Make good use of digital technology and build a "big ideological and political course"

Make good use of digital technology and build a "big ideological and political course"

Peng Qinghong

  abstract The integration of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" has given new vitality to the reform and innovation of ideological and political education in the new era. To make good use of digital technology and build a "big ideological and political course", first of all, we must fully understand the fit between digital technology and "big ideological and political courses". Secondly, we must identify the focus of the combination of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" from the perspectives of subject connection, resource sharing, teacher-student interaction, scene reconstruction, and model innovation. Finally, we must deal with the primary and secondary relationships, red college relationships, external and internal relationships, public-private relationships, and new and old relationships that combine digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" to promote the development of high-quality connotations in the construction of ideological and political courses.

  keyword Great Ideological and Political Course; Digital Technology; Digitization

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially since the Supreme Leader General Secretary personally chaired the school’s ideological and political theory teacher symposium, the status of ideological and political courses in the overall strategic situation of the Party Central Committee’s governance of the country has become increasingly prominent, and the construction of ideological and political courses has also made significant progress. The construction of "big ideological and political courses" is an important breakthrough point to promote the high-quality development of ideological and political courses during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and has also become a highlight of the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in recent years. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader has successively emphasized that "we must use new media and new technologies to make work come alive, and promote the high degree of integration of traditional advantages of ideological and political work with information technology." "The digitalization of education is an important breakthrough for our country to open up a new track for educational development and shape new advantages in educational development." Therefore, to promote the construction of "big ideological and political courses", we must also make good use of digital technology, so that digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" can be fully integrated and mutually promoted, and constantly cultivate new potential, open up new tracks, and shape new patterns for school ideological and political education in the new era.

  Comprehensive understanding of the fit between digital technology and "big ideological and political courses"

  To make good use of digital technology and build a "big ideological and political class", we must first fully understand the inherent fit between digital technology and "big ideological and political class". On the one hand, digital technology can promote the quality and efficiency of "big ideological and political class"; on the other hand, the needs and problems in the construction of "big ideological and political class" can also promote the continuous innovation and optimization of digital technology. The integration and mutual assistance between the two make the digital expansion of ideological and political class possible and produce good results.

  1. Digital technology can promote the effective construction of "big ideological and political courses"

  The development of digital technology has brought new opportunities and development space for the construction of "big ideological and political courses". In recent years, the construction of "big ideological and political courses" has achieved obvious results under the high attention of the party and the state, but it still faces some problems. The "big lessons of life" and big vision of the "big ideological and political courses" contained in the "big ideological and political courses" require "us" including all ideological and political teachers, all educators, and the whole party and society to make good use of them. At present, scholars have not fully agreed on the concept of "big ideological and political courses", but the industry has linked the construction of "big ideological and political courses" with big goals, big classrooms, big ideological and political courses, big patterns, big platforms, master resources, and big coordination. At the practical level, "big ideological and political courses" not only means that ideological and political courses should be expanded in depth, but also means that the breadth of ideological and political courses should be expanded – open the door to do ideological and political courses. In the construction of "big ideological and political courses", it is necessary to realize the upgrading and transformation of classroom teaching content, methods and management aspects, to mobilize the joint participation of various social resources, to open up theoretical classrooms, practical classrooms, online classrooms, etc., to realize the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in large, middle and primary schools, and so on. The realization of these tasks, especially the cracking of some difficult problems, requires the joint efforts of front-line ideological and political educators, the strong organizational guarantee of ideological and political course construction management institutions at all levels, and also requires strong digital technology support and services.

  The construction of "big ideological and political courses" requires the intervention and support of digital technology. Looking at the world, the digital transformation of education has become a consensus, and the digital construction of "big ideological and political courses" is imperative. On the one hand, the application of 5G, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies has made the educational environment of ideological and political courses continue to change in the direction of networking, digitalization and intelligence, and the experience of teaching practice has also changed from a static plane at the visual level to a dynamic interactive one at the audio-visual level. Driven by the digital wave, promoting the modernization of education is the general trend, the need for development, and the direction of reform, which can better meet the precise and efficient reform requirements put forward by the development of the times for ideological and political courses. On the other hand, the post-00s generation of students grew up with digital technology, not only has a demand for memorized learning of theoretical knowledge, but also hopes to immerse themselves in the educational effect of ideological and political courses to enlighten the mind and cultivate emotions. The teaching mode of ideological and political courses, which has been spawned by digital technology, provides a platform and breakthrough point for the innovation of the teaching content and methods of "big ideological and political courses", and meets the expectations of educational objects.

  2. The "big ideological and political class" can promote the development of digital technology

  Make good use of digital technology and build a "big ideological and political course". Digital technology is applied to the specific educational field as a means to achieve the purpose of changing the educational model and improving the educational effect. In this process, the number of schools involved in the construction of the "big ideological and political course", the large number of students, and the wide range involved have also continuously promoted the innovative application and development of digital technology.

  The construction of "big ideological and political courses" can accelerate the innovation and development of digital technology. On the one hand, the construction of "big ideological and political courses" has stimulated the innovation power of digital technology. In the digital age, the speed of technological update and iteration is dazzling. The deep integration of digital technology and ideological and political courses requires digital technology to continuously carry out self-innovation and iterative upgrading. It is necessary to summarize the development and utilization of historical resources, cultural resources and policy resources by existing VR (virtual reality) and AI (artificial intelligence) technologies in the construction of "big ideological and political courses", and create a teaching model with diverse styles and stable structures; it is also necessary to constantly explore the application of artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality and other emerging technologies in the field of "big ideological and political courses" construction, and continue to tap the potential of technology to change education development. On the other hand, the construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Course" is conducive to the construction of the digital technology system. "Digitalization" is an overall system supported by a variety of technologies, which needs to be applied to a variety of technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc. A single unit or team cannot support its overall operation. Therefore, riding the east wind of the construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Course", a composite system project involving multiple subjects and multiple forces has been built, and the support system of digital technology has also involved schools, society, enterprises, governments and other forces. " The multi-department, multi-field, and multi-level cooperation in the education work pattern provides support for the integrated development of digital technology, which is conducive to the joint construction of cross-field digital technology.

  Identify the focus of combining digital technology with the construction of "big ideological and political courses"

  The combination of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" is not a simple "1 plus 1 equals 2", but a mutual integration and internal unity between them. In practice, we must identify the focus of the combination of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses", promote the high degree of integration of traditional advantages of ideological and political work with information technology, enhance the sense of the times and attractiveness, and create a new pattern of digital development of "big ideological and political courses".

  1. Use digital technology implementation of the main body connection of the "big ideological and political course"

  The "big" of the "big ideological and political course" requires fully mobilizing the rich resources and strength contained in the social big classroom, building a "big classroom", building a "big platform", and building a "master resource". This requires the strength of the whole society, collective efforts, and joint creation and construction. In the construction of the "big ideological and political course", the multiple subjects involved in education and teaching should form a good organizational relationship of collaborative participation and common construction, so as to truly realize the effective combination of the ideological and political "small classroom" and the social "big classroom".

  Different from the traditional single teaching method, digital technology can enrich the ways and means for multiple subjects to participate in the construction of "big ideological and political courses" online and offline through system sharing, resource co-construction, information exchange, network connection, etc., break the time and space restrictions and information barriers, and promote cross-regional, cross-departmental, and cross-school information flow and linkage and collaboration. The use of digital technology implementation of "big ideological and political courses" is connected to the main body, which not only reduces work costs, but also greatly improves work efficiency. For example, in recent years, many schools have cooperated with the forces of the Marxist Institute, the Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Students and Workers, the Youth League Committee and other functional areas of business, contacted brother colleges and universities, the "big ideological and political class" practice teaching base, various venues and other institutions to cooperate, and established the virtual teaching and research room of ideological and political classes, digital teaching platform, etc., to help the teachers of ideological and political classes in various schools to communicate and share resources in real time, and give full play to the different resource advantages of society, government, family, enterprise, community, etc., so that ideological and political classes can effectively enhance the teaching effect of theoretical teaching and practical education, knowledge infusion and situational experience in the connection between inside and outside the school, online and offline.

