s core advantage is the cost-sharing ability brought by the larger market size. Geely’s main advantage is the platform advantage. The Galaxy E8 is built on the vast architecture, which can take advantage of the synergy effect behind Geely to reduce costs.

  However, overall, Geely’s current situation in the pure electric vehicle market remains relatively passive.

  Due to the large base of the fuel vehicle market, Geely cannot throw away the burden and embrace the transformation like BYD, but needs to grasp the base of the transformation more steadily and keep its share. Therefore, Geely needs to maintain a long-term approach.

  However, in the face of intensified market competition and competitors’ marketing strategies, Geely also emphasized the differences with its competitors on several occasions at the press conference, emphasizing the value it brings.

  On the same day, at the press conference, Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said that building a car without common sense would not be successful, and it would be unsustainable to build a car without longevity.

  "Although many trams are getting more and more expensive, the showmanship of dancing and turning around doesn’t really bring high value to users," Mr. Gan said.

  Previously, the models that focused on promoting the "tank turn-around" function included BYD Looking Up U8 and 001 FR. Among them, Looking Up is the positioning million-level superThere is no direct competition between the brand and the Geely brand.

  However, Geely Galaxy’s new energy transformation is not easy, and there is still no Geely Galaxy that can be called a hitType.

  The Galaxy brand entered the market last year. After the delivery of the Galaxy L7, although the sales volume in the first three months continued to grow and quickly exceeded 10,000 units, after digesting the previous orders, the Galaxy L7 has fallen below the monthly sales threshold of 10,000 units since October last year, and there has been a continuous decline, and the product competitiveness is slightly insufficient.

  Compared with BYD’s plug-in hybrid models of the same level, there is still a certain gap between the Galaxy L7 and L6, and the Galaxy E8 is equally difficult to shake up BYD.


  From price to product, Geely has made no secret of its attitude of "rolling" with competitors.

  Although the main purpose of the Geely Galaxy E8 is to increase its sales in the pure electric market, the launch of the E8 will inevitably bring internal competition.

  In the Geely Automobile map, Geely, Lynk & Co, and Extreme Krypton all have corresponding pure electric products, plus smart, Polaris, Volvo, Extreme and other brands that are also owned by Geely Holding Group. "Having more children is easy to fight" is an important strategy for Geely’s market competition.

  However, too many brands and disorganized play will also bring "involution".

  In the product matrix previously planned by Geely Automobile, the polar krypton brand focuses on the market of more than 300,000 yuan, the main product of the Lynk brand is 200,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan, the main product of Geely Galaxy is 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, and Geely Geometry is facing the lower price market.

  However, the successive releases of Krypton 007 and E8 are obviously a departure from Geely’s previous seemingly clear plan.

  The two cars are based on the vast architecture, positioning level is quite close, Galaxy E8 although the body is longer, but the wheelbase is shorter than the polar krypton 007. The price of Galaxy E8 is 175,800 – 228,800 yuan, the price of polar krypton 007 is 209,900 yuan – 299,900 yuan, the two prices have overlapped.

  Geely claimed that Krypton was a brand, and the brand positioning between it and Geely Galaxy was different, and the target segments were also different. However, the product pricing that was being lowered to fight a price war was blurring the differences between the two brands. Moreover, the Lynk & Co brand also planned to launch pure electric products in the future, and the future positioning would also be very embarrassing.

  Specifically, the Galaxy E8 launched two battery life versions of 550km and 665km, both of which use iron phosphateThe battery brands areAnd Quzhou Polar. And Polar Krypton 007 uses the rear-drive version of Quzhou Polar Iron Phosphate with a battery life of 688km, usingThe range of the Kirin version is 870km.

  In addition, the entire range of Krypton 007 supports 800V architecture, while the E8 only supports 800V at the top, and the rest of the models are 400V. In terms of suspension, smart driving, and other configurations, the cost of Krypton 007 is higher than that of the E8.

  From a certain perspective, the Galaxy E8 is more like a low-end version of "Extreme Krypton".

  Although the positioning of the two cars is slightly different, the price difference between the two is not significant, and the target audience also partially overlaps.

  However, whether for Geely Galaxy or Krypton, the Galaxy E8 and Krypton 007 are rather crucial products.

  The Galaxy E8 is the first pure electric model of the Galaxy series, which will set the tone for Galaxy in the market competition. And the Krypton 007 is the key model for the Krypton brand to enter the mainstream market. Who can win or lose both? The market will give the answer. report: Post-00s college students work part-time to deliver food, mainly because they experience life

  The school season of major colleges and universities across the country is approaching, and has released the "2019 College Student Takeaway Rider Group Insights" report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). It is understood that a total of 9,896 college students from all over the country joined Hummingbird in the summer of 2019 to become part-time riders. Nearly 5 of them became sophomores and juniors, and more than 300 will start their graduate careers after the school starts.

  The report shows that compared with "earning living expenses", "experiencing life" has become the main motivation for college students to choose to be takeaway riders. Nearly 40% of post-95s and 00s feel that their personality has changed after the experience, and they have learned to "communicate modestly" and "treat people gently". At the same time, nearly 20% of college students choose to go to a strange city and travel while delivering takeout.

  The report shows that 38% of college student riders said that choosing to work part-time as a takeaway rider in the summer is to experience life, and it is also a social practice. Many young people also expressed the hope to change their personality, contact more people, and discover unknown corners of the city by doing takeaway riders. Second, it is to subsidize living expenses, save money to buy things they like, or gain financial independence earlier.

  According to the report, 83% of college student riders said they were satisfied with "the income brought to me by being a rider." Among them, the monthly living expenses of more than 80% of part-time college students have increased to more than 2,000 yuan, the average monthly income has increased by 2 times, and many college student riders have a monthly income of nearly 10,000 yuan.

