Wang Zuxian became a monk in Canada, and fans were stunned. People in the entertainment industry responded calmly

  Wang Zuxian has become a monk! Wang Zuxian, who rose to fame because of the gorgeous, elegant and poignant "Xiaoqian" in the movie "The Ghost of a Thousand Girls", the jade girl who is regarded as the lover of many men’s dreams, and the ethereal woman who retired from the movie twice in 1993 and 2001, chose to completely disappear from everyone’s sight. According to reliable sources, Wang Zuxian, who has lived in seclusion in Canada for many years, was converted to Buddhism in early June this year at a Chinese Buddhist society in western Canada. The news came out, and fans were stunned, but insiders reacted calmly to it. Hong Kong veteran entertainment reporter Cha Xiaoxin confirmed the news to reporters by phone yesterday.

  The bumpy road in love may be the fuse

  "Wang Zuxian’s heart is exhausted and he has decided to convert to Buddhism and become a monk." This is the statement given by Wang Zuxian’s Canadian relatives and friends. Our reporter exclusively contacted Cha Xiaoxin yesterday, who confirmed the news of Wang Zuxian’s ordination. "I have no contact with Zuxian, but I heard one of my seniors tell me about this today. This seniors has a very good relationship with Zuxian, so I think the news should be true."

  It is reported that Taiwan’s Dongsen News Station has reported the news in the news, and instantly aroused thousands of waves on the Internet. Movie fans sighed and sentimental in Tieba, and more reprimanded the "male protagonist" of Wang Zuxian’s past relationship, Lin Jianyue, the boss of Hong Kong Media Asia Company.

  Cha Xiaoxin also mentioned this "fuse" on the phone yesterday: "The relationship with Lin Jianyue must have had a great impact on Zuxian. After all, Lin Jianyue was not divorced at that time, and she became a third party, which had a great impact on her future." Cha Xiaoxin admitted that it was because of the relationship with Lin Jianyue that Wang Zuxian lived in seclusion in Canada.

  Qi Qin said he had a premonition

  "Our relationship has long been more than just a lover, but a relative." Since Wang Zuxian returned to Taiwan after being traumatized by Lin Jianyue, Qi Qin has been hoping to reunite with him. And it is this "relative" who mentioned Wang Zuxian in a media interview in May this year, and also said that the most worried thing is that Wang Zuxian will become a monk. Since her retirement in 2002, Wang Zuxian has been living in seclusion in Canada and believes in Buddhism, Qi Qin said at the time. "She talked very little about herself later, so I know less about her recent situation. According to my personal judgment, she will not come out again, and if she continues to recite Buddhism like this, she may be going to become a monk."

  At that time, Qi Qin also revealed that he called Wang Zuxian when he went to Vancouver to attend the event in April, but Wang Zuxian did not answer, and the message did not get a reply. Yesterday, Zha Xiaoxin also expressed the same opinion to our reporter: "I heard that Zuxian read a lot of scriptures before, learned a lot of Buddhism, and passed the exam as a monk. This must be her deliberate decision. In this case, everyone should bless her."

  The reporter learned from his Taiwanese colleagues yesterday that another important trigger for Wang Zuxian’s determination to stay away from the mundane world was the marriage news of Qi Qin. In May and June this year, Wang Zuxian suddenly heard that Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang were having a hot fight and may officially get married this year. After seeing the news published in the newspapers, he became more and more calm. He decided to leave, and last month, his relatives and friends sent him back to Taiwan to tell everyone that she had decided to become a monk.

  Guan Zhilin

  Every time I mention Carina Lau, I can’t help but think of Guan Zhilin. The experiences of two equally beautiful mature women in the Hong Kong entertainment industry are also similar, but the ending on the road to love is completely different. In the early years, both of them wanted to marry into a wealthy family, but both things backfired. Liu Jialing finally tied the knot with Leung Chaowei and closed the last page of the fairy tale book, but Guan Zhilin is still single. After her appearance is gradually aging, the dream of a wealthy family will be a farther extravagant hope.

  Karen Mok

  Karen Mok and Feng Delun’s 9-year long-distance love run, everyone can think of their happy ending with their toes. Unexpectedly, Karen Mok suddenly announced that she was single. If Karen Mok was still young and invincible when she fell in love with Feng Delun, then the 38-year-old is obviously starting to lose sight of the wrinkles on her face. How many more 9 years can be wasted?

  Shao Meiqi

  Needless to say, everyone was very familiar with the story of Shao Meiqi. The "Double Qi Face" battle had caused a great stir in the entertainment industry. Today, although Gigi Leung and Zheng Yijian have gone their separate ways, every time Zheng Yijian is mentioned, Shao Meiqi is unwilling to face it, and even tears come to her eyelashes. What is even more regrettable is that after Zheng Yijian, Shao Meiqi has not dated other men and is still single until now.

  Deng Liwen

  In "Golden Branch Desire", Concubine Ru knows how to grasp a man’s heart very well, and any move will be successful. However, in real life, "Concubine Ru" Deng Cuiwen has become a bitter lover. She once loved a man very much, but was abandoned. She once fell in love with a boy younger than herself, but ended up breaking up in the end. She kept chasing love, but kept falling on the road of love. In a blink of an eye, she was already 42 years old, but she was still alone, which made fans anxious. Lin Yanwen

  Related links:

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk, and there are many stars who have escaped into the air (picture) 2009-07-08

  • Cha Xiaoxin confirmed that Wang Zuxian has become a monk, and Lin Jianyue is also responsible for this matter 2009-07-08

  • [Star News] Cha Xiaoxin confirmed that Wang Zuxian has become a monk, and the root cause is suspected of Qi Xiao Lian 2009-07-08

  • Wang Zuxian Canadian monk? Relatives and friends were surprised: Even her father didn’t know 2009-07-08

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian cut his hair in Canada due to emotional discomfort 2009-07-07