  2. Build a digital platform to promote the sharing of resources in "big ideological and political courses"

  Open sharing of digital educational resources is a key move to narrow the digital divide and education gap. With its scalable, distributed, and advanced technologies such as multimedia large file storage, management, and resource retrieval and call, digital technology automatically stores and intelligently sorts large amounts of data, eventually forming a large-capacity, accurate, and callable virtual data resource library. Building a digital platform to promote the resource sharing of "big ideological and political courses" can collect and integrate rich social resources and life materials, and realize the co-construction and sharing of resources in classroom teaching to improve the allocation and use efficiency of "big ideological and political courses" teaching resources.

  The establishment of a digital teaching platform is conducive to the sharing of resources for "big ideological and political courses". First, share teaching resources. Relying on the digital teaching platform, integrate policy information, research results, case materials, practice test questions and other resources of various schools at all levels, realize the collection and construction of digital resources, and form a teaching resource library that integrates high-quality teaching materials such as courseware, handout drawings, course analysis, and auxiliary documents for ideological and political courses. Secondly, expand the dissemination of resources. Encourage teachers and students to create digital teaching resources such as micro-movies, animations, music, and short videos around the teaching content of ideological and political courses. Collaborative lesson preparation and experience sharing are carried out through online MOOCs, live courses, special seminars, and heterogeneous courses. Continuously promote the dissemination and update of teaching resources and information exchange. Finally, optimize the supply of resources. Facing diverse needs, the data resources of the digital teaching platform can be quickly retrieved, freely combined and flexibly called modules and functions for teachers of ideological and political courses according to user requests, so as to realize personalized supply and service of resources, and effectively improve the efficiency and business level of teachers in lesson preparation. For example, the construction of the National Smart Education Public Service Platform, the National Ideological and Political Theory Teacher Network Collective Lesson Preparation Platform, and the Digital Horse Academy have all built a better online platform that spans time and space for ideological and political course teaching, aggregating higher-quality, more systematic, and more types of digital educational resources, and promoting the sharing and co-construction of high-quality resources.

  3. Use digital tools to promote teacher-student interaction in "big ideological and political classes"

  In the construction of "big ideological and political courses", while innovating the big social classrooms, the role of the main channel of ideological and political "small classrooms" must be guaranteed. At present, the lack of interaction is an important reason that affects the effectiveness of ideological and political courses, and solving this problem is also the focus of ideological and political course reform and innovation. As a means and method, digital technology can provide new interactive methods and emotional experiences for ideological and political course teaching, effectively enhancing the vividness and effectiveness of teaching.

  With the help of digital tools, promote the interaction between teachers and students in the "big ideological and political class". First, with the help of digital tools to enhance the pertinence of teaching. Ideological and political class teachers use digital technology to effectively grasp students’ learning habits, thinking characteristics, psychological dynamics, etc., analyze the information fed back from the teaching process and result data, and grasp the learning situation in a timely manner. Scientifically arrange lesson preparation, adjust teaching progress and class management will also effectively help students review teaching knowledge online, record experiences in class, exchange views and ideas, and complete practice assignments. Second, with the help of digital tools to create a good atmosphere in the classroom. In teaching practice, more and more ideological and political class teachers pay attention to promoting student interaction through the creation of red micro-movies, ideological and political talk shows, virtual reality experiences, drama role-playing and other diverse forms. Through the presentation of digital means, from static pictures to dynamic pictures, from silent words to sound voice, stimulate students’ interest, so that they can actively explore classic theoretical ideas, red history and culture, and contemporary development reality. The third is to manage classroom order with the help of digital tools. Ideological and political class teachers use digital means to name, ask questions, answer questions, and evaluate in a timely manner in classroom teaching. Homework arrangement, homework correction, and interactive Q & A before and after class are all good ways to further consolidate and expand the effect of teacher-student interaction.

  4. Use digital virtual innovation to recreate the scene of "big ideological and political class"

  The teaching of ideological and political classes requires relying on and creating situations to better achieve the effect of enlightening the mind and moisturizing the mind. "Great Ideological and Political Classes" expands the space of ideological and political classrooms from schools to the space of various fields of society. Through technical means such as smart classrooms, 5G, virtual simulation, and holographic teaching in digital technology, social development scenes, historical and cultural scenes, and family life scenes can be introduced into ideological and political classrooms. Teachers can call all kinds of video information and network data at any time, and use animation, video, VR glasses, and other products to create real-time shared and immersive classroom scenes. On the one hand, digital technology is used for virtual presentation of real scenes. Digital technology breaks the constraints of spatial boundaries on the teaching scene of ideological and political courses. Using digital twin and other technologies, in the form of live broadcast, scene simulation, VR panoramic images, etc., the materials and scenes of revolutionary old sites, historical memorial pavilions, and museums can be virtually presented, so that students can be immersed in the classroom and realize "cloud visit", "cloud classroom" and "cloud interaction". Ideological and political course teachers can also interact synchronously with heroic models, advanced role models, venue commentators, etc., and extend the classroom to educational bases such as fields, factory workshops, scientific research institutes, and old revolutionary base areas, further expand the new field of education and teaching, save the cost of ideological and political classroom teaching transition, and improve the educational effectiveness of "big ideological and political courses". On the other hand, digital technology is used to recreate virtual scenes. Some historical events, revolutionary ruins, historical figures, etc. cannot be presented through VR panoramic shooting, but digital restoration, 3D modeling, virtual people, etc. of digital technology can also be used to restore and reproduce these virtual teaching scenes, making the "big ideological and political class" more vivid.

  5. Deepen digital transformation and realize the model innovation of "big ideological and political courses"

  As a leading force in the world’s scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, digital technology has brought about changes in "big ideological and political courses", not minor repairs, but profound changes in the education and teaching methods of ideological and political courses. It is a systematic model innovation. From resource supply, information sharing to interactive models, teaching methods, to evaluation systems, feedback mechanisms, etc., the combination of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses" will bring about a deeper transformation and development of ideological and political education in the new era.

  In terms of resource construction, the "Great Ideological and Political Course" digitizes the ideological and political elements and social resources, matches the teaching content and methods according to the actual needs of students, and takes into account all aspects of resources to form a top-down, collaborative and cooperative platform, which subverts the previous traditional teaching resources supply and dissemination methods. In the interactive mode, teachers of ideological and political courses make full use of MOOCs, live broadcasts, short videos, etc., to make the theoretical ideas in the course "live", character events "move", and historical and cultural "light up", and continuously enhance the affinity and appeal of ideological and political courses, which helps to break people’s stereotypes of ideological and political classroom teaching in the past. In the evaluation feedback, the use of digital technology to empower the whole section, the whole process, with the help of teachers and students digital portraits and visualization technology, monitoring the process and results of education and teaching, prompting the evaluation method from the score-oriented small data evaluation to the whole-process literacy assessment of the big data evaluation, from the test-type result evaluation to the real-time performance-type process evaluation, to achieve the ideological and political course teaching evaluation system and feedback mechanism optimization innovation.

  Handle the relationship between digital technology and the construction of "big ideological and political courses"

  Technology is a "double-edged sword", and whether it can play a positive role depends on how it is used. In the construction of "big ideological and political courses", the appropriate use of digital technology to empower the teaching of ideological and political courses can effectively enhance the sense of the times and attractiveness of ideological and political courses; on the contrary, it will deviate from the original intention and goal of ideological and political course reform and innovation. To grasp the development direction of "big ideological and political courses", we must properly handle the multiple relationships between digital technology and the construction of "big ideological and political courses".

  1. Primary and secondary relationship: The digital construction of "big ideological and political courses" should adhere to the leading position of the classroom

  In the digital construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Course", the status and attributes of the ideological and political classroom have not changed. In other words, in the relationship between primary and secondary, classroom teaching is still in a dominant position, and digital technology is an auxiliary means. Digital technology is a tool to promote the digital transformation of ideological and political courses and improve the quality of ideological and political education. The value of technology in the reform of ideological and political courses lies in the transformation, expansion, and enrichment of educational content and methods, and is a means to serve the improvement of classroom teaching quality. No matter what the form of technological innovation is, all technological means must fall on the improvement of teaching quality, and digital technology cannot be blindly superimposed on the classroom in order to follow the trend and compare. Adhering to the content of classroom teaching as king, and constantly improving the quality of ideological and political courses to build morality and build people, is the purpose of the construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Therefore, the participation of digital technology in the construction of "big ideological and political courses" should also be subject to the fundamental task of Lide and cultivating people, and cannot become a "dazzling skill" or "whole job" at the pure technical level. No matter where the space-time field of ideological and political courses is broadened, we must always adhere to the central position of the main channel of the classroom in the construction of digital ideological and political courses, respect the main position of teachers and students in classroom teaching, and consolidate the main channel of classroom teaching to ensure the coordination of the overall classroom content.

