Write songs for Kunling! Jay Chou’s "Skyfire" theme song makes a surprise debut

1905 movie network news Recently, the film "Sky Fire" held an advanced screening event in Beijing. At the event, the chief producer Dong Wenjie revealed the good news that Jay Chou sang the movie’s theme song, which aroused cheers from the audience. Jay Chou himself even posted on social platforms to urge fans to support "Sky Fire" and "go to the cinema to listen to the song".


Jay Chou composed and sang the theme song of "Skyfire", surprising "Easter Egg" with sincerity and dedication

On December 7, Jay Chou posted a surprise message on his personal social platform: "You must not know when I wrote the song. It won’t take long to write a good song, as long as you feel it. The theme song of the movie" Sky Fire "was just completed today, and each song has been brewing for a long time. How about listening to the new song directly in the cinema this time?" Once the news was released, it instantly ignited a heated discussion among fans on the whole network, sending Jay Chou’s lyrics for Kunling’s new film to a hot search. While eating dog food, netizens said: "After waiting for so long, I finally waited! Be sure to go to the cinema to watch" Sky Fire "and listen to the new song!" And fans even opened the private mode to express their support for Jay Chou and his sister-in-law.

According to the producer, the theme song of "Skyfire" is titled "I Believe So". Jay Chou not only arranged the composition and singing of the theme song, but also invited his close friend Fang Wenshan to write the lyrics himself. For the "Skyfire" crew, this is a particularly precious and unexpected surprise gift.

Due to the time and cycle required for the film to be released and copied, the main film of "Skyfire" had been completed and sent to more than 10,000 movie studios across the country before December 7. In order to give fans the opportunity to hear the theme song of "Skyfire" freshly released by Chairperson Zhou on the big screen and in the shocking sound environment of the cinema, the producer rushed to produce the behind-the-scenes MV of "I Believe So" overnight. In this 4-minute and 26-second behind-the-scenes MV of the movie, everyone can not only hear the beautiful melody and beautiful lyrics of the theme song, but also learn about the behind-the-scenes shooting and production of the movie "Skyfire" through the behind-the-scenes MV screen of the movie, and understand how the shocking pictures in the movie were shot frame by frame.


Volcano theme visual effects are huge, and the ingenious theme song explodes "effect" to celebrate the New Year

It is well known that Jay Chou himself has also served as a film director. His masterpieces "The Secret That Can’t Be Said" and "Rooftop Love" are quite classic and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although he has not directed any new films in recent years, he has also been paying close attention to the development of Chinese films. It is reported that Jay Chou felt very much after watching the completion of "Sky Fire" and immediately wrote this theme song, which has a beautiful melody, is majestic and touching.

After five years of preparation and two years of filming and post productin, "Sky Fire" tells the story of the "Sky Fire Family" led by Li Wentao (Wang Xueqi) and Li Xiaomeng (Kunling) who faced extreme challenges when the volcano erupted, and used their wisdom and courage to fight against nature and save themselves and him on the dangerous volcanic island. After the advanced screening of "Sky Fire", experts and scholars have given high praise to this Chinese-language screen ingenuity. After the screening, the reputation was bursting, causing the audience’s expectations to soar.