Tong Mengshi’s "Qingyu Nian 2" finale, the perfect transformation of Wuzhu attracts the audience

 As the youngest of Fan Xian’s six fathers, Tong Mengshi played Wuzhu, and audiences have been eagerly anticipating his appearance since the broadcast of "Qingyu Nian 2". According to Tong Mengshi, in addition to makeup and rest, 90% of the time on the set is to wear blindfolds, which are almost completely invisible during night scenes, and need to rely on audible identification to complete the performance. During the day, you can follow the figure while filming blindfolded, but at night it is more troublesome and requires repeated shots. This extreme interpretation method and the difficulty of performing make Wuzhu’s role more engaging, but it also tests the actor’s acting skills.

  As a robot, Wuzhu itself is fundamentally different from humans in terms of emotion, cognition and behavior. When interpreting Wuzhu, Tong Mengshi is required to present the robot’s mechanical characteristics and artificial intelligence behavior patterns through precise body control, suppression of emotional expression and special processing of voice. In terms of body language, Tong Mengshi makes the audience feel the non-human characteristics of the character through repeated and meticulous practice. Every shot of Wuzhu is precise and decisive, like a sharp sword unsheathed, showing its sharp edge. In terms of language performance, Tong Mengshi’s feeling of language frustration in the corner of Wuzhu is also in place. The electronic voice and intonation of the character design enhance the character’s convincing power, allowing the audience to enter the play in one second.

  The segment that moved the audience was the mutual trust between Wuzhu and Fan Xian. On the wedding night, Wuzhu secretly sneaked into Fan’s mansion to give advice. Wuzhu, who was confused with memory, didn’t even dare to believe himself, but still chose to protect and trust Fan Xian. He was no longer the mechanical existence who would only follow orders and perform tasks, but a living individual with his own thoughts, emotions and choices. In terms of emotional expression, Tong Mengshi skillfully completed Wuzhu’s evolution from rationality to sensibility, not only maintaining the essential characteristics of the robot, but also showing its gradually awakening human face, adding human warmth to the cold and treacherous world of martial arts.

  Tong Mengshi’s portrayal of the character of Wuzhu in "Qingyu Nian 2" reflects a high degree of physical training and emotional regulation ability, and has a deep understanding and analysis of the role of Wuzhu, which is affectionately called "Xiao Zhuzhu" by the audience. Next, Tong Mengshi also has "National Color Youth", "Qianqiu Ling", "New God Condor Heroes", "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker King Power", "Young White Horse Drunk Spring Breeze" and "Real Warrior" to be broadcast, which is worth looking forward to.


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