  2. Red College Relationship: Digital "Great Ideological and Political Course" Must Adhere to the Value Leadership of Mainstream Ideology

  The construction of "big ideological and political courses" uses digital technology to condense more educational resources, but diverse teaching resources do not mean diversified value orientation. As a direction of ideological and political course reform and innovation, "big ideological and political courses" have the attributes of ideological and political courses to be firmly maintained, we must grasp the red college relationship in the construction of "big ideological and political courses". The "red" here refers to the clear political and ideological attributes of ideological and political courses. As a key course to implement the fundamental task of building people with morality, it is necessary to strengthen the orientation of socialist ideology to the construction of "big ideological and political courses". The "special" here refers to the professional level of digital technology itself, that is, sufficient professional standards can empower the ideological and political class to increase efficiency, otherwise it will be counterproductive. The digital transformation of the "big ideological and political class" should adhere to the principle of political orientation, and appropriately infiltrate the mainstream ideology into the design and application, evaluation and reflection of digital technology, strengthen the mainstream ideology through technology, and at the same time use technology to block the interference of wrong ideas and vulgar information on the classroom, and guide students to form ideological values that meet the requirements of the mainstream socialist ideology.

  3. Relationship between the outside and the inside: Digital technology should deeply empower the education and teaching innovation of "big ideological and political courses"

  The integration of digital technology and "big ideological and political courses", technology is only an appearance, its essence is still a classroom revolution, emphasizing the realization of the teaching effect of ideological and political courses and the effectiveness of classroom teaching. The use of digital technology in "big ideological and political courses" is not for formal teaching performance, but to let technology truly empower the revolution of the teaching mode of ideological and political courses. The most fundamental thing is to reshape the classroom, so that "big ideological and political courses" can take into account the depth of theory, the thickness of history, and the validity of policies. The application of digital technology deeply empowers the education and teaching innovation of ideological and political courses. It is necessary to make full use of learning analysis systems, adaptive systems, AI teaching assistants and other auxiliary teaching technologies to promote the transformation of teaching and learning models in classroom teaching, and promote the transformation of teaching models from the traditional "teacher-student" binary structure to the "teacher-machine-student" multi-structure; also through the collection and sorting of learning and public opinion, accurately analyze the knowledge points that students are interested in and are still confused, scientifically and rationally create teaching scenes, allocate educational resources, and change teaching methods. Realize the "big ideological and political class" model in which teachers "teach" in a targeted manner and students "learn" proactively.

  4. Public-private relations: The digital transformation of the "big ideological and political class" should balance private space and public sphere

  With the rapid development of digital technology, a large amount of data is stored and widely disseminated in the cloud in the form of pictures, videos, animations and other information, and a series of digital ethical issues have arisen. For example, the digital field of ideological and political courses has not only the collection of a lot of private information, but also a transparent public field that needs to be shared. With the embedding of digital technology into classroom teaching scenes, it is more convenient to collect and quantify the identity information and behavioral characteristics of educational subjects. The acquisition and collection of private information and personal data of educational subjects by third-party institutions is easy to infringe the privacy of teachers and students’ private information, personal opinions and other privacy risks, resulting in the privacy and security risks of teachers and students in the digital transformation of "big ideological and political courses". At the same time, those public spaces that need to be shared in the digital world also have issues of fairness in the use of digital technology and information openness. Therefore, in the digital construction of "big ideological and political classes", on the one hand, it is necessary to standardize the management system of technology use in classroom teaching, and integrate ethics into the practice framework of classroom teaching with the operating principles of transparency, credibility, controllability, and security. On the other hand, it is also necessary for ideological and political class teachers to strengthen digital social responsibility in operation, improve their digital literacy, clarify the awareness of rights and responsibilities in the information age, prevent bad and even illegal behaviors such as spying on privacy and leaking information, do a good job in privacy management up and down the classroom, and consciously maintain the ethical order of digital space.

  5. New-old relationship: promote the digital construction of "big ideological and political courses" according to the time, people and circumstances

  In the face of the ever-changing digital wave, the digital reform of "big ideological and political classes" needs to consider and deal with the tolerance limits of teachers of different age groups for new technologies and the appropriate transformation of old and new classrooms in technology. For teachers, to master digital technology, ideological and political class teachers need to mine the educational elements contained in it and integrate it into classroom teaching. However, the speed of digital technology update, the amount of resources provided, and the variety of operation methods can easily cause teachers to be overloaded with technology. Especially for older ideological and political class teachers, some of them are difficult to integrate into the digital world in a short time, so the use of digital technology becomes a burden and shackle for their teaching, and the classroom effect will be counterproductive. For colleges and universities, some schools do not seek teachers’ opinions, do not understand students’ needs, and promote MOOCs, online classes, and virtual simulation ideological and political classes regardless of the actual situation when the preparation of teachers, funds, and technologies is not yet mature. Finally, there may be problems such as teaching content that does not meet students’ needs, or the image quality of the digital link is rough, the operation is inconvenient, and the system responds sluggishly, or the classroom teaching shows the "self-talk" of teachers and technology, which affects the original effect of classroom teaching, reduces the experience of teachers and students, and then arouses the emotional resistance of teachers and students to the digital transformation of "big ideological and political classes". Therefore, to promote the digital construction of "big ideological and political courses", we must combine the teachers’ affordability and actual level, and according to the school’s own development orientation and actual situation, deepen and gradually innovate at every level.

  [This article is a phased achievement of the "Development and Effective Dissemination of Red Cultural Resources Based on Digitalization" (ZDA145-3) and the National University Ideological and Political Course Famous Teacher Studio (University of Science and Technology Beijing) (21SZJS11010008), a major project of the "14th Five-Year" scientific research plan of the State Language Commission]

  [Author Peng Qinghong: Vice President of University of Science and Technology Beijing]

  (Originally published in the 9th issue of China Higher Education Magazine in 2024)

Li Chuanhai: Galaxy E8 has the ability to become a hit for Geely

  [Autohome Industry] On November 17, the 21st Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition officially opened. With the theme of "New Technology and New Life", this year’s auto show continued to play the role of "the vane of the development of China’s auto market". In this auto show, Autohome "Innovation Talk" invited senior executives to discuss the future of the auto market and the future of the industry. Among them, Li Chuanhai, vice president of Geely Automobile Group and president of Academia Sinica, had in-depth exchanges with Autohome.


  In this year’s auto show, "smart" and "electric" are the two major labels on Geely’s booth. The official appearance of (|) shows these two labels quite thoroughly. As the first pure electric flagship sedan of the Galaxy series, the Galaxy E8 has a lot of out-of-the-loop places, such as the wind resistance as low as 0.199, such as the 800v supercharging system, such as the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, such as the 45-inch 8K ultra-clear screen, etc. For this car, Geely Automobile has given great expectations.

  Looking at the first few months of this year, Geely’s performance in the field of new energy is quite impressive. From January to September, Geely’s new energy product sales reached 360,000 units, and in October this year, it exceeded 60,000 units in a single month. Li Chuanhai believes that the rise in performance is closely related to the launch of Galaxy series products. By 2024, Geely Automobile will enter the product year, and there will be relevant layouts in pure electric, intelligent electric hybrid and other technical routes, as well as high-end.

The following is a transcript of the conversation:

  Autohome: Thank you very much for having the time to participate in the Autohome interview. I would like to ask what new products and new technologies Geely has brought to you at this Guangzhou Auto Show? Can you briefly introduce any highlights?

  Li Chuanhai: The main products we bring to the Guangzhou Auto Show this time are based on some of our smart electric products, as well as some technologies of our vehicle to everything. The main new products are the Galaxy series, the Galaxy E8 that will be released today, and the L6 and L7 new energy products, mainly China Star, Boyue series, and some brand new products of the Emgrand series. At the same time, there is our geometric series of Panda mini, and Geometry E. The technology is mainly something to show, Galaxy Smart Space, including the latest generation of Thor Electric Hybrid and some exhibits of 8848.

Geely Automobile, Galaxy E8 2023, basic model

"Galaxy E8"

  Autohome: Geely Galaxy E8 officially debuted with you today. What are your expectations for this new pure electric flagship product? What do you think its core competitiveness is?