  Outside of income, the biggest change most college students feel is their personality. Lin, a junior at Nanjing Agricultural University, recalls that the biggest change this experience brought to him was: "Know how to talk to others, know how to be gentle with others." These adults, who are rebellious in the eyes of 95s and 00s, learned how to communicate modestly and treat others gently by being a rider.

  The short-term experience as a rider has changed the college students’ perspective on the takeaway industry. They have truly felt the value and change that the emerging industry has brought to merchants, users, and individual riders. Three quarters of them are very optimistic about the future of the takeaway industry.

  The report shows that more than half of college riders are still looking forward to choosing a career according to their major, but 10% plan to still work as a rider or food delivery service in the future. At the same time, they are also very much looking forward to inner improvement and growth through practical experience and their own strengths.

Fault leader, Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year’s Eve concert is amazing

You can always trust Jiangsu Satellite TV’s New Year’s Eve stage!

On December 31, 2022, at 19:30, the 2023 New Year’s Eve Concert of Jiangsu Satellite TV, which integrates true singing, strength, technology and temperature, began to sing in a shocking manner at the Cotai Arena in Macau, achieving the record of leading the fault and four firsts.

This concert is guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the theme of "Lighting up Happiness with Struggle", and takes the "we" in the struggle as the core theme, paying tribute to every struggling you, me, and him. The quality and creativity of the "Asia Top Show" will be continued, revisiting one classic old song after another, savoring one beautiful new song after another, drawing inspiration and strength from the memories of the past, and taking courage to embark on a new journey at a new starting point.

Struggle is the courage to move forward

"Struggle Narrator" takes the stage as the "finishing touch"

"Tonight, we use the New Year’s Eve concert to send our sincerest wishes to the audience and friends. May this winter be accompanied by warmth, and all the good things will come as scheduled in the spring of the coming year." At the beginning of the party, this warm and powerful greeting hit the soft hearts of the audience, highlighting the base color of the whole party that soothes and inspires people.

Jiangsu Satellite TV’s 2023 New Year’s Eve Concert takes the "us" in the struggle as the core main line, carefully choreographed and carefully depicted eight sections, and representatives from all walks of life formed the "struggle narrator" to open each section.

Yu Ruofei, a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the captain of the Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team, told "Self-improving Us", "Moving China’s 2021 Person of the Year" Chen Beier told "We Walk Together", Huang Jialun, chairman of the Macao Patriotic Youth Education Association, shared "We Who Love Life", Tao Jianzhong, an aerospace expert, shared "We Who Dream of the Future", host Yang Lan showed "We Who Promote the National Style", and women’s volleyball world champion Zhang Changning showed "We Who Are Full of Youth". Their stories of struggle deeply moved every audience, and they bravely rushed to 2023 with a more passionate yearning for a better life!

As the "finishing touch" of each chapter, their struggle story also brings a more appropriate expression to the subsequent music.

For example, after Yu Ruofei shared his rescue story, Xue Zhiqian’s partner Guo Guanting sang the heart of the striver with a song "The Lone Brave", "Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream." Whether it is headwinds or desperate situations, you should strive to fight for yourself and your dreams.

Similarly, after Chen Bei’er shared her "infinite road", Alan Tam, Zhong Chuxi, Shan Yichun, and Zhang Chunye sang the firm determination of Hong Kong compatriots to stand with the motherland through thick and thin, and at the same time, it was in line with the hot event of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, which immediately raised the whole party’s intention.

Struggle is the charm of rooted professionalism

Bringing together the top singers in the Chinese music industry, presenting "Good job"

In this dizzying music extravaganza, the singers all offered "good jobs", bringing a sense of surprise that was "unexpected and reasonable".

As soon as the party opened, INTO1 sang the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland with a song "Mountains and Rivers Map", opened the prelude "We who are rushing to the mountains and rivers", and painted the magnificent mountains and rivers with music. The final "We who are moving forward bravely" was performed by Liao Changyong and Sheng Mei’s affectionate song "Pilot", praising the new era and new journey, and drew a perfect end to the party. Echoing each other one by one, INTO1 sang together the strong voice of "Contemporary China, the country is magnificent, the people are heroic, and the future is great".

Sun Nan used the two classic old songs of "See You or Don’t Scatter" and "As Long as You’re Better Than Me" to sing the warm emotions of people watching each other and supporting each other; Xue Zhiqian brought songs such as "Countless" and "What Do You Want Me to Do", and "Xue’s Love Song" gave people a delicate and warm inner touch; Zhang Jie sang many songs such as "Ten Years of Countermeasure", "Whose Tears Are Flying + The Most Familiar Stranger", "White Dove Swan", "Dragon Roar", singing the courage of dream chasers to move forward and be firm and fearless; Zhou Shen joined hands with "Plum Blossom Award" winner Wang Danhong and more than 20 Peking Opera actors, and a "Light" showcased the beauty of the quintessence of the country; Tan Weiwei made a high-pitched note, from "If There Is Afterlife" to "Shanhai" to the classic folk songs of Yuefu "The Song of the Emperor" sings the heroic spirit of bravery and fearlessness.

There are more Wang Junkai through Weiya, from the flash bridge to the main stage, blood singing "Thousand Miles Return" "We Will Rock You", bringing a "heaven to earth" music journey, #Wang Junkai single-handed hanging Weiya #topic also instantly reached the top and continued to top the chart, ranking first in the main search list of Weibo, becoming the first "explosive" topic of all New Year’s Eve parties; modern brother Liu Yuning wearing ancient costumes singing "Looking for One You", Zhang Yifan in a brilliant white dress danced, like a touch of shock in a beautiful love picture scroll. Li Yuchun continued the zero-point finale, singing "internal organs" in a hollow heart-shaped device, singing his hope and love for life in a gentle voice.

"It sounds so good" "It’s too burning"… Litchi New Year’s Eve has captured the hearts of countless audiences. On the last night of 2022, she offered deep and innocent feelings, presenting the "two-way rush" of traditional opera and pop music, singing a common heart and full of hope.

