Ministry of Transport: Set the online car-hailing platform commission online, and require the announcement of the commission ratio

CCTV NewsWhat is it?On the 18th.The State Council’s regular policy briefing will introduce the guiding opinions on safeguarding the labor security rights and interests of workers in new employment forms.

At present, there are 236 online car-hailing platform enterprises in the country, and more than 3.51 million licensed online car-hailing drivers. However, after individual online car-hailing platforms have gained market dominance, they can adjust the pricing rules and other business strategies at will, and set too high a proportion, which induces drivers to work overtime and drive fatigued, infringing on the driver’s labor rights and interests such as labor remuneration and rest.

In response to these problems, the Ministry of Transport will combine the actual situation of the reform and development of the online car-hailing industry, and work with relevant departments to accelerate the implementation of various measures in the "Guiding Opinions" to effectively protect the labor rights and interests of online car-hailing drivers and other groups. The key points include four aspects:

The first is to consolidate the main responsibility of the platform enterprise, guide and supervise the online car-hailing platform enterprises to employ workers in compliance with the law, adopt more employment contract employment methods, implement the responsibility of protecting the rights and interests of drivers, and reasonably determine the rights and obligations between the platform and the driver.

The second is to standardize the business behavior of platform enterprises, requiring online car-hailing platform enterprises to standardize their independent pricing behavior, reduce the excessive proportion of the commission, strengthen communication and negotiation with drivers, set the upper limit of the commission, and announce it to the public.

The third is to ensure the reasonable labor compensation of drivers, and to urge online car-hailing platform enterprises to comprehensively consider factors such as the nature of work, labor intensity, work tasks, local average wages, and market operating conditions, and reasonably determine the driver’s labor compensation standards and make them known to the public.

The fourth is to protect the driver’s reasonable rest rights and interests, requiring online car-hailing platform enterprises to continuously optimize the dispatch mechanism, improve the operation efficiency of the vehicle during the online period as much as possible, scientifically determine the driver’s working hours and labor intensity, avoid overtime labor and fatigue driving, and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of the majority of online car-hailing drivers.