  Li Chuanhai: The entire Galaxy series is a blockbuster series of Geely’s new energy transformation. The Galaxy E8 is the first pure electric flagship car of the Galaxy series, and its positioning is our new generation of pure electric flagship in China. Some of its main highlights, there are several major aspects, the first is that we are based on the SEA architecture, which is the first car of Geely brand built on this architecture, because it is a pure electric platform. This architecture is known to everyone. In fact, we spent nearly 5 years and invested nearly 20 billion to create this pure electric architecture. And it is an industry-shared platform. So far, there should be more than 10 brands. Now there should be a total of about 20 cars in development and mass production. It can be said that this architecture should be the most important technology for our Galaxy E8.

  In addition, it also has several major features. We think it is the most beautiful pure electric flagship car. First of all, it is the first mass-produced car in the world. Our integrated luminous front face should be one of our lowest drag coefficients so far, reaching 0.199. This should be the best in the industry. We also think it is the best car to drive, the best to drive a pure electric flagship. Why do you say that? First of all, it is based on the empowerment of our SEA architecture. At the same time, we also have the only chassis adjustment laboratory in the whole industry. On this basis, we can make our products tested in extremely fast elk, and its top speed can reach 82 kilometers per hour. This speed should still be relatively leading in the industry. At the same time, we are also equipped with an 800-volt supercharging system and our high-performance silicon carbide electric drive. Our four-wheel drive product can accelerate up to 100 kilometers in 3.49 seconds, in terms of acceleration performance.

Geely Automobile, Galaxy E8 2023, basic model

"Galaxy E8"

  In addition, we also believe that this car is the safest, because it is still based on the SEA architecture, and it has a good foundation. Through the launch of some of our models on the market in previous years, it should be said that it is the only brand in the industry that has never overheated the battery. At the same time, we also have the SHIELD battery safety system. Based on some of its structural designs, it should be said that we are also the safest in the same class. The body structure design, we believe, is also the safest. At the same time, because it is the longest, widest, most luxurious, and smartest flagship sedan in the same class, on the one hand, it is the largest 45-inch 8K ultra-clear large screen in our class so far, and at the same time, it uses our entire top-class Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip. At the same time, it is also in the industry. The functions applied in artificial intelligence should be the most complete, because we have self-developed Geely, so far the largest parameter level, to the empowerment of intelligent voice of tens of billions of parameter-level large models, and the empowerment of some artificial intelligence products. Its rear row should be said to be the most spacious space in the same class, which constitutes some of the core product competitiveness of our Galaxy E8.

  Autohome: Galaxy E8 actually sounds like there are still many bright spots. This year, Geely’s momentum in the new energy market is still very strong. In October, the new energy penetration rate has exceeded 34%. I would like to ask what is Geely’s secret to setting new highs in new energy?

  Li Chuanhai: This year, Geely’s entire new energy series has been making great progress. Our entire new energy product reached 360,000 units from January to September, especially in October this year. Our new energy achieved more than 60,000 units, mainly due to the launch of our entire Galaxy series of these products. I think the most important cheats, in short, are two aspects. On the one hand, it is our entire product layout, because combined with Geely’s many years of new energy products, some forward-looking technologies and product layouts. So far, our Galaxy from 50,000 to 250,000 series has some layouts in intelligent hybrid and intelligent pure electric series products. In addition, we have been empowered by the technology we have accumulated over the years, such as our SEA architecture and e-CMA architecture, including the new generation of Raytheon Hybrid, as well as the Galaxy NOS intelligent operating system of our smart cockpit, including intelligent driving. We have also launched the leading NOA self-driving system in the same level. Of course, it also includes our layout in the field of artificial intelligence, including our Geely "heaven and earth integration" ecological layout. I think these are the foundations for the accumulation of Geely’s new energy.   

Geely Automobile, Galaxy E8 2023, basic model

"Galaxy E8"

  Autohome: I would like to ask, from March to April this year, the trend of price cuts was still very fierce in the automotive industry. I would like to ask, what is the impact on the future layout of Geely products, including pricing, etc.?

  Li Chuanhai: Because the development momentum of the new energy industry this year is also very strong, the entire industry has launched many products in terms of intelligent hybrid and intelligent pure electricity, but we always believe that the future competition in the industry mainly lies in the competition of value, not the competition of price. With the launch of Geely’s Galaxy series products, how can we fight brand wars, product wars, technology wars, service wars in the industry, and even the moral wars that our chairperson has been emphasizing with us? Through the launch of these high-value products, our brand value can continue to rise. Only by taking this path can the entire Chinese new energy brand have greater development space and opportunities.

  Autohome: What is Geely’s future plan for the new products and technologies you mentioned just now?

  Li Chuanhai: In terms of new products and new technologies, because Geely has invested nearly 100 billion yuan in R & D in the past 10 years, we always believe that the core technology is our brand strategy. We have formed a brand label for our new energy architecture in the aspects of intelligent pure electric architecture. At the same time, we also mentioned the new energy strategy earlier, as well as some foundations of Raytheon Electric Hybrid, and our 800-volt, silicon carbide high-performance electric drive. These aspects are also some of the core technical capabilities that we have to layout and develop for so many years in the new energy strategy. At the same time, Geely has also laid out a lot in the aspects of intelligent driving, which is cost-effective. We are positioned as a popularizer of high-level intelligent driving below the 200,000 concept, and we also have intelligent parking. In the past, we also have layouts in some high-level intelligent driving auxiliary features. Next year, these products will be launched one after another. At the same time, in the smart cockpit, it should be said that there are also a large number of ecological layouts. In artificial intelligence technology, the future will surprise the industry or our users. This may be our next secret weapon.

  Autohome: In the field of intelligent driving, its input-output ratio will be relatively low from the market perspective. Will our investment in this area be doubted? Its input-output ratio is too low, and we feel that the effect is not good. We may be more cautious in this regard.

  Li Chuanhai: This is the only way for the development of this industry, and it is also a law of it. Any new technology in the early stage, you just see the benefits and then make investment decisions, there may be problems. In fact, everyone agrees that in intelligent driving, this is the future direction. No matter what the input-output ratio of the entire industry in intelligent driving is today, Geely always believes that the future path is very clear, so in terms of investment in R & D resources, we are committed to this path at all costs.

Geely Automobile, Galaxy E8 2023, basic model

  Autohome: Now China’s high-end new energy products are becoming more and more abundant, and prices continue to rise. What plans does Geely have in this regard?

  Li Chuanhai: Our Galaxy E8, our entire Galaxy series, the so-called pioneering work of Geely New Energy’s entire transformation, its positioning itself is the positioning of high-value new energy products. Galaxy E8 is our pure electric flagship car as Geely Galaxy. It is positioned as a new generation of pure electric flagship cars in China. We also have high hopes for this product. In the future, we will continue one after another, especially in 2024, which should also be our product year. In the future, there will be many pure electric, intelligent electric hybrid, and even some other products. In our brand upward and high-end, we have some product layouts.

  Autohome: Last question, in the first three quarters of 2023, Chinese brands accounted for about 83% of the entire new energy market. Do you think Chinese brands will continue to have such a high market share in the later stage?

  Li Chuanhai: This is an inevitable result of Chinese brands, and I feel that today is far from reaching its peak. Because the entire Chinese brand is working hard in the field of new energy, electrification, and intelligence, I think everyone has also launched many new technologies and new products. I believe that in the future, the entire Chinese brand will become the most powerful position in our Chinese auto market. I believe that in the future, including the Chinese market and even the international market, Chinese brands will achieve very good results.

Jackie Chan International Action Film Week opens, Zhu Yilong passes on the actor’s awe

1905 movie network news On July 21, the fifth Jackie Chan International Action Film Week kicked off in Datong. Led by Tsui Hark, a seven-member jury composed of the Russian director Sergei Podlov, the New Zealand director Martin Campbell, the Canadian director Paul Haggis, the Japanese action filmmaker Baoaki Kurata, the Thai director Prakia Pingkeyao and the Chinese actor Xu Fan made an official appearance. It will determine the best picture and seven "Iron Man" honors.

Zhu Yilong, as the youth promotion ambassador of this film week, took the stage to pay tribute to action filmmakers and convey the awe of his profession. Jackie Chan and Wu Lei, the youth ambassador of the ancient Great Wall Protection Program, appeared together to call on filmmakers and all sectors of society to pay attention to the protection of the Great Wall.