Struggle is the courage to dare to try

Virtual technology empowers "New Year’s Eve assists"

In order to present a "fantastic, interesting, magical and beautiful" New Year’s Eve party, this year Jiangsu Satellite TV also used virtual technology to provide blessings for artistic effects, explore the meta-universe gameplay, and realize the MAX of technological power.

For example, when G.E.M. Deng Ziqi was performing "Gloria", a sea of Wang Yang suddenly appeared on both sides of the stage. G.E.M. Deng Ziqi stood in the middle of a blue water and sang softly, the picture was beautiful.

Zhang Liangying gently sang "At Any Time", a huge phantom appeared on the stage, and the VR painting broke through the dimensional wall.

When Tan Weiwei sang "If there is an afterlife", the audience’s favorite "Big Blue Whale" also made a dreamy appearance. I saw it break out of the screen, presenting mysterious and peculiar visual effects.

This concert has created digital people for many singers, presenting a perfect blend of real people, digital people, virtual scenes, and real stages on the screen.

When Zhou Shen sang "TRY", there were many Zhou Shen on the stage, or bowed his head in thought, or hesitated, or courageously moved forward, presenting excellent visual effects. The most representative is Wang Yuan. When he sang "New Boy + I Can Light the Torch by Myself", he and his digital people formed a "five-person band", some playing the piano, some beating the drum, and some singing, achieving the wonderful feeling of "one person is a band". #Five Wangyuan #also topped the hot search list, becoming another main list for Litchi New Year’s Eve.

It is not difficult to see from the hot search topics such as #Liu Yuning New Year’s Eve Magpie Bridge Stage #, #Xue Zhiqian New Year’s Eve Air Walking The Most Beautiful Overpass #, #Xue Zhiqian Zhang Liangying High-altitude Glass Bridge Stage is very acceptable #, etc. As the core visual element, "bridge" makes the stage shine. This year, Jiangsu Satellite TV broke the tradition of single-layer stage for New Year’s Eve, innovatively designed a three-dimensional structure of double-layer stage, and used a giant arch bridge to span the first-floor stage to form a three-dimensional spatial effect, leading the "Asian Top Show" to advance again.

From the results, the stage creativity also gave the audience a new visual experience. More than 20 groups of artists brought more than 50 performances that night, each show was tailor-made and carefully crafted, with the blessing of creative dance art and virtual technology, presenting excellent visual effects.

Everything in the past is a prelude. 2023 has arrived. The new year will continue to "light up happiness with struggle" and create miracles with struggle.

