A special session on "Data-Driven Operational Growth" in Beijing to explore the disruption and advancement of APP operations

On August 23rd, the first Beijing Station of the "Data-Driven Operational Growth" City Tour Salon was successfully held! At the event site, the first push invited user growth expert Xu Zichao, author of "Super Operation" Han Xu, senior product manager of Mango TV Roman Ling, COO of Mengbao Company Liu Mengchen, and senior product expert Yuan Ziwei, to share in depth about "APP operation breakthrough and advancement", bringing new ideas, new strategies and new methods for APP operation growth in the digital intelligence era to the on-site guests and online audiences. At the scene, everyone also fully exchanged views on hot topics such as data value mining, digital intelligence operation system construction, digital intelligence growth strategy design and implementation, and created a new path for APP operation growth.

Nowadays, many Internet companies are accelerating the upgrade of digital intelligence, mining deeper user value through "data-driven", improving operational efficiency and effectiveness, and is becoming the operating consensus of Internet people. At the event site, user growth expert Xu Zichao also said that the current is in the transition stage of the decline of Internet technology dividends and the outbreak of artificial intelligence technology dividends. Artificial intelligence has become a new productivity, so operations also need to shift from human experience-driven to data and algorithm-driven in order to better solve the growth problem.


User growth expert Xu Zichao shared on site

As an old friend of the majority of APP, Weitui has been deeply cultivated in the mobile Internet industry for more than ten years, serving hundreds of thousands of APP customers such as People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Central Video, Sina Weibo, Mango TV, Didi Chuxing, Ele.me, and Pocket Life. From providing third-party push notification services for developers to now providing digital intelligence operation services and overall solutions for APP, Weitui has accumulated profound practical experience in data-driven operation growth. The holding of the "Data Driven Operation Growth" city tour salon is also to create a platform for the industry to share experience methods and create solutions, help more partners "make good use of data", and fully tap the value of data to achieve cost reduction and efficiency in the operation process.

At the salon site, Yuan Ziwei, a senior product expert, brought the company’s digital intelligence operation methodology and service cases, allowing the audience to intuitively feel the huge driving effect of data and algorithms on APP optimization products and operation strategies, user experience upgrade and user value transition.


Yuan Ziwei, a senior product expert, shared on the spot

Digital intelligence growth is the only way for APP operation to break and advance. However, there are still many pain points and difficulties in how to implement the digital intelligence operation growth strategy. In this salon, senior Internet operation expert Han Xu and operation growth traders from Mango TV, Mengbao Company and other Internet companies shared their valuable experience in designing and implementing digital intelligence growth strategies in APP operation scenarios such as content operation, product iteration, and commercialization.

Senior Internet operation expert Han Xu shared on the spot

Roman Ling, Senior Product Manager of Mango TV, shared on site

Liu Mengchen, COO of Mengbao Company, shared on the spot

At the salon, the guests shared a lot of dry goods, which resonated with many audiences. The "Data-Driven Operational Growth" Urban Tour Salon departed from Beijing and will continue to bring together many senior experts in the Internet industry to bring digital intelligence growth cases of vertical APPs and innovative practices in data applications, and work together to create a new picture of digital intelligence growth.

Group photo of the speakers and the audience