Tsui Hark leads the international jury to select "Iron Man" Zhu Yilong to pay tribute to action filmmaker Jackie Chan as an idol


This year’s Jackie Chan International Action Film Week features 10 films from China, the United States, Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia, India and other countries competing for Best Picture and seven "Iron Man" honors in different categories.


The jury, which decides the honors, is also more international. It is made up of directors and actors from China, Russia, Canada, Japan and other countries. The famous director, producer, and director of the series, Tsui Hark, is the chairperson of the jury.


Russian director Sergei Podlov; New Zealand director Martin Campbell, who once directed; producer, screenwriter, Canadian screenwriter and director Paul Haggis; Japanese action actor Kurata Baoaki, who has participated in a large number of Hong Kong action films; Thai director Prakia Pingkeyao, who has directed other action films, and Chinese actor Xu Fan, winner of the 14th China Film Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actress, made an official appearance at the opening ceremony as a judge and Chairman Xu Ke.


"These six filmmakers are experienced in film and have different aesthetic experiences in different cultures," Tsui Hark said at the opening ceremony. He saw his participation in Jackie Chan Film Week as a unique experience and learning opportunity, and hoped to share rare professional and aesthetic exchanges with other judges. Tsui Hark also expressed the hope that the selection of various honors this year can be more exciting and fair.


Actor Zhu Yilong, who appeared at the opening ceremony as a youth promotion ambassador for this year’s film week, regarded Jackie Chan as an idol on his career path, and revealed on stage that Jackie Chan’s mobile phone kept a video of Jackie Chan receiving the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement.


"When I saw my eldest brother standing on the stage with a golden golden statuette in his hand, saying his acceptance speech, I was very moved, excited and proud." Zhu Yilong said that Jackie Chan set an example for young actors: "Jackie Chan has become a spirit in my heart. I will use my full strength and focus to interpret the word actor."


Zhu Yilong recalled seeing the hard work of action filmmakers more than once in filming, with people falling, injured and even being taken to the hospital. "Thank you for your efforts," he said onstage. "I feel like you are protecting the well-being of the actors. You are the real unsung heroes of this industry."


Jackie Chan sings "Starlight" to support poverty reduction, Wu Lei brings 100 volunteers to call for the protection of the Great Wall


At the opening ceremony, singers such as Black ACE, Lin Zhixuan, Dimaxi, Jike Junyi, Li Yugang, Li Xinyi, Gao Jin, Wei Yunxi, Lin Junjie, Phoenix Legend and other singers brought wonderful performances to support the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week.


Accompanied by the singing of children’s voices, Jackie Chan also played a song "Starlight" at the opening ceremony. This song is the theme song of the movie channel "Poverty reduction battle – Starlight Action". In the past year, more than 100 Starlight team members have gone to poverty-stricken areas all over the country under the call of the promoter Jackie Chan, and used their influence and appeal to do their part for poverty reduction.


After a year, Jackie Chan returned to Datong, the starting point of the "Starlight Action", and launched the ancient Great Wall protection plan. Jackie Chan once again spoke out for the "Starlight Action", which aims to call on filmmakers and the whole society to join the protection of the Great Wall. The launch of the plan also helps to further carry out poverty reduction, penetrating into the front line, so that the cultural heritage of the Great Wall can truly benefit the poor, which is of great significance to the development of areas along the Great Wall and poverty reduction.


Wu Lei, who took to the stage as a youth ambassador with 100 volunteers to respond to the Great Wall protection plan, said: "By protecting the ancient Great Wall, it is also an honor to be able to continue to contribute a small amount to the fight against poverty. I hope we can call on more young people to join us."


Jackie Chan took over the banner of protecting the Great Wall from Yuan Jianqin, one of the ten most beautiful Great Wall guards in Shanxi Province, and passed it on in turn.In the end, Wu Lei waved the flag in the center of Taiwan and led the audience to recite the oath of "Let’s protect the ancient Great Wall together, and the Great Wall will never fall."


With the opening of the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, a series of activities and screenings will also be carried out in sequence. The best film and 7 "Iron Man" honors selected by the jury led by Tsui Hark will be officially announced at the closing ceremony on July 27. Thank you to FAW-Volkswagen, the official designated car of the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, for your strong support of this event!

Increase the distribution of takeaway smart cabinets, expand contactless delivery services, and increase the supply of materials in key areas in Guangzhou

  Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, at present, the medium and high-risk areas in Guangzhou, Guangdong are under closed management, and all personnel can only enter and exit. During this time, Guangzhou has further increased the supply of materials to these closed key areas to meet the daily needs of residents.

  On the 11th, dozens of trucks loaded with high-quality agricultural products departed from Qingyuan and headed for Guangzhou. These goods, covering more than 10 kinds of high-quality agricultural products such as zongzi, Qingyuan chicken and eggs, were delivered to Liwan District, Yuexiu District and other places in Guangzhou.

  Li Chunni, head of Qingyuan Agricultural Enterprise:The chickens go directly from the chicken coop to the slaughterhouse within 1 hour by special car. The products are operated in strict accordance with standards, and the vehicles and outer packaging are strictly disinfected before leaving the warehouse, and the whole process is cold chain. We will donate 2,000 Qingyuan chickens and 36,000 newborn eggs to express our concern. The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. I would like to say to the staff working on the front line that you have worked hard.

  In addition, in order to ensure the living needs of residents in closed areas, the Guangzhou Municipal Department of Commerce has also launched online and offline supply guarantee enterprises to increase the organization of supply sources and increase the number and types of material supply points. For medium-risk areas, the number of material supply points set up within the community has also increased from the first dozen to 127, making it convenient for residents to purchase.

  Residents of the closed area:This is chicken, vegetables and eggs. You can eat whatever you want. The chicken thighs should be done at night.

  At the same time, the Guangzhou Municipal Department of Commerce has increased the distribution of takeaway smart cabinets offline, expanded contactless distribution services, and ensured the category of materials. On the basis of eight main and by-staple foods such as grain, oil, rice, noodles, meat, poultry, eggs and milk, it has gradually increased the supply of more than 30 varieties of food ingredients such as fruits, cured flavors, biscuits, canned food, and seasonings. In particular, it has increased the supply of food such as rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival to enrich residents’ tables.

  Lin Guoqiang, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce:Now the entire supply has been guaranteed from the very beginning, and gradually through the supply of platforms and the guarantee of offline enterprises, the diversity of residents’ lives has been realized. This includes the supply of our ingredients, the supply of food, and the supply of general daily necessities, which are also gradually being carried out.

Huawei Mate60 is released! The Meizu landscape is open, and the smartphone field is experiencing another innovation boom!

  Huawei officially announced on August 29 that the cumulative shipment of its Mate series of mobile phones has reached 100 million units, which is amazing. And at 12:08 noon on the same day, Huawei launched the "HUAWEI Mate"
60 Pro Pioneer Program ", allowing a few lucky consumers to experience the most powerful Mate mobile phone in history in advance. In the Huawei mall, the Huawei Mate 60 has been put on sale
Pro is priced at 6999 yuan, and provides four color schemes of Yachuan Green, Baisha Silver, Nanwaxy Purple and Yadan Black for users to choose from.

  With Huawei Mate 60
At the same time as the launch of the Pro, Meizu also issued a blog post warmly welcoming the return of the Mate series. Meizu also wrote very carefully on the poster that "the light boat has passed 10,000 mountains", and the picture shows Meizu’s top flagship Meizu 20
INFINITY Unbounded Edition can be said to have far-reaching implications. This year’s Meizu 20 series is also the return of Meizu, which means "heroes cherish heroes".

  HDC 2023 was held earlier this month.
At the Huawei Developers Conference, Yu Chengdong said at the beginning of his speech: "The light boat has passed 10,000 mountains, and Huawei mobile phones are on the road to return." It left unlimited imagination for the majority of netizens. Meizu congratulates the poster for using the "light boat has passed 10,000 mountains" color scheme, which can be said to be very in line with the current situation.

  However, Meizu’s Meizu 20 this time
INFINITY Unbounded Edition is also very eye-catching. This model stands out for its leading industrial design and product manufacturing process, and is positioned as Meizu’s flagship for future exploration, bearing Meizu’s pursuit of "unbounded" aesthetics. In terms of materials, Meizu 20
INFINITY Unbounded Edition is innovatively made of double-sided Meizu Titan glass, which makes the front and back sides of the mobile phone form a perfect integration, fully interpreting the design language and concept of Meizu Infinite Design.