Rediscover the appearance of the Milky Way

Guo Shoujing Telescope in the Milky Way Galaxy. Photo by Chen Ying

Schematic diagram of the increase in the area of the silver plate. Courtesy of the National Astronomical Observatory
  On August 7, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST), which is managed and operated by it, has successfully completed the first phase of spectral sky survey observation. The first phase of the survey released a total of spectral 9.01 million, including high-mass spectra (signal to noise ratio greater than 10) 7.77 million to determine the spectral parameters of 5.34 million groups of stars.
  The number of spectra published by LAMOST is 1.8 times the sum of the spectra published by other sky survey projects in the world. The dataset (DR5) was released to domestic astronomers and international collaborators on December 31, 2017. In addition, since the first survey, 345 SCI papers have been published using LAMOST data and have been cited more than 3,000 times.
  The boundaries of the galaxy have been greatly expanded, and the radius may reach about 100,000 light years
  In the past few decades, astronomers have generally believed that the radius of the Milky Way is about 50,000 light-years. There is a rod-like structure near its center, with a disk-like structure outside (the Milky Way disk), surrounded by sparse stars (the Milky Way halo), and the sun is about 25,000 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way.
  Previously, it was thought that the Milky Way disk had a clear boundary about 50,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, at which the number of stars in the Milky Way disk plummeted, as if the Milky Way disk were cut off. But in recent years, some observations have found young stars belonging to the Milky Way disk beyond this boundary, which seems to suggest that the boundary of the Milky Way disk should be larger. However, to confirm this, more and more distant stars need to be counted.
  At the end of 2017, researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory used LAMOST data to accurately count the number of stars in the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy by applying complex statistical methods, and successfully drew a cross-sectional map of the spatial structure of the outer reaches of the Milky Way disk.
  Liu Chao, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory, said: "We can see from the figure that although the number of stars in the galactic disk decreases with the radius of the galactic disk, it does not stop at 50,000 light-years, but extends all the way to 62,000 light-year from the center. This is about a quarter larger than the radius quoted in textbooks."
  In 2018, an international research team composed of researchers from the Canary Institute of Astrophysics in Spain and the National Astronomical Observatory of China further used the massive stellar spectra obtained from the LAMOST data and other related data to rewrite the size of the Milky Way disk again, and found that the disk-like structure containing most of the stars in the Milky Way may be much larger than astronomers previously thought, and the radius may reach about 100,000 light years.
  "This study provides a new understanding of the star composition of the Milky Way disk and a more accurate measurement of the size of the galaxy," said Mr. Liu. "The constant rewriting of the size of the galaxy will prompt astronomers to re-examine the general laws of galaxy formation and cosmic evolution."
  In addition, the researchers recalculated accurately based on the LAMOST data, rewriting the structural characteristics of the Milky Way halo and establishing a new structure of the inner flat and outer circle. Liu Chao said: "This clear evidence overturns the previous speculation that the stellar halo is a flat sphere with a constant axis ratio, and helps humans re-understand the formation history and evolution of the Milky Way stellar halo."
  Measuring the orbital eccentricity and inclination of nearly 700 exoplanets for the first time, the solar system is not an exception in the universe
  In this survey, researchers used LAMOST to measure the orbital eccentricity and inclination of nearly 700 exoplanets for the first time, and found that about 80% of the planetary orbits resemble the nearly circular orbits of the solar system.
  Zhao Gang, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory, said: "This shows that the solar system is not a special case in the universe, but a representative one. To some extent, it enhances our confidence in finding another earth and extraterrestrial life."
  Quasars are distant celestial bodies outside the Milky Way. Their energy comes from the huge attractive force released by the accretion of surrounding matter by the supermassive black hole at their center. They are important probes for studying the distant universe.
  "More than 12,000 quasars have been found in the LAMOST spectrum, with an average redshift of 1.5 and a maximum redshift of 5," said Zhao Yongheng, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory. "In addition, the mass of the central black hole has been estimated based on these data. The discovery of these quasars will provide important help for the statistical study of large samples of quasars."
  The sample of nearby host galaxies is a classic in the Large Scale Galaxy Spectroscopic Survey (LAMOST), which began in the 21st century. However, due to the effect of fiber collisions, the sample has a high degree of incompleteness on a small scale. These missing galaxies are observed as supplementary galaxy samples in the LAMOST survey.
  Zhao Yongheng said: "Due to the wide range of the survey, the spectral measurements of nearly 10,000 supplementary galaxies were obtained in the first survey, and nearly 10,000 new pairs of close galaxies were confirmed. These close galaxies have important scientific value for studying the merger process of galaxies."
  The researchers also used the LAMOST data to discover a new class of extrasolar planets – hot starfish, which share several hallmarks with hot Jupiters, providing key clues and new research directions for uncovering the origin of hot Jupiters and other short-period planets.
  Dark matter accounts for more than 90% of the total mass of galaxies, but most of the distribution is very scattered, and the proportion of dark matter at the location of the sun is very low. This brings great difficulties to human direct detection of dark matter.
  "We used the LAMOST data to re-estimate the density of dark matter near the sun, which is of great significance for finding dark matter particles and understanding the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy," Zhao Yongheng said.
  In addition, using LAMOST data, researchers have also accurately estimated the age of millions of stars, increasing the number of star samples with accurate age by 1,000 times, providing basic data for the study of the evolution of the Milky Way; at the same time, measuring the magnetic activity index of nearly 6,000 sun-like stars, found that the sun has a level of magnetic activity comparable to that of super flare stars, confirming that the sun has the possibility of a super flare.
  The discovery of a star with a lithium content about 3,000 times that of similar celestial bodies has doubled the international observation limit for lithium content
  Old metal-poor stars, like cosmic "fossils," record the first history of the chemical evolution of the universe, and their analysis can enable "stellar archaeology" of the first generation of stars and the nature of the early universe.
  Zhao Gang said: "We have found more than 10,000 metal-poor stars in the LAMOST spectrum with a metal content lower than one percent or even one ten thousandth of the sun, building the largest cosmic fossil sample in the world that is suitable for tracking and observation by existing large telescopes."
  At the same time, the researchers also discovered a group of extremely rare small-mass metal-poor stars with lithium abundance exceeding the normal value by hundreds of times. Among them, one star has a lithium content about 3,000 times that of similar celestial bodies, which is the star with the highest lithium abundance known to mankind. The major discovery was published online in the international scientific journal Nature Astronomy on August 7 in the early morning of Beijing time.
  Lithium is the key element connecting the Big Bang, interstellar matter and stars. Its evolution in the universe and stars has always been an important research object in the field of astronomy. However, the understanding of lithium in contemporary astronomy is still very limited. Giant stars rich in lithium are very rare, but they are of great significance in revealing the origin and evolution of lithium. Unfortunately, astronomers have only discovered a very small number of such celestial bodies in the past 30 years.
  "This newly discovered lithium-rich star is located in the direction of Ophiuchus near the center of the Milky Way, about 4,500 light-years north of the Milky Way disk. After further study, we found that the lithium element of this star is likely to come from a special material exchange process inside the star." Dr. Yan Hongliang of the National Astronomical Observatory said. "This discovery changes human understanding of lithium in celestial bodies and doubles the limit of international observation of lithium content."
  In addition, in the nearly 10 million spectra of LAMOST, researchers have found five hypervelocity stars in a haystack, and there are currently only more than 20 hypervelocity stars in the world.
  Zhao Gang said: "They provide an important sample for further study of the formation mechanism of stars that are very fast and can eventually break free from the attractive forces of the Milky Way and’escape ‘the Milky Way."
  (Originally published in People’s Daily 2018-08-08 12th edition)

Talking about digital empowerment and practicing digital transformation technology, Huawei Cloud and Dongchangfu District enterprises release digital productivity.

In order to thoroughly implement the measures taken by the provincial party committee and the provincial government to promote the chain length system, further accelerate the digital transformation process of enterprises in Dongchangfu District, and promote industrial development to improve quality and efficiency, Dongchangfu District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Huawei (Liaocheng) Digital Industry Innovation Center launched a series of activities, namely "Yunling Dongchang, Talking about Digital Empowerment and Practicing Digital Transformation Technology Salon". The series of activities of the Technology Salon aims to combine the advantages of Huawei’s cloud technology with the advantages of local industries, and strengthen enterprise exchanges in the region in various directions such as industrial Internet applications, digital factory scenarios, artificial intelligence, and network security.

On May 30th, the first special salon with the theme of "Digital Factory Empowerment Salon and Strong Chain Matchmaking Meeting of Industrial Chain" was held as scheduled.

Releasing digital productivity, Huawei Cloud enables manufacturing to upgrade "intelligence"

As the world’s leading provider of ICT infrastructure and intelligent terminals, Huawei provides practical and effective digital transformation solutions for enterprises in Dongchangfu District. In this activity, Huawei invited business representatives to visit Huawei (Liaocheng) Digital Industry Innovation Center to learn about the digital achievements of Huawei Cloud Empowering local enterprises, so that business representatives can further feel the advantages of digital transformation in the current competitive environment.