  In terms of configuration, the Meizu 20
INFINITY Unbounded Edition still maintains the top level in the industry. Snapdragon 8Gen2 processor core three-piece set, in terms of screen quality, is equipped with a 6.79-inch super-sensitive 2K + unbounded color screen, BOE’s Q9 material, and this screen achieves true four-sided equal width, and supports SGS low Blu-ray eye protection certification and 1920Hz high-frequency PWM dimming and the highest refresh rate of 120Hz, and has Flyme.
The blessing of the 10 system can bring a more smooth and delicate user experience.

The 60 series has been officially unveiled, and the 20 series of Meizu is also obvious to all. Huawei and Meizu will work hard for the development of smartphones in China. The two brands will continue to bring more advanced products and unparalleled user experience to consumers. In the future, we look forward to Huawei and Meizu jointly exploring the boundaries of technology and bringing more surprises and innovations to the market.

How to calculate the Meituan delivery fee? Meituan takeaway delivery fee collection standard [detailed explanation]

  At present, the delivery fee of most takeaway platforms is 2 to 4 yuan, but sometimes the delivery fee will be 7 or 8 yuan. What is going on? Who made the money? Let’s take a look at the detailed withdrawal rules with the editor.

  Delivery fee rules:

  Friends who have used Meituan may know that delivery is divided into special delivery, crowdsourcing, and merchant self-delivery. Occasionally, there will be merchant self-delivery. What is the difference between these? What is the difference in charges?

  First of all, we need to understand that the delivery fee paid by the customer is set by Meituan and charged by Meituan, and has no relationship with the merchant.

  Secondly, different delivery methods offer different services and prices. Here are the specific analysis results:

  1. Meituan special delivery, as the name implies, is provided by Meituan. The order is grabbed by Meituan riders, which is exclusive to internal personnel. Generally, the system dispatches orders. Meituan special delivery is the monthly salary, and the commission is also fixed. The team is regularized, the delivery speed and service are guaranteed, so the corresponding cost is the highest. The charging model is equivalent to the merchant’s commission + customer delivery fee, and the commission is relatively the highest.

  2. Meituan crowdsourcing is a part-time delivery service. The delivery staff generally not only accepts Meituan’s orders, but also belongs to personal registration behavior. They grab orders by themselves through the Meituan crowdsourcing APP, so the delivery staff is also sufficient. For higher income, the delivery staff grabs orders in a timely manner, and the corresponding delivery speed is also possible.

  The merchants are divided into two types: express delivery merchants and crowdsourcing merchants.

  Meituan extracts 18% of the orders of the express delivery merchants, and the minimum order is 2.5 yuan. In addition, Meituan will provide dynamic platform subsidies and various subsidies for the express delivery merchants (no one takes the order in 10 minutes plus 1 yuan and the maximum is 2 yuan. Chengdu area is like this)

  Meituan takes 5% of the orders of crowdsourced merchants. Only the midnight snack subsidy is 1 yuan. (The midnight snack subsidy starts after 22:00)

Hengda Auto is recruiting agents. Is Hengchi 5 ready to go on sale?

  [Aika Automobile, Industry Information, Original]

  Hengchi, a brand owned by Evergrande, recently posted a message on its official Weibo account about "recruitment of authorized agents".

  For the standard of building a store, Hengchi Automobile requires an exhibition hall area of 200-300 square meters and a display area of more than 150 square meters. In terms of agent qualification requirements, Hengchi Automobile requires agents to agree with Hengchi Automobile’s business philosophy and sales model, be confident in the cause, and be willing to invest in long-term common development; Registered by the national industrial and commercial administration, with independent legal personality and legal business certificate, and the registered capital is not less than 5 million yuan; Have a venue to meet the business needs of Hengchi Automobile; Can form a qualified management team; Good business conditions and sufficient financial strength.


  There are 18 cities for this investment promotion, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Xi’an, Suzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Dongguan, Foshan, Qingdao and Haikou.

  The sales model of Hengchi Automobile specifically includes three aspects: order-based sales and asset-light operation, requiring the exhibition hall to be small, precise and located in the automobile business district, and a unified retail price to ensure sales profits.

  According to the progress previously revealed by the official, the work of the first car (|) is progressing smoothly, and the pre-sale is about to be fully launched. Xu Jiayin also requested that the mass production of Hengchi 5 must be completed before June 22, laying a solid foundation for the healthy and sustainable development of Hengda Automobile.

  Editor’s comment:Entering the new energy vehicle market, Hengda seems to have been well-prepared again and again, but after the official sale of Hengda vehicles, we still don’t know the specific sales situation.

Highlights Review:

Hengchi 5 configuration information is exposed, listed or has been put on the agenda

Pioneer out, first to explore the store Hengchi Auto & real shot Hengchi 5

Hengda Automobile’s first model, Hengchi 5, officially rolled off the assembly line

From "delivery" to "delivery of everything", instant logistics is booming

  Data Source: iiMedia Consulting

  core reading

  In recent years, with the continuous improvement of consumers’ demand for instant time saving, instant logistics with errands as the main form is booming, and the market scale is growing rapidly.

  From "food delivery" to "delivery of all things", consumers’ demand for errand handling services is becoming more and more personalized and diverse, and relevant policies and measures have been introduced one after another to help the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

  Forgot to bring items, use "errands" to help pick up and deliver; on holidays, call a "errand" to send flowers; can’t get out, place an order for "errands" to help pick up numbers… With the continuous improvement of consumers’ immediate time-saving needs, to provide non-standardized new forms of service such as intra-city pickup, purchasing goods on behalf of others, and helping with affairs – errand services are on the rise.

  Recently, the 2022 China errand economy market insight report (hereinafter referred to as the "report") released by relevant consulting institutions shows that the market size of our country’s errand economy will reach 13.10 billion yuan in 2021, and it is expected to reach 66.40 billion yuan in 2025.

  As a new form of service derived from instant logistics, why did errand services rise rapidly? How can we continue to stimulate market potential? In response to these questions, the reporter conducted in-depth interviews.

  From "Delivery" to "Delivery of Everything"

  The service scene is wider and the demand is stronger

  "It’s so convenient to pick up the key at the door in 10 minutes, and deliver it to your parents’ house in 30 minutes!" Recently, Mr. Li from Shanghai’s Pudong New Area found that he had forgotten to return the key to the renovation of the new house to his parents. He sent a round-trip trip of nearly 30 kilometers, so he placed an order through Dada Express to run errands. "Door-to-door at an agreed time, delivered on time and safely, economical and convenient."

  Zhang Yanyan, a *******-based Meituan errand delivery worker, feels the strong demand for errand services. "The ****** is just right, and many consumers go out to enjoy the ******. In recent days, the number ** errand orders delivered to scenic spots has risen rapidly. Since April this year, I have run errands in the urban area for more than 1,000 kilometers." Zhang Yanyan said that the errand job ** helping to deliver forgotten ID cards, picking up parasols, queuing in advance, not only brings convenience to users, but also gains the value ** helping others.

  The "rush, busy, forget" in work and life has become a typical demand scenario for errand services. Data show that 38.4% of consumers use errands to pick up and deliver because they forgot to bring items; 37.3% of consumers use errands to buy things; in addition, the demand for queuing and sending documents is also gradually increasing.

  At the same time, the errand service has a strong holiday attribute. More consumers send gifts and help with errand services to convey their hearts and minds on important festivals. Data show that during the "March 8th" International Working Women’s Day this year, the delivery order volume of flowers and cakes on the Dada Express delivery platform nearly doubled year-on-year.

  From the perspective of consumer groups, consumers in first- and second-tier cities have gradually formed the consumption habit of errand services. Consumers in third- and fourth-tier cities are gradually getting used to using errand services to enjoy the convenience of life. Among them, the post-80s and post-90s use services more frequently, and have become the main force of errand consumption. With the continuous expansion of the errand market and the growth in demand in small and medium-sized cities, errand services will enter more people’s daily lives.

  "As an important part of real-time logistics, errand services are highly efficient, non-standard, regional and complex, and are mainly used to solve consumers’ temporary needs for cross-regional services in a small range." Wang Yuehan, director of the Industrial Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Post Bureau, introduced that from the perspective of service types, errand services are roughly divided into three types of services, such as intra-city pickup, intra-city purchasing, and help services. As consumers’ income levels improve and their personalized needs increase, the application scenarios of future errand services will continue to expand to meet more immediate service needs of consumers.

  Supply and demand continue to force in both directions

  The growth momentum of errand services is strong

  In just a few years, how did errand services rise rapidly and become an indispensable part of people’s daily lives?

  From the demand side, the explosion of immediate demand and the acceleration of consumption upgrades together constitute a strong driving force for the continuous growth of errand services.

  "From food takeaway to retail supplies, and then to errand services, consumers’ demand for timeliness in consumption is constantly improving, and errand services include picking up and delivering goods in the same city, buying and helping in the same city, etc., which can meet consumers’ needs of staying at home and saving time." According to the relevant person in charge of Dada, it is estimated that in 2022, our country’s instant delivery orders will break 40 billion orders, and the user scale will break 750 million. This trend reflects that consumers’ demands for saving time and effort have gradually become rigid demand.

  In Wang Yuehan’s opinion, with the improvement of the income level of residents in our country and the gradual emergence of young people as the main consumer, people’s requirements for life are upgraded from meeting basic needs to pursuing quality, and they have the ability and willingness to pay for services to obtain better products and a more leisurely life.

  From the supply side, the abundant market capacity and logistics technology innovation have strongly supported the sustainable development of errand services.

  The boundaries of the service network continue to expand. Thanks to more flexible employment methods, many errand platform enterprises have gained a large number of employees in a short period of time through crowdsourcing, and built a relatively extensive service network to support the development of large-scale and high-frequency errand services. For example, Dada Express’s local instant delivery business covers more than 2,600 counties (districts and cities) across the country, and millions of knights provide services to consumers, establishing a full-scene service system composed of instant distribution, floor distribution, and personal distribution.

  The real-time delivery experience continues to be optimized. Some errand services rely on platform enterprises to organically integrate business flow, logistics, and information flow. By optimizing resource allocation, they promote supply and demand docking, effectively reduce the search cost between merchants and consumers, and improve the real-time delivery logistics experience.

  By transforming the process of traditional logistics "receiving and transporting" into the direct delivery mode of "receiving" and "sending", SF Express combines the front warehouse layout to shorten the delivery radius, achieve "average 1 hour" city-wide delivery, and improve the efficiency of item delivery; relying on the Meituan "super brain" distribution system, users can automatically complete order matching, path planning and time estimation after placing an order, estimate the delivery time for each order, assign a suitable rider, and design a suitable pickup route for the rider to ensure the consumer experience.

  Service 15 minutes life circle

  Towards diversification, specialization, and orderly development

  In the interview, many companies and experts are optimistic about the development prospects of errand services in our country. They said that in the future, with the rapid development of the local life service industry and the two-way force on both sides of supply and demand, errand services will play an important role in building a 15-minute life circle and play a positive role in facilitating people’s lives and promoting the development of merchants.

  From the initial emergence and rapid development of the catering takeaway scene, the scope of errand services has gradually expanded from catering to retail categories such as supermarkets, daily necessities, and pharmaceuticals, and further expanded to non-standardized services. Wang Yuehan believes that from "delivery" to "delivery of all things", when the habit of using errands to pick up and deliver items is basically developed, consumers have more personalized and diverse non-standard needs for errand agency services, which will further promote the horizontal extension of service types.

  In recent years, relevant policies and measures have been introduced one after another to help the healthy and orderly development of the industry. In August 2021, the "Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Commercial and Trade Logistics (2021-2025) " issued by the Ministry of Commerce and other 9 departments mentioned that it is necessary to improve the front warehouse distribution, store distribution, instant delivery, online order store pickup, self-service pickup and other end distribution models. In January 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the Construction of Modern Circulation System and proposed to improve urban distribution facilities and county and rural express logistics distribution systems, and improve the end network service capabilities.

  Seizing market development opportunities, many companies continue to make efforts to distribute efficiency and service quality, and strengthen the errand economy in better meeting segmented needs. Meituan errands launched the "special person direct delivery" function, and riders only receive one order throughout the process to improve the delivery timeliness and delivery safety of goods; for key categories such as flower cakes, Dada Express is equipped with car delivery services, with an average delivery time of 20 minutes faster than electric vehicles.

  As an emerging business, the errand economy is moving towards high-quality development, which still depends on continuously improving the service standard system and strengthening service quality inspection and evaluation. Wang Yuehan proposed that due to the wide variety and field of errand services, a regulatory mechanism should be built to adapt to the development of new business models of errand services, strengthen cross-departmental joint supervision, innovate supervision models, give full play to the role of smart supervision and credit supervision, and continuously promote the standardized development of services to create a fair and orderly competitive environment.

Geely xingyue l Shanghai auto show real shot

  International Online auto channel News: At the just-opened Shanghai Auto Show, a brand-new model under the Geely brand — Xingyue L also appeared in the booth. Xingyue L was built based on Geely CMA super matrix and was equipped with Volvo Drive-E series 2.0TD in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine. Xingyue L is the latest masterpiece of the design concept in the era of Geely 4.0, and it is also a heavyweight model for Geely to enter a comprehensive architecture.

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1, auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ the first one.

  In terms of appearance, Geely Xingyue L adopts the latest 4.0 design language, and the simple and bright lines give Xingyue L an international style. The front face of Xingyue L is designed with a heavy design, and the air intake grille with a sense of strength matches the rib line of the engine hatch, which highlights the sense of strength of Xingyue L. The angular headlights incorporate two three-stage daytime running lights. C-shaped chrome-plated elements are added to both sides of the front bumper for embellishment, and the chrome-plated decorative strips running horizontally also add a heavy feeling to the front of the car.

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170449

Geely xingyue l

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170513

Geely xingyue l qianmian

  The side of the car body also continues the simple and atmospheric design style of the front of the car, and the black wheel eyebrows also add a hard-core atmosphere to Xingyue L. Although Geely officially positioned the Star Yue L as a compact SUV model, the "L" in the name is not added. The official explanations are Larger, Luxury and Liberate. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the Xingyue L are 4770/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which completely reaches the level of mainstream mid-level SUV. The multi-spoke wheel hub has both a sense of movement and strength, and the size of the front and rear tires is 245/45 R20.

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170555

Geely xingyue l

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170503

Geely xingyue l

  The shape of the rear of the car is simple and layered. There are 8 LED light sources on both sides of the penetrating taillights, which form a lattice layout after lighting. The concave license plate frame design below reveals the luxury of the atmosphere. Although the Xingyue L adopts the hidden exhaust with double sides and double outlets, chrome trim strips are still used on both sides of the rear bumper to outline the shape of the tail row.

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170531

Geely xingyue l interior

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170538

Geely xingyue l interior

  In terms of interior, the full European style of Xingyue L adopts the concept of Geely’s "Instrument Panel Layout 4.0 Design" and the matching mode of upper dark color and lower light color. Among them, the interior of the "Cuiyu Blue" color matching model adopts the color matching of black and Cuiyu Blue, and the color painting of matte gold is added in the middle, which highlights the calm and elegant beauty. The two-color leather steering wheel also enhances the interior texture of the Star Yue L, which can give drivers the feeling of European luxury models both visually and tactilely.

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170535

Geely xingyue l engine

Auto channel [focus carousel+topic 1 auto show news+focus information] _fororder_ WeChat pictures _20210420170544

Geely xingyue l shift mechanism

  In terms of power, Xingyue L is built on the basis of Geely CMA super matrix. It is equipped with Volvo Drive-E series VEP4 inline four-cylinder all-aluminum turbocharged mid-range direct injection gasoline engine, which is divided into two versions: high and low power. The low power version has a maximum power of 160kW and a peak torque of 325N·m, while the high power version has a maximum power of 175kW and a peak torque of 350 N m.. In terms of transmission, the 7-speed wet DCT gearbox and the 8AT gearbox from Aisin are matched by different powers. (Author: Wu Keming)




Evergrande, the latest announcement! Real estate stocks, rebound

  On October 20, class A shares fell below 3,000 points.

  The broader market continued to adjust throughout the day, and the three major indexes all hit new lows for the year.Lost 3,000 points. As of the close, the Shanghai index fell 0.74%, the Shenzhen index fell 0.88%,Down 0.88%.In terms of sectors, lithium mining, real estate,Power equipment and other sectors are among the top gainers, with lithography machines, CPO,Satellite navigation and other sectors led the decline.