In order to further deepen enterprises’ understanding of digital transformation, Wei Ning, director of industrial Internet products of Huawei Cloud IoT, published the theme sharing of "Digital Factory Construction, Helping Enterprises Speed up Digital Intelligence" at the event. This sharing focuses on how the manufacturing industry is deeply integrated with the ICT industry, and deeply explores the pain points of digital transformation of enterprises. Focusing on achieving efficient collaboration between upstream and downstream supply chains, optimizing production processes, improving product quality, and then reducing raw material procurement and product listing cycle to seize market opportunities, Huawei Cloud has demonstrated many advantages in empowering enterprises in digital transformation. At the same time, Wei Ning also gave a detailed introduction to the capabilities provided by Huawei Cloud FusionPlant industrial Internet platform, which provided more reference for the digital transformation of enterprises present.

Wei Ning, Director of Huawei Cloud IoT Industrial Internet Products

Focus on multiple production scenarios in a refined way, and promote the value transformation of digital intelligence together.

With the continuous development of technical capabilities, the deep integration of digitalization and industry has become the general trend. Facing the actual demand of manufacturing industry for digital upgrading, the penetration of digital capability into all aspects of industrial production has become the only way to boost the innovation and development of manufacturing industry.

Liu Tongshun, a researcher at the National Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory and a senior consultant of CAXA, delivered a keynote speech entitled "PLM Enabling Design Through Intelligent Manufacturing" based on the full link efficiency of digital capabilities in the production process. It not only analyzed the full-link advantages of PLM application in intelligent manufacturing for the guests, but also shared the successful cases of PLM application in digital transformation, so that more enterprise representatives could understand the advantages of digital capabilities in enterprise production and management.

Liu Tongshun, Senior Consultant of CAXA

Liu Dong, senior executive consultant of Shandong Wan Teng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., shared the theme of "Intelligent Manufacturing Promotes Digital Transformation of Enterprises" and gave many suggestions on how to refine the granularity of enterprise manufacturing operation management, strengthen performance management and improve enterprise operation efficiency through intelligent management system architecture.

Liu Dong, Senior Executive Consultant of Shandong Wan Teng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Yue Yongshuai, Shandong Regional Director of Shenzhen Smart Internet of Things Co., Ltd., introduced MixIOT, an underlying system of Internet of Things independently developed by Smart Internet of Things, through The Value and Application of Internet of Things in Industry. And share the safety management and control, quality improvement and cost reduction of multi-service scenarios such as air compressor station, boiler and electric power based on MixIOT platform.

Yue Yongshuai, Shandong Regional Director of Shenzhen Zhiwulian Network Co., Ltd.

Business representatives from Shandong Tiangong Geotechnical Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. made wonderful sharing on embracing digital productivity, and conducted in-depth discussions on the changes in the industry structure caused by digital transformation.

Hou Dianbo, Enterprise Representative of Shandong Tiangong Geotechnical Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd.

In the salon activities where industry experts and business representatives talked about the road of digital development, the digital transformation goals of related enterprises in Dongchangfu District gradually became clear, and the urgent need for digital transformation was quickly responded. Since then, Huawei Cloud will attract more high-quality partners in the industry, jointly promote the digitalization, networking and intelligent construction of enterprises, and explore a broader digital economic space for more enterprises in urgent need of transformation.

Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologized: fire employees and never hire them!

On December 20th, the Red Star Capital Bureau reported that ZAKER official blog issued the "Apology Statement on Xiaomi Automobile Information Disclosure", saying that Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, had been dismissed and would never be hired. A few days ago, Xiaomi Automobile’s real car shooting scene map was exposed, and it was suspected that the media leaked out when shooting the scene map.

In the apology statement, it was mentioned that on December 17th, 2023, ZAKER was invited to participate in the static product tasting shooting activity of Xiaomi Automobile. Before the activity, Bao Moumou, an employee of our automobile division, signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter.

During the tasting shooting, Bao Moumou mistakenly thought that the photos of Xiaomi Automobile publicized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology were the materials shot by other media in the same place, and mistakenly thought that your company (Xiaomi Automobile) was allowed to publicly release the photographed photos, so he sent three work tidbits with Xiaomi Automobile to his personal WeChat circle of friends for personal purposes without the permission of your company (Xiaomi Automobile) on-site staff and without informing our company, and was reminded by the on-site staff. Bao Moumou immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately deleted the content of the circle of friends. The release time lasted about 5 minutes, but the photos have spread and caused heated discussion on the Internet.

Our company attached great importance to the incident after learning of it, and immediately set up an incident investigation team on the same day to verify the relevant situation and relevant personnel. Bao Moumou, the employee involved, was fully aware of his own mistakes, and our company severely criticized and educated Bao Moumou. His personal behavior of unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the rules and regulations of ZAKER Employee Manual and the confidentiality obligations of employees. According to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company dismissed Bao Moumou, an employee of the automobile division, and never hired him.

The incident was triggered by our employees’ violation of the Confidentiality Commitment Letter, which brought some pressure and influence to your company. We sincerely apologize for this. Our company is willing to maintain active communication with your company, and cooperate with your company to take all necessary measures to properly handle the adverse effects caused by leaks and emotional incidents and fulfill its due responsibilities.

At the same time, our company will earnestly learn lessons, reflect deeply, take a warning, comprehensively strengthen the legal awareness, confidentiality awareness and professional ethics education of relevant teams and employees, and resolutely put an end to the recurrence of such incidents.

"Xiaobai buys a car" apologizes:

On the afternoon of December 20th, Xiaobai bought a car and issued a "Statement on the Number of Information Leaks of Xiaomi Automobile" to apologize.