  Shanghai and Shenzhen trading volume 731.70 billion yuan today, compared with the previous trading day shrinking 81 billion yuan. Northbound funds sold a net 1.646 billion yuan throughout the day, of whichNet purchase 637 million yuan,Net sales 2.283 billion.

  Following the collective action of 10 central enterprises on October 16, a central enterprise listed company also disclosed the increase in holdings andOn the evening of October 19, another seven central enterprises controlled listed companies or their majorAnnounced an increase or repurchase plan to convey confidence in development with real money.So far, in just four days, 19 listed companies of central enterprises have joined the repurchase team.

  recentlyIt is pointed out that the "bottom of the market" characteristics of the class A share market appear, and the broader market may continue to trend repeatedly. Whether it falls below 3,000 points is no longer important. From the perspective of historical laws, it is better to explore new investment opportunities and pay attention to the industries and stocks that have recently stabilized and strengthened against the trend.

  It is believed that the moderate recovery of our country’s economy in the fourth quarter will continue, and various positive factors favorable to China’s assets are accumulating. It is expected that the market downward space is limited, and the upward direction is not yet clear. It is recommended to gradually increase the position.

  October 20,The hearing, originally scheduled for October 25, 2023, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, will be postponed.

  Plate collective adjustment

  In terms of decline, the plate collectively adjusted, and the direction of lithography machines led the decline.Limit down. Top stocks continued to fall sharply,,,Wait for the limit to drop.

  Real estate sector rises

  The real estate sector rebounded today.,,By the daily limit.,,Wait for the rise.

  According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in September, the sales prices of new commercial housing in first-tier cities were flat month-on-month, and the year-on-year increase expanded. Second-hand housing rose month-on-month, and the year-on-year decrease narrowed. Sales prices of commercial housing in second- and third-tier cities fell month-on-month, with year-on-year increases and decreases.

  Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that the optimization policy of real estate is being released continuously and has a positive effect. There is still a process to play the policy. Real estate is generally in an adjustment stage, and policy implementation must be done well in the later stage.

  In addition, following the extension of the maximum loan period for the purchase of existing housing by the housing provident fund and the adjustment of policies such as talent housing in Lingang New Area, Shanghai has once again optimized the provident fund loan policy.

  A few days ago, the Shanghai Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee reviewed and approved the "Notice on Optimizing the Identification Standards for Individual Housing Loans in the Municipal Housing Provident Fund". Compared with the previous provident fund loan policy, the latest policy mainly relaxed the identification standards for first suites.

  The research report said that the current real estate industry is in the policy support period and the effect observation period. According to the calculation of liquidity indicators, even under the assumption that sales in the second half of the year continue to be weak in the first half of the year, the possibility of new liquidity problems in the top real estate enterprises during the year is still low. Follow-up recommendations focus on the disposal mode and clearing process of housing enterprises with stock problems.The industry’s risk exposure to real estate enterprises is prudently controllable, and the risk exposure is currently in the middle and late stages.

  It is believed that demand-side policies have been gradually released, and it is expected that more cities will better implement and optimize real estate policies, and form a joint force with other packages of economic policies to jointly promote economic recovery and stabilize residentsExpectations and home purchase demand. Optimistic about cities with abundant supply elasticity and high-quality real estate companies with abundant value and strong replenishment capabilities in mainstream cities.

  The wind power sector is active

  The wind power sector rose today, led by offshore wind power.20CM daily limit,,,By the daily limit.Up more than 10%,,Wait for an increase of more than 7%.

  National Energy AdministrationAnd Wang Dapeng, Deputy Director of the Renewable Energy Department, at Beijing InternationalThe conference said that in the next step, the National Energy Administration will adhere to China’s national conditions and reality, anchor the peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality target, strengthen the top-level design, and promote the high-quality leap development of wind power. It will combine the key tasks identified in the "14th Five-Year" renewable energy development plan to increase policy supply, improve the system and mechanism, and issue relevant policies for the development and construction of deep-sea and far-sea wind power as soon as possible. Actively promote the large-scale development of offshore wind power, organize and carry out far-reaching offshore wind power demonstration, and promote the continuous reduction and efficiency of offshore wind power by supporting technological and model innovation.

  In fact, offshore wind power catalysis has been positive recently. Recently, the Guangdong 7GW sea breeze competition project was released, the Jiangsu Guoneng Longyuan Sheyang 1GW sea breeze project was approved in the early stage, the Guoxin Dafeng project sea area use application was publicized, and the Three Gorges Dafeng project was invited to carry out construction design. All of these indicate that the sea breeze constraints have been lifted and the offshore wind power construction process has continued to accelerate.

  The research report pointed out that the global new wind power installed capacity will continue to maintain steady growth, with offshore wind power growing fasterIn the case of falling unit prices, the large-scale unit, the choice of unit technology route, the localization of parts and the application of cost-reducing components deserve attention; the whole machine enterprises and parts enterprises are actively exploring overseas markets. Although they face some challenges, they still have obvious competitiveness with good product performance and service, and some of them have obvious advantages. Comprehensive market, technology and overseas market development, it is recommended to pay attention to the links of pile foundation, submarine cable, elevator and bearing.

  The commercial retail sector rose abnormally

  Up more than 5%,,And so on.

  According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in September,The year-on-year increase was 5.5%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points from the previous month, and the growth rate accelerated for two consecutive months, indicating that consumption has entered the peak season of "gold nine silver ten".

  Institutional analysis believes that the end point retail orders of the industry’s leading brands will start to improve month-on-month, and the improvement of end point retail will drive the fourth quarter operation beyond expectations.

  11 connected plates

  "Popularity King" continued to soar, rising by the limit again today.

  The data shows that it went public within the year of exclusionandAfter that, the 11-plate tiedSince September 28, Shenglong shares have risen by the limit for 11 consecutive trading days, with a cumulative increase of more than 185%. It has become a veritable "demon king" in the eyes of investors since the second half of the year.

  The strengthening of Shenglong shares, andThe explosion of the concept is closely related. Shenglong shares previously said that the company has developed through Qingshan Industry, Chongqing Xiaokang, etcIt is equipped with electronic oil pumps and other products, and has obtained project designation. And the recently popular Q Jie M7 is the latest product jointly created with Huawei.

  However, Shenglong shares issued the latest risk warning announcement on the evening of the 19th, saying that in 2022 and 2023 semi-annual, the company will provide supporting oil pumps and other products19.151 million yuan and 10.2288 million yuan respectively, accounting for 1.29% and 1.5% of the company’s operating income, accounting for a relatively small proportion, and the profit and loss generated by the project has minimal impact on the company.

  In the first half of 2023, Shenglong shares achieved total operating income of 684 million yuan, an increase of 2.93% year-on-year2724.58 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 35.18%; non-net profit 4.3799 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 86.05%.

  Up more than 15%

  The concept stocks rose sharply in the afternoon, rising more than 15%.

  The midday announcement said that the company recently received the US FDA’s on-site inspection report (EIR) for Pingshan Branch, and the preparation production base of Pingshan Branch passed the FDA’s on-site inspection. This cGMP (Current Drug Production Quality Management Practice) inspection covers one workshop and three workshops, and the products are Cetrarec Acetate and Liraglutide Injection for Injection.

  What is it?

  The hearing originally scheduled for October 25 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York has been postponed

  On October 20, the announcement of the listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said that based on the company’s current situation and consultations with consultants and creditors, the company is revising the proposed changesTo match the objective circumstances of the company and the requirements of creditors. In view of the above, the Agreement Arrangement Approval Hearing in respect of the Hong Kong Evergrande Agreement Arrangement originally scheduled for October 16 and 17, 2023 at 10:00 am (Beijing time) and the Agreement Arrangement Approval Hearing in respect of the Space-based Agreement Arrangement were cancelled. The Agreement Arrangement in respect of the Cayman Islands Evergrande Agreement Arrangement originally scheduled for October 5, 2023 at 10:00 am (Cayman Islands time) approved the hearing to be postponed indefinitely. The Agreement Arrangement in respect of the Scenic Agreement Arrangement originally scheduled for October 3, 2023 at 10:00 am (BVI time) approved the hearing to be postponed indefinitely. In addition, the company’s application to the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York for recognition of an offshore workout agreement arrangement under the legal systems of Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands (BVI) under Chapter 15 of the United States Code has been postponed from the hearing originally scheduled for October 25, 2023 in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.