The statement said: On December 17, 2023, our company participated in the tasting and shooting activities of Xiaomi’s static products. Before that, our photographer Guan Moumou had signed the Confidentiality Commitment Letter. After the filming ended that night, Guan Moumou mistakenly thought that the confidentiality was limited to the company platform. Without the permission of the on-site staff and without informing the company, he sent a partial photo of the car penalty taken on the spot to two WeChat friends for personal reasons, and was later forwarded to the riders by his friends. When he realized the seriousness of the problem, the photo had been expanded on the network and could not be withdrawn.

We are deeply sorry for this, because we violated the "Confidentiality Commitment" and caused pressure and loss to Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.. After careful reflection and internal investigation, this incident was caused by the weak legal awareness of employees in our enterprise, the lack of contract concept, personal misconduct, and the inadequate internal management supervision of our enterprise. Here, we sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to ensure that this kind of incident will not happen again, our company has seriously criticized Guan Moumou, and his unauthorized disclosure has seriously violated the company’s rules and regulations and affected the company’s reputation. Therefore, according to the relevant rules and regulations of the company, our company will dismiss Guan Moumou and never hire him. And here we solemnly promise that we will strictly abide by laws and regulations, fulfill confidentiality obligations and re-train and educate all employees of the company in the future.

Once again, I sincerely apologize to all the affected people and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. Our company will maintain a positive communication attitude, do its due duty, cooperate with all relevant investigations of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and properly handle the impact caused by this leak.

Xiaomi is angry! Lei jun forwarding

On December 19th, Xiaomi Group issued a statement in the official Weibo, saying that recently, malicious leaks and false rumors about Xiaomi automobile appeared in batches on the Internet, and the company made a formal response.

The statement mentioned that on December 17th, Bao Moumou, an employee of the media "ZAKER", and Guan Moumou, an employee of "Xiaobai Buying a Car", intentionally leaked the confidential shooting content without permission, knowing the confidentiality obligation and corresponding penalties. As verified by Xiaomi Group’s confidential management team, the above two people have admitted their violation of confidentiality obligations.

After communicating with its media, Xiaomi will investigate the responsibility of the two people and their media for leaking secrets according to the corresponding provisions of the Confidentiality Commitment signed by both parties, including but not limited to public apologies and fines.

At the same time, Xiaomi Group verified that in November and December, 2023, three former employees of Xiaomi Automobile Department participated in the so-called "Xiaomi Automobile Seminar" organized by external brokers and investment institutions without permission for the purpose of collecting "consulting fees". Xiaomi said that it "spread a lot of wrong and false information, seriously misleading the market and disrupting the normal business development of Xiaomi Automobile".

Xiaomi said that the above three employees seriously violated the Code of Conduct for Employees of Xiaomi Group and the confidentiality obligations stipulated by the company. Xiaomi Group has dismissed them and never hired them, and investigated their legal responsibilities according to law. At the same time, Xiaomi Group reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for brokers and investment institutions that organize related activities.

On the evening of December 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, forwarded the Statement on his personal Weibo, and sent three expressions of bowing.

According to public information, the car involved in this leak is Xiaomi SU7, and the content involved is the static experience spy photos of Xiaomi SU7.

According to the interface news report, with the gradual exposure of various configuration data of Xiaomi Automobile, the last remaining key information is the price. Earlier, it was reported that Xiaomi SU7 will be available in four versions, with the price ranging from 190,000 to 300,000 yuan. The official has not released the information yet, and the sales staff also said that it is still unclear.

Some analysts predict that the lowest price of Xiaomi car starting at 190,000 yuan is hard to be surprised, and I am afraid it will not be able to replicate the sensation caused by the original price of Xiaomi mobile phone at 1999 yuan. In addition, for Xiaomi, which is famous for its cost performance, Xiaomi still needs to establish its own advantages in terms of performance and design.

Xiaomi Automobile has invested 3400 engineers.

R&D expenditure exceeds 10 billion yuan.

According to the news of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in official website on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

According to the public information, the trademark of Xiaomi Automobile is Xiaomi brand, which is a pure electric car, and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Recently, Xiaomi Automobile has caused a heated discussion. A few days ago, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, a figure in the heat center, also appeared in front of the public to express his views on Xiaomi Automobile. In an interview with CCTV news "Face to Face", Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s investment in building cars is ten times that of other automakers. For example, he said that the average car brand invested 300 to 400 people in building a car, and the cost was 1 billion to 2 billion yuan, while the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the research and development cost exceeded 10 billion yuan.

However, Lei Jun also expressed his concern about the sales situation. He was worried that no one would buy Xiaomi after it went on the market, and that everyone would buy it, but it would take a year or two.

Source: Comprehensive Red Star journalist Wu Danruo, Red Star News previously reported, national business daily

Original title: "Leaking Xiaomi Auto, both companies apologize: fire employees and never hire! 》

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Q: The new M7 model will be released. How long will Huawei "build a car" window?

First financial news, AITO is speeding up the listing of new cars. Huawei Terminal announced on September 10th that it will release the new M7 five-seat car on September 12th. With the release of new cars, the matrix of AITO vehicles will include M5, M5 pure electric version, M5 intelligent driving version, M5 pure electric intelligent driving version, M7 and M7, and it is planned to release M9 in the fourth quarter.

AITO Wenjie is a brand jointly launched by Huawei and Cyrus. At present, there is a big gap between the sales volume of the industry and the new force of making cars on the head. As a representative of Huawei’s intelligent car selection model, Huawei urgently needs to prove its ability to ask for cars.

In August, the sales of nine new car-making forces, including Ai ‘an, Ideality, Weilai and Deep Blue, all exceeded 10,000, and the delivery volume of AITO was 5,018.

In the case of sluggish sales in the world, Huawei’s auto business has shown signs of being more enterprising recently. In addition to speeding up the listing of new cars, in June this year, Huawei also received 21 "Jiejie" trademarks, which was interpreted by the industry as that Huawei will have the leading role in Jiejie trademarks and become a unified brand name for Huawei’s smart car selection model in the future. In July, the "AITO Joint Working Group on Marketing and Service" set up by Cyrus Auto and Huawei began to be fully responsible for the end-to-end closed-loop management of marketing, sales, delivery, service and channels, marking the strengthening of cooperation between the two parties. From the perspective of products in the second half of the year, the new M7 and M9 models are undoubtedly the most concerned.

Cross-border sales are under pressure

Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, has previously revealed some information about the new M7 model. According to Weibo, the model has 3338mm interior space and 686L trunk volume. Yu Chengdong also highlighted the safety attributes of the new M7. In addition, the M9 full-size SUV will also be launched at the end of the year.

The launch of new cars is very important for the international community to boost sales. Since the beginning of this year, international sales have been under pressure. According to the production and sales data of Celestial, the sales of Celestial cars in July and August this year dropped by 45.69% and 67.52% year-on-year, which contributed to the year-on-year decline in sales in the first eight months of this year. The reporter learned from the Celestial Securities Department that in its production and sales express, the source of Celestial automobile sales is mainly from the world.

"In the first quarter, the promotion of the automobile industry caused users to have a wait-and-see mood. The user’s expectation that the M5 version will be released in the second quarter has a certain impact on the sales of existing models." Cyrus explained the reason for the decline in sales in the first half of the financial report.

AITO WeChat official account also stopped disclosing monthly delivery this year. According to the scattered data, AITO delivered 4,585 new cars in April this year, 5,629 in May and 5,018 in August, and there is no good news that the monthly delivery has exceeded 10,000. Compared with last August, the delivery volume of the industry exceeded 10,000 vehicles, reaching a peak of 12,000 vehicles in October.

According to the data of the Association, in the ranking of wholesale sales of new energy passenger cars in August this year, Sailis sold 5,018 vehicles, which did not rank among the 20, lagging behind the new car-making forces with monthly sales exceeding 10,000, such as Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Ideality, Weilai, Zero Run, Tucki and Nezha.

While the sales volume problem is anxious, Cyrus and Huawei have not tasted the sweetness in performance since the delivery. In 2022, thanks to the higher selling price of M5 and M7 and the increase in sales volume, the revenue of Cyrus doubled year-on-year. However, due to the increase in sales expenses and investment in R&D, the loss doubled year-on-year, reaching 3.832 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, Cyrus did not turn losses, and its revenue also decreased by 11.14% year-on-year.

It is also doubtful how much performance increment the car business can bring to Huawei. In 2022, Huawei’s smart car solution business revenue was 2.077 billion yuan, accounting for only 0.3% of the total revenue. If the cumulative investment of smart car solution BU is 3 billion US dollars, the business is still losing money. In the first half of this year, the smart car solution business revenue was 1 billion yuan, equivalent to half of last year’s annual revenue, and it seems to be standing still.

Yu Chengdong is under a lot of pressure whether it can bring the sales volume of the industry together and set a benchmark for Huawei’s car business. Since the beginning of this year, Yu Chengdong has been a frequent platform for the world, and its Weibo has twice mentioned that it has spent a lot of money on the new M7 model, saying that this model has "newly invested 100 million yuan to upgrade its interior and exterior" and "spent 500 million yuan to upgrade and build it". In July, Yu Chengdong warmed up the new M7 at the exchange meeting with distributors and suppliers, and in August, he appeared at Chengdu Station to promote the model.

Regarding the sales volume, Yu Chengdong previously responded that the sales volume is only the result of a certain development stage, and what is reflected behind it is actually the relationship with users. Due to lack of experience and experience, I took some detours. At this time, I need to give full play to my own advantages, be determined, and insist on making the ultimate products. Yu Chengdong revealed that in the face of external shocks, the company will speed up improvement, such as optimization in retail, service, delivery and other fields this year, and at the same time optimize the mechanism, increase unannounced visits to stores and other means to enhance the overall service capacity.

Adjustment of cooperative relationship

Since the beginning of this year, it has been frequently speculated that Huawei is devoting itself to building cars, and there are even rumors that Huawei BU wants to seek independence. The root cause of the rumors is that Huawei’s car business has not brought obvious increase and its development prospects are still unclear. In fact, outside Celeste, which has the deepest cooperation with Huawei, many car companies are considering cooperation with Huawei, and the cooperation relationship has undergone adjustment.

At present, the cooperation between Huawei and car companies is divided into three categories, namely vertical parts supply, HI(HuaweiInside) and Huawei Intelligent Selection. HI mode provides full-stack smart car solutions for car companies, and Huawei Intelligent Selection mode is deeply involved in product definition, styling design, marketing and user experience. The cooperation depth of these three models is from shallow to deep.

In the cooperation between car companies and technology manufacturers, who has the "soul" is a controversial issue, especially for Huawei, which has always been strong in product control, car companies will inevitably choose carefully. Some auto industry analysts told reporters that with the competition of new energy vehicles entering the second half, profits will gradually tilt towards electronicization and intelligence, and automakers are wary of cooperation with technology manufacturers.

In March this year, Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an AH8 project changed its HI cooperation mode with Huawei and changed it into a component supplier mode. AH8 will be independently developed by Ai ‘an. Some car companies have made two preparations. In April this year, the cooperation mode between BAIC Extreme Fox and Huawei changed from HI mode to intelligent car selection mode. At the same time, BAIC started its own research. At the end of August, Beiqi polar fox koala opened for pre-sale, and this model is positioned as the world’s first smart parent-child car. The reporter learned from Beiqi Blue Valley Securities Department that koala has no cooperation with Huawei. In addition, Chery, Jianghuai and Huawei have cooperated in car selection. Among them, Chery and Huawei have jointly launched a number of smart electric vehicles, and Chery is also developing an independent new energy brand iCAR.

Huawei is aware of the challenges it faces. At the "China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum 2023" in April this year, Yu Chengdong said frankly that among domestic partners, new forces are unlikely to choose Huawei intellectually, international giants will not choose it for some reason, and traditional car companies will not choose it if they are afraid of losing their souls, which makes Huawei face great challenges.

Even in the face of the dynamic adjustment of the cooperative relationship with car companies, in recent years, when Huawei emphasized the stability of cash flow and gave up heavy assets to enter the automobile production, Huawei still responded many times and denied the path of building cars independently. At the beginning of this year, Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of HUAWEI, issued a decision announcement, stressing that "Huawei" or "Huawei" should not be used in vehicle promotion and appearance, and the time limit of "Huawei does not build cars" should be extended by five years.

Under this circumstance, in the limited cooperation with car companies, how Huawei can achieve the maximum benefit and the most ideal commercialization goal has become a core issue. In August, it was reported that Huawei made strategic adjustments to its BU business to reduce investment in non-core business and put money to the cutting edge. However, Huawei officials did not respond to this news.

In terms of business strategy, in the foreseeable time, the high probability of asking the world will still be the most important force point of Huawei’s car business. The new M7 and M9, which will be released on the 12th, will become the biggest concern of the international community in the second half of the year.

Original title: Q will release the new M7 model. How long will Huawei "build a car" window?

Five forces at the same time: explore the best cost performance! Revealing Five Popular Redmi K Series Mobile Phones

The following are my opinions on several popular millet K series:

First, let’s take a look at Xiaomi (MI) Extreme Edition. This mobile phone is equipped with top-class Tianji 9200+ processor and independent display chip X7, which provides excellent running speed and image quality. With the combination of 1.5K direct screen and large storage capacity, it is an ideal choice for gamers. It is worth noting that this mobile phone has sold more than 5,000 units in the past month, showing strong market competitiveness.

Next, we will introduce the new mobile phone of Xiaomi Redmi K50 Pro 5G. With a 2K flexible straight screen and an oversized 12GB RAM+256GB ROM configuration, this device is first-class in visual effect and performance. The 100-megapixel rear camera and 20-megapixel front lens can meet the professional needs of photographers. At the same time, the fast charging function above 120W makes the power supply quick and convenient. In order to ensure a long-term and stable working environment, the mobile phone also uses a three-dimensional cooling solution.

Then let’s take a look at Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K60. As a brand-new 5G mobile phone, it features ink feather color matching and is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor, so its strength cannot be underestimated. It is worth mentioning that this mobile phone introduces liquid cooling technology, which can maintain good performance even in the face of high temperature. In addition, the 5000mAh battery with 30W wireless charging fully solves the user’s electricity anxiety problem.

Let’s pay attention to Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K60E again. Although there are some differences compared with the first two models, such as lack of liquid cooling technology and eye protection certification, the performance in other aspects is still remarkable. For example, it still continues the ink feather color matching, and its internal configuration has reached the standard of 12GB RAM+512GB ROM.

Finally, I want to mention the "quick spot" Xiaomi Redmi Redmi K50 Extreme Edition Ultra 5G mobile phone. The biggest selling point of this mobile phone is undoubtedly its luxurious hardware configuration: a large memory combination of 12GB RAM+512GB ROM and a 100-megapixel main camera, so that users don’t have to worry about being stuck or blurred when operating. More surprisingly, it also supports high-speed charging of 120-150W, which greatly reduces the time required for charging. To sum up, these products are quite competitive in the market. No matter whether you pay attention to performance or long-lasting battery life, you can always find your favorite choice.
The following are my opinions on several popular Xiaomi Redmi K series mobile phones: First, let’s take a look at Xiaomi MI)Redmi K60 Extreme Edition. This mobile phone is equipped with top-class Tianji 9200+ processor and independent display chip X7, which provides excellent running speed and image quality. With the combination of 1.5K direct screen and large storage capacity, it is an ideal choice for gamers. It is worth noting that, …

What is the difference between BYD Tang dm and dmi?

The difference between BYD Tang dm and dmi is the power system. Tang dm is equipped with 2.0T+ plug-in hybrid, while Tang dmi is equipped with 1.5 plug-in hybrid. There are some differences in power between the two cars.

BYD Auto is an automobile manufacturer with independent research and development, independent production and independent brand, and is committed to producing national cars with good quality and low price. In terms of product design, BYD Auto combines the international advanced design concept and the aesthetic concept of China culture to create a unique model.

The brand identity of BYD Auto has also changed. The new logo no longer uses the original blue and white colors, the pattern is changed to an oval shape, and light and shadow elements are added, so the font and graphics have changed greatly. This change highlights the essence of BYD’s innovation, technology and corporate culture, and injects new connotation and vitality into the brand.

When choosing Tang dm and dmi, consumers need to decide according to their own needs and budgets. The 2.0T+ plug-in hybrid system equipped by Tang dm can provide stronger power performance, while Tang dmi is equipped with a more economical and practical 1.5 plug-in hybrid system. If you pay more attention to dynamic performance, you can choose Tang DM; If you pay more attention to economy and environmental performance, you can choose Don dmi.

In a word, there are differences between BYD Tang dm and dmi in power system, and consumers can choose their own models according to their own needs. At the same time, BYD will continue to adhere to the development route of independent research and development, independent production and independent brand, and constantly introduce more high-quality and innovative automobile products.

Cyrus: The net repayment of financing was 118 million yuan, and the two cities ranked second (04-24).

Sailis margin information shows that on April 24, 2024, the net repayment of financing was 118 million yuan; The financing balance was 6.77 billion yuan, down 1.72% from the previous day.

In terms of financing, on the same day, financing bought 520 million yuan, financing repaid 638 million yuan, financing repaid 118 million yuan, and the net repayment amount ranked second in the two cities, with a total of 254 million yuan for three consecutive days. In terms of securities lending, 14,000 shares were sold, 56,400 shares were repaid, the margin of securities lending was 2.254 million shares, and the balance of securities lending was 203 million yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending totaled 6.973 billion yuan.

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risk is at